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D ESPITE the pious sentiment expressed in its preface, the Henry Spurrier Memorial Lecture delivered to the Institute of...
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I T is curious that the West Midlands should still be • the only traffic area with a maintenance advisory committee set up...
Transport to the Fore O NCE again the annual dinner of the London Division ot the Industrial Transport Association, held...
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That no one on British roads really has any definite right of way. That no wise driver approaches blind cross-roads at speed,...
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A TEMPORARY haulage contract which gradually developed into a regular service, involving 90 tons. of goods each night, was...
ri A PROPOSED change in the law to make it an offence to discharge " noxious substances" from vehicles is to be considered by...
A FTER giving a six-months' trial to 50 Morris-Commercial oil-engined vans, the Post Office have decided to extend their use of...
the year ended March 31, 1958, the Central Electricity Generating Board received 8im. tons of coal by road, but as the result...
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S EEKING fare revisions designed to yield £12,000 a year, the Thames Valley Traction Co., Ltd., were praised on Tuesday by the...
L ' hope of a reduction in the taxa lion on road transport was offered by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the House of...
" N EW and often uninformed competi tion " in the supply of castings to the motor industry was mentioned on Tuesday by the...
TN a statement issued on Tuesday, I British Road Services said they hoped that Mr. H. Rossington's health would recover...
sea, A483, now consists of two modern carriageways from the Earlswood roundabou on the Neath by-pass to Danygraig Bridges, a...
yarn ever to %---0 be produced specifically for tyre construction, Courtaulds' Tyrex was announced at a symposium in Coventry...
A VISIT was paid last week by Sir Brian Robertson. chairman of the British Transport Commission, to the Eastern Counties...
THE need for more road transport at Aberdeen fish market was stressed last week by Mr. Alex M. Cordiner, chairman of the...
"A SPLENDID idea" was how Mr. ri J. Lawrence, chief constable of Reading. described the "Kerb Space is Precious "'campaign of...
R EPLYING to a question in the House 1 -‘ of Commons on Tuesday_ Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of Transport, said he was...
when r 3 . unloading they do not obstruct incoming vehicles, has been provided at a new service station of the National Benzole...
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A N impartial public inquiry outside the field of politics should examine the functions of both road and rail on the basis of...
MR. S. F. Howls, manager of Alma Garages (Bristol), Ltd., has been appointed a director. The company are members of the Bristol...
T HE Russian tyre factory at Dnepropetrovsk is to be equipped with eight test machines supplied by Heenan and Froude, Ltd.,...
T HE Acts controlling the haulage industry were not framed or passed with the aim of harassing those engaged in the industry,...
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A N application by a Li.verpool haulier, which had been adjourned four times and had lasted nearly a year, was described as " a...
ri A NEW haulage group has been formed, but The Commercial Motor was informed on Tuesday that it wished for the time being to...
T HE Potteries Motor Traction Co.. Ltd.. have acquired the busiqess of Baxter (Hanley), Ltd., who own 14 buses and coaches....
C OVERING almost 23.000 miles a month, 10 Albion Reiver three-axled 10-tonners working on a 5,300-acre sugar plantation on the...
U NIC and Willeme, two of the leading French commercial-vehicle manufacturers, have reached an agreement to co-ordinate...
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WHEN the West Riding Automobile IV Co., Ltd applied for fare increases at Leeds last week the objecting local authorities...
T. L Hughes iTerrYn), Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: T. J. Hughes and P. L. Hughes. Sec.: G. A. Crook. Bailey's Coaches (Birmingham),...
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J \ LTHOUGH a Birmingham haulage company admitted that they had changed the base and normal user of three A-licensed vehicles...
L'VIDENCE given by the production manager of Eskimo Foods, Ltd., when the company supported a haulage concern's application...
IN their latest representations to the I Government for greater highway expenditure, the British Road Federation repeat earlier...
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PROPOSALS for reorganizing 18 services following the completion of the new. Conway Bridge were put before the North Western...
A VARIANT of the method of build ing sectioned bodies in light alloy, developed by G. E. Neville and Son, Lid., Mansfield, is...
