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11th September 1964
11th September 1964
Page 1
Page 1, 11th September 1964

Page 45

The Cost of Dirt

W HAT is the cost of a few small specks of dirt---£60, EN, £100? It depends, of course, on their location. In the back garden...

Page 46

R.H.A. Recommends Demurrage

Tli E executive committee of the Road Haulage Association has recommended to members that demurrage should be charged as a...


A T its meeting on October 1, the national council of the R.H.A. will be asked to approve the disbandment of the sugar beet...

Parcel Rates Out T HE opening of the new Forth Road

Bridge has brought immediate savings to users in Scotland of certain B.R.S. Parcels services. British Road Services have...

R.H.(79) Next Week: The Road Haulage Wages Council proposals for

elimination of Grade 2 as a separate area and for an increase in overtime pay rates (time and a half to be paid after the first...


rA A RESOLUTION proposing that certi fi cates of fi tness and periodic inspections should be introduced for all goods vehicles...


T HE headquarters staff of British Road Services Ltd., the general haulage company in the B.R.S. group, and B.R.S. (Contracts)...


MEXT Sunday, September 13. 238 finalists come together to dispute the final round of the 1964 Lorry Driver of the Year...

Page 47

Manchester Observer Corps

A NTI-THEFT patrols are expected to — k start operating in the Manchester _ma on October 5. Road Haulage kssociation and...

Page 48

Registration of TIR Trailers , a Problem for Discussion

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A MEETING of the I.R.U. group ot TIR experts, at which both the Road Haulage Association and the...

New North-east Roads

i tORK on the Greatham diversion scheme on the A689 in County Durham—the first of the special schemes included in the...

Cold Store on Wheels

ik REFRIGERATED meat body of srlk interesting design has recently been completed by Smith's Delivery Vehicles Ltd., Gateshead,...

Page 49

T.R.T.A. Urges Members to Check on Maintenance

G OODS vehicle operators will suffer if, as a result of bad maintenance, a climate of opinion is created which makes it easy...


to be exhibited by "Leyland Motors Ltd. at the Commercial Motor Show -will be two export chassis with newly designed cabs. One...

T. D.G.'s Half-year

Profits Are Well Up F AVOURABLE trading conditions continue, reported the Transport Development Group when results for the six...


A NEW automatic coupling developed from the model produced by Hands (Letchworth) Ltd. for many years iS - to be shown for the...

More Examinees

L'OLLOWING the major change made I last year in the scheme of examinations which it operates jointly with the Royal Society of...

Page 50

Mr. B. E. Burford has been appointed divisional engineer (country

buses and coaches) of London Transport and has become an officer of the Board. He was previously assistant divisional engineer...

Mr. J. Morgan, previously assistant planning and methods engineer (road

services—works), has been appointed planning and methods engineer (road services—works), London Transport Board. Mr. Morgan,...

Mr. L. H. McMillan has been appointed regional manager, south

east, of Petrofina (Great Britain) Ltd. In Leeds, where Mr. McMillan was formerly regional manager, north east, Mr. V. J....

Mr. Percy Anderson, Halifax general manager for King's Motors (Oxford)

Ltd. for the past 10 years, has left to take over as the same firm's general manager at Norwich. Mr. Anderson has spent the...

After more than 45 years' service with .the company, Mr.

Ernest Belcher has, at his own request, retired as sales manager of Ransome and Marles Bearing Co. Ltd. He will retain his seat...

Col. D. H. Cameron is to resign from the British

Railways Board on September 30. but will remain as a parttime member. Col. Cameron was appointed a part-time member of the...

Mr. G. R. W. Lee has been appointed to the

newly created position of road tank sales manager of Charles Roberts and Co. Ltd.

Mr. A. W. Freeman, general manager of Castrol Ltd., Australia,

will be appointed a director of Castrol Overseas Ltd. and assume the executive title of production and purchasing co-ordinator...

Mr. A. W. Turner has been appointed to the newly

created position of director, United Kingdom sales (initial equipment) of the Automotive Products Group. Mr. Turner joined the...

Mr. and Mrs. C. Wheatley, directors of Wheatley and Wood

Ltd. and C. Wheatley (Tyres) Ltd., Stony Stratford, Bucks, are to retire on October 2. Mr. W. Donaldson and Mr. R. Lawrence...

Mr. J. R. Moores has been appointed design engineer of the Castro! Group in the company's London engineering division.

