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11th October 1963
11th October 1963
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Page 1, 11th October 1963

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M ANY compliments were paid at the Traders Road Transport Association conference to the paper on plating given by Mr. H. B....

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More Socialist Shocks in Store?

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT M AJOR upheavals are intended if the Socialists achieve power, but Mr. Harold Wilson at...

T.D.G. BUYS RUNCORN TRANSPORT 'THE entire issued share capital of

I Runcorn Transport Services Ltd. and of its associated companies, Weston Tippers 'Ltd. and R.T.S. Warehousing Ltd:, has been...

Re-N. for some?

From our Industrial Correspondent DENATIONALIZATION of road IX haulage, together with that of steel, is still one of the top...

Page 9

Roads Should Have Priority'

THERE is no way of avoiding the fact that year by year road transport is becoming the dominant form of transport, so that much...

New Lanark Centre L ANARK COUNTY COUNCIL'S 1 --.4 new transport administration

centre was opened at Bellshill on Monday. Built at a cost of £220,000, the centre will increase the efficiency and reduce the...

Dr. B. on Efficiency L'INDING a very cheap method of

transferring goods between road and all was a key problem in British Railwas' plans to exploit their own characteristics...

State C-licence Plans, Says Co-op Union

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT F OLLOWING "expressions of concern " from the Co-operative Wholesale Society and the London...

Concern at Propos ed Edinburgh Bans

L OADING and unloading bans proposed by Edinburgh Corporation are causing concern to the Traders Road Transport Association and...


users in the true costs of the service they buy must be continuous if the haulier is to have any future as a business man. His...

Page 11

Sequel to Union Man's Road Death

THE death of the former chairman of the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association, Mr. John Cosgrove (40), of Perth, while a...


B.O.C. Sale Drivers : Nine drivers of the British Oxygen Co. Ltd., Carlisle arca, entered the la.o.S,P.A, competition for 1962...

Subsidies, Congestion and incentives

" AILWAYS have been overtaken by I. the road vehicle; they have proved themselves unable to keep pace with certain forms of...

Three Accuse d Sent for Trial

'THREE men accused at Harlow Court i on 20 charges involving stolen lorries were on Monday sent for trial to Essex Quarter...

Transport Tribunal

Q1X appeals are down for hearing next La/ week in Lkindon by the Transport Tribunal. They are:— Tuesday, Ocroher 15: Thomas...

Page 13

DLEAD1NG guilty to 14 of 30 sum

monses, a London haulier and his wife were fined a total of £140 and £102 18s. costs at Ealing Magistrates Court last week....

U.T.A. Charges Up

QUS and rail fares and freight charges LI are to be increased in Northern Ireland on October 28, the Ulster Transport Authority...

W IDELY different views about the transport policy proposals put forward

by the E.E.C. Commission have been expressed - in discussions between delegates of the six member nations in Brussels in the...

Page 15

Mr. George B. Howtlen, chairman of the Ulster Transport Authority

since l93, retired at the end of last month. At a U.T.A. board luncheon in the Midland Hotel, Belfast, Mr. Howden was presented...

Obituary w E regret to record the death of Mr Maurice

H. Cave. Mr. Cave, who died suddenly last week at his home, was honorary treasurer of the Institute of the Motor Industry, a...

Halifax, Huddersfield and Manchester Fares Up

A T Leeds last week the Yorkshire rA Traffic Commissioners granted fare increases to Halifax Corporation, Huddersfield...

Saturday Surcharge Receipts Disappointing

IN a reserved decision the Scottish I Traffic Commissioners have now approved an application by Glasgow Corporation for...

Switch Bid Adjourned A N application by General Wharfage and Roadways

(Liverpool) Ltd. was adjourned at Liverpool on Tuesday, as the North Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe,...

Contract A for Rail Road

A N eight-vehicle Contract A licence 1 - 1 has been granted to Rail Road Distribution Ltd., of London, in connection with the...

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Welsh L.A. Told of Many Defective Vehicles

A FTER hearing of the condition in r1 which vehicles and depots of a large South Wales haulage firm were found when visited by...

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THE . Transport Tribunal, in London last week, reserved its decision on a British Railways appeal against the North Western...

Steel-carrying Appeal Before High Court

T HE Court of Appeal on Friday reserved judgment in an appeal by three road hauliers challenging a decision W. the Transport...

Section 178 Inquiries Adjourned I NQUIRIES under section 178(1Xd) of

the 1960 Road Traffic Act concerning two A-licensed hauliers have been adjourned by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr....

Tribunal to Consider 'Outsiders'

T O what extent, and in what circumstances, was it right for one Licensing Authority to authorize work in another traffic area...

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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TALKS on the latest pay claim by I London's 35,000 busmen are due to be resumed today...

Special Single-deckers for Londonderry

B ECAUSE of difficulties of operating in Derry City a dozen new buses have been built by the Ulster Transport Authority to...

New L.T.B. Division A NEW "central division" of the PI

central bus organization of London Transport will be created this month, and is the latest move in the battle against traffic...

Clyde Valley Transport Study

PA A COMMISSION to inquire into the future transport needs of the Clyde Valley area is the likely outcome of a meeting in...

Trent Wants Express Service P ERMISSION to run daily express services

from Alfreton to London at half the cost of the present rail fare will be sought by the Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd. The...

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Buses for Clyde Tunnel A N application by Glasgow Corporation to

operate the first bus service through the new Clyde tunnel at Whiteinch was granted by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners in...


operator, who did more than £1,000worth of damage to Competitors' coaches because he believed they were responsible for his...