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A FORM of construction widely used on the Continent and in the United States is to be embodied in 50 new Leyland Tiger Cub...
A CCUSED at Bournemouth, last week, J n. of using a converted bus under trade plates for an unauthorized purpose, Ernest G....
T WO Durham coach operators applied to the Northern Traffic Commissioners, last week, for permission to run services from...
D ECISION was reserved by the East Midland Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. R. M. Ellis, when a Lincoln haulier, Mr. Albert...
F ACED with the prospect of losing £48,000 a year if the racial-segregation policy is imposed upon the carrying of bus...
A SAVING of a ton has been achieved with a 37-seat steel body, with aluminium panelling, built by Watt Brothers, Woolloongabba,...
D UR1NG the first_ nine months of this • year, deliveries of motor spirit, at 5,019.929 tons, represented an 18-per-cent....
F ORMAL censure has been passed by the executive of the Transport and General Workers' Union on the leaders of London...
T HE amalgamation of the Grimsby and Cleethorpes bus undertakings has resulted in improved services, better financial returns,...
of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers will be held at Eastbqurne from May 12-13. The business sessions will be held on May 13....
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A LTHOUGH • the council-owned bus in. station at Consett (Co. Durham) provides stands for only 15 buses, a £720-ayear...
THE circular bus route covering Carlisle's Harraby Estate, which is being given a three months' trial by Ribble Motor Services....
D ISCUSSIONS are taking place between the Scottish Area of the Road Haulage Association and the National Farmers' Union of...
EE XTRA road services will be provided when the greater part of the old Midland and Great Northern Joint Line, extending for...
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L ORRY drivers using the Preston By-pass have found that they can cover the 84 -- Miles in 13 minutes, a saving of half an hour...
A PPLICATIONS by Mr. D. H. RowPl. lands, Amlwch, and Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., for express services between Anglesey and...
Ql-fARP criticism was made -by the 1 -- ) objectors at Bridlington, last week, when a letter was handed to Maj. F. S....
A FTER a record year of coach activity in Scotland, there are already indications that figures for 1959 will be even higher,...
RUSES operated by West Hartlepool EP Corporation are now being cleaned during the day instead of at night, because for most of...
A ' objection by British Railways was withdrawn at the resumed hearing of an application by Mr. F. Turnbull, Wrelton, near...
A LTHOUGH they have been assured Ct that a motorway between Sheffield and Leeds will be built as part of the national roads...
O NLY four tram services remain at Sheffield, following the closure of the Brightside route last Saturday. It was the seventh...
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C OMBINING the cab spaciousness and good engine accessibility of the best normal-control chaSsis with the forward vision and...
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A BUS station with accommodation for 26 vehicles has been built by Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., at their works at...
S IX hauliers failed in their objections at Bridlington, last week, when L. F. Robinson. Ltd.. Whitby, asked for an additional...
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N OW that at last Great Britain can boast a motorway, albeit only 8+ miles of two-lane dual carriageway— the Preston by-pass—it...
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D RIVING a heavy goods vehicle at more than 70 m.p.h. down a British motorway is not as nerve racking as might at first be...
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I N preparing his Henry Spurrier Memorial Lecture to the Instituteof Transport, Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne did some deep digging....
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\ Passenger Transport Latest Wages Award Compels Further Drastic Cuts in Services and Reduction of Night Main tenance Work A...
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P RIMARILY intended for cutting building materials, a sheet saw with a replaceable blade may be of interest to bodybuilders as...
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O NE of the most gruelling tests which can be applied to a lorry is to use it for work at a gravel pit. Gravel is Britain's...
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Business Being Sold: The business of Somerville and Johnston, commercial vehicle. bodybuilders. Leith.' Edinburgh. is being...
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THERE appear to be two clauses in the motorway code of conduct for drivers where full allowance has not been made for possible...
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" IPENESS is all " used to be the watchword of the Socialists in the clays when they thought that the principle of...
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Recording Without a Purpose is Merely to Indulge in Unnecessary Paperwork : There Should Be a Balance Between Accuracy and...
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ilv1PROVED access to the engine for forward-control vehicles is the object of patent No. 802,178. (Vauxhall Motors. Ltd.,...