Mr. E. Walton has been appointed northern area sales manager

of Autolifts and Engineering Co. Ltd., of Blackburn. He joined the company in 1950 as a cost accountant.

Mr. Ronald C. Dougall has been appointed commercial manager of

Albion Motors Ltd. He joined the company in 1946 as a production planner and became planning controller in 1957. Mr. James...

Mr. E. D. Boundy, manager of the materials handling division

of Eddison Plant Ltd., of Grantham, and an associate member of the Institute of Materials Handling, will leave for the United...

The traffic manager of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus

Co. Ltd., Mr. R. Brandon, is to retire at the end of this year; he will be 65 this month. He joined Midland Red in 1923 and...

Mr. G. H. Hagle has been appointed chairman of both

Continental Oil Company Ltd. and of its marketing associate in Britain, Continental Oil (U.K.) Ltd. Mr. Hagle succeeds Mr. John...

Mr. V. J. W. Hodgson, who was seconded to Wayne

Tank and Pump Co. Ltd., agents for Tecalemit equipment in Nigeria, is returning to the service division. He has been appointed...

Mr. A. C. Elphick, manager of the passenger transport department

of West Bridgford (Notts) Urban Council, is to retire at the end of the year. He has been in passenger transport for 30 years,...

Page 53

A 20-ton Six-wheeler from Kew

A NEW single-drive six-wheeler from Dodge Bros. (Britain) Ltd. is announced this week. Equipped with the A.E.C. 470 -,...

Grant for Three

1-1 . A .MODiFIF.D B-licence application was granted to Sidney Margolis Ltd., South East London, by the Metropolitan Licensing...

E.W. Watts Gets 15-vehicle Switch

A N application granted by the West Midland deputy Licensing Authority. Mr. R. A. Hall, at Birmingham on Wednesday gives E. W....

Page 54


A N applicMion by Whateley Transport Ltd., of Darlaston, to switch 12 contract vehicles to open A licence was granted at...

Decision Reserved on Contract Switch Bid in Scotland

nECISION was reserved by Mr. W. Quin, the Scottish Licensing Authority, when an application by Road Services Forth Ltd. for a...

Smith of Maddiston Adjournment N application by J. and A.

Smith of Maddiston Ltd., seeking continuation of an A licence, was adjourned at Glasgow last week. The licence sought was for...

Five Vehicles Added on A Licence

'P 0 farmers giving evidence in s:ippon of H. I. Johnson, of Henley' in-Arden, seeking to add five vehicles to his six-vehicle...

• No Grant

IN refusing an A-licence application last week at Inverness, Mr. A. B. Birnie, Scottish deputy Licensing Authority, did not...

Ministry Asked to Remove Alleged Anomalies in Bus Finances

F OLLOWING the recent refusal by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners to grant a fares increase for the West Yorkshire Road Car...

Page 56

Tanker Application with a Difference

HOW DOES BULWARK FEEL ABOUT THE RESULT? I THINK it would be fair to say that I both sides in the "specialized tanker"...

Page 59

Tipper Licences Could be in Jeopardy

"TIPPER operators, particularly I those based in the Metropolitan traffic area, will do well to heed the warning given recently...

Page 60

Now 24-hour Clock and Standard Timetables

r E introduction of the 24-hour clock system and the standardization of all timetables were announced on Monday in a joint...


of Glasgow Corporation Transport, Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne has told the transport committee that a circular bus service around...

Page 61

Revolutionary Manchester Report

A COMPLETE fleet of one-man operated buses including' doubledeckers; on-the-spot penalties for passengers who exceed their...

Lower Highbridge Atlanteans from Willowbrook

A S forecast in The Commercial Motor of June 21, 1963, and announced in the August 28, 1964 issue, Leyland Motors Ltd. has...


singledecker bus chassis have been ordered by Chesterfield Corporation Transport, which already has 25 underfloor-engined...

Liverpool's Needs

IF 65 per cent of Liverpool's population were to continue to be carried to and from work daily by the city's buses, then the...


Strachans Double-deckers for Wolverhampton: Wolverhampton Corporation has ordered 10 Guy Arab V double-decker bus chassis to be...

Page 62

Opening by Minister

Minister of Transport, Mr. Ernest r1 1:1 E arpl es, has agreed to perform the official opening ceremony at the 1964 Commercial...

Dim or Dip ?