Heaters for Central L.T. Buses

L ONDON TRANSPORT has embarked on a four-year programme of installing saloon heaters in RT, RF and RLH buses of the central...

Could Eliminate Hardship

IF passenger services on the railway line I from Selby to Goole (Yorks) were withdrawn, hardship would be eliminated, with one...

Unwanted by Public

A MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT ri inquiry in Durham last week was told that the decision by the Northern Traffic Commissioners in...

Better Results for Liverpool: A surplus of £93,794 for Liverpool

Corporation transport in the year ended March 31 last was in sharp contrast with a deficit of £346,559 in the previous year,...

Halifax Results: The Halifax Corporation Transport's net surplus for the

year ended March 31 last was £41,890. which was £16.543 less than in the previous year and the lowest since 1959. Total...

Stanley Bus Station?: Stanley (Co. Durham) Urban Council is considering the building of a bus station.

Dundee Results: The Dundee transport department had a net revenue

balance of £83,747 in the year ended May 15 last, compared with £81,665 in the previous year. The total number of passengers...

Page 48

Leasing for E.R.F.

N EW E.R.F. vehicles can now be obtained under a leasin g scheme, usually for a period of three years, arran g ed by the United...

America-U.K. Agreement on Plastics Production

W. ROBERTS LTD., a Turner and J. Newall company, has si g ned an a g reement with the Molded Fiber Glass Body Co. of Ashtabula,...

1.0.T. Presidential Address

T HE presidential address to the Institute of Transport by Mr. Keith Granville will be given at the inau g ural meetin g of the...

Fuel Consumption Up

F IGURES published by the Petroleum Information Bureau show that in the first half of this year the total U.K. demand for...

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Transport Course

PA A ONE-DAY course on "Transport Looks Ahead" is being arranged by the Sheffield College of Technology in association with the...

Loline Line A SEPARATE production line for Loline double-decker bus chassis

has now been established by Dennis Bros. Ltd., of Guildford, alongside the lines on which the company's rationalized...

U.S. FRUEHAUF'S NEW STAKE IN CRANES T HE Fruehauf Corporation of

America, through its German subsidiary, Fruehauf Internationale A.G., is to get a one-third stake in the ordinary share capital...

Quantity Production of Plastics Bodies and Cabs

NAOBILE shops employing-an extensive IVI use of glass-reinforced plastics are being manufactured in large numbers by Longwell...

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U.S. Lorry Production Boost Outstrips Cars

A MERICA'S "big five car and lorry producers--as distinct from those concerns which make commercial vehicles only—continue...


Ackermann In France: The German heavy commercial vehicle manufacturer Ackermann Fahrzeugbau of Wupperthal has set up a...


MORE A.E.C. SALES IN AUSTRALIA: Orders for 56 goods and passenger chassis were placed through A.E.C. (Australia) Pty., last...

ROAD and WORKSHOP y o ;Land m an

Almost Hobson's Choice' FREQUENTLY the transport engineer is faced with that repair situation which he has come to dislike...


Have you an idea that is worth passing on to other readers ? It must relate to maintenance practice. If a panel, on which...

Page 53

T HE full range of Italian-made Boss paeumatic and electropneumatic horns

is now available from Lodestone Automob:les Ltd., 8 Winton Court, 15 Lovelace Road, Surbiton, Surrey, the recently appointed...

Driveless Hubodometer A N accuracy of within 2 per cent

is claimed for Engler Drivcless Hubodometcrs for which Counting Instruments Ltd., has recently been appointed sole U.K....

Car-Portable Radio A SHORT time ago The Ever Ready Co. (Great

Britain) Ltd. introduced the Sky Tourer, an improved and restyled version of its car-portable radio. As this type of...

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Bird's Eye

view I HAVE attended quite a lot of conferences in my time, but I have never seen a president get such a tremendous standing...

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T HERE'S no denying that Lord Stonham's views on road transport have not endeared him to the road transport industry. But that...

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A Successful Fil Venture

By S. Buckley Assoc. Inst. T. Dr. Beeching faces his customers T HE first national conference of the Traders Road Transport...

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The Measurement of Standards

By W. C. Wilson, M.INST.T.,M.I.R.T.E. IN a sphere where inconsistency is the only consistent A factor, it has been of great...

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Frank Burravoe discusses co-operation among hauliers G ENTLEMEN of the haulage industry, faites vos jeux! In other words, make...

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. . the road operator may be

wondering what he is supposed WRITES to do' These, in the day when heaven was falling, The hour when earth's foundations...

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Cylinder-head Gasket Failures

THE letter by Mr. C. W. Boucher in your issue of September 20 concerning the considerable number of cylinder-head gasket...

Smoke, Maintenance and Labour M UCH has been said recently about

smoke emission and also the lost men of industry. As a qualified vehicle fitter I would like, through the medium of your paper,...

Don't Blame Operators I HAVE been reading with interest the features

in your series "Black Smoke: Causes and Cures ". But surely, everybody seems to have missed the point, that is pollution of the...

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FOR PROFIT By S. Buckley Publicity Pays A WELTER of reports in recent months—and more to follow —on most aspects of...

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Publicity Pays

auxiliary fleets (including maintenance replacement vehicles and breakdown recovery vehicles) and sundry items. The group...

Chances his arm

It is often the case that, when considering entering into haulage, the would-be operator, in making his initial survey of...