TOSEPH LUCAS LTD. say they have J been asked by the Minister of Transport to provide some 1,200 sets of equipment for the Road...


£3,500 To Aid Research : The Council of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers has announced awards of fellowships and grants...

New Automotive Company : The Automotive Products Group has announced

the formation of a new company—the Automotive Products Co. (Bolton) Ltd., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Automotive...

Karrier at Public Health Conference: At the annual conference of

the Association of Public Health Inspectors at Portsmouth (September 15-18) Karrier Motors Ltd. are to demonstrate their...


A N arrangement between Taskers of Andover and D. H. Morgan Engineering Ltd., whereby Taskers will manufacture and distribute...

Diverse Street-cleansing Functions

I NFORMATION on methods of dis charging street cleansing functions have been obtained from some of the larger local authorities...

Lucas Mobile School A FULLY-EQUIPPED mobile classIA room, complete with

heater and airconditioning, has recently been added to the facilities offered by the service training department of Joseph...


ROLLS ROYCE POWERED DUMP TRUCKS: Compania Minera Sante Fe, of Chile, has ordered three Aveling-Barford SN 30-ton dump trucks,...


WillAT to see at Earls Court—that will be the key theme of next week's VI' greatly enlarged issue of "The Commercial Motor",...

Page 66


Inspection after Ditching Q N learning that one of your vehicles has ditched, overturned or become involved with a third...

Page 67

Tungsten Carbide Powder A SELF-BONDING tungsten carbide powder, called Metco

r". 439, that can be flame-sprayed to produce very hard coatrigs on almost any metallic surface is now available from Wetco...

'ersatile Lubricant NEW organo-metallic product called Polybutylcuprysil 1 (PBC) has

been developed by K. S. Paul Products Ltd. to ovidc anti-seize protection and lubrication and lubrication , er a wide range of...

Solving Cooling System Problems L ATEST product from Halts is Radguard,

which is claimed to provide a six-way cure and prevention for irritating cooling system troubles such as radiator leaks,...

Acrylic Repair Enamel A NEW film, " The Acrylic Vehicle ",

describing successful research and field tests of Britain's first air drying acrylic repair enamel has been made by Lewis...

Small Grit Blaster PI A SMALL grit blaster designed for cleaning

road tankers has been produced by Hodge Clemo Ltd. The grit blaster, called the "Mighty Mite ", is capable of being taken...

Page 71

Commer Enters Maximum-gross Class with the Maxiload

D NE of the more important developments which will be seen at the Commercial Motor Show will be the • entry of Commer Cars...

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T HERE are to be two important introductions of vehicles by Scamniell Lorries Ltd. at the Commercial Motor Show. The main...

Page 80

New Engine and Higher Gross Rating for Leyland 2-tonner

A N IMPROVED version of the Leyland 2-ton chassis has been announced by Leyland Motors Ltd. An increased-capacity version of...

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A DETACHABLE aluminium top for portable containers has been developed by N. Tamplin and Co. Ltd. of Birdham, nr. Chichester....

Page 82

Two E.R.F. Show Chassis to have Cummins Engines

T WO of the chassis to be featured by E.R.F. Ltd. at the Commercial Motor Show are completely new designs which have Cummins...

Page 84

Problems of Prosperity

GREATER bulk-to-weight ratio of refuse, and the increasing quantity of what may be called abnormal and indivisible extras that...

Scarborough Next Year

FOLLOWING its long-standing custom, the Institute of Public Cleaning, after having a southern conference this year, will be...

Brightening Image

OVER a relatively shitirt period, the status of cleansing workers has Shown a definite rise, the improvement to some extent...

Liverpool Modernizes

NEW equipment for the city's highways, airport, lighting, fire and health departments has recently been ordered at Liverpool,...

Credit Rating

ADEQUATE credit facilities on what always appear to be favourable terms are available to our local authorities for the...

Page 89

‘. Air. Brown's remarks are likely to find an echo throughout the constituencies'

U NTIL not so very long ago the Ministry of Transport was prepared to give not only the number of accidents, during each year,...

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Complete New Range of Goods Chassis from A.E.C.

F OLLOWING the announcement last week of new rear-engined p.s.v. chassis, A.E.C. Ltd. has this week announced a complete new...

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New Six-cylinder Engines from A.E.C.

HIGHER OUTPUT AND BETTER ECONOMY B Y redesigning the upper half of the well-known AV and AH engines, A.E.C. has produced a...