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I T would be premature and fallacious to think that the poor response accorded to the first list of road haulage units for...
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T HE success which, last year, attended the perfotmance of ajaguar car equipped with brakes of the disc type, instead of the...
Holiday by Lorry Hints on Labour Selection XECUTIVES and others whose functions include the selection and recruitment of...
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to the possibility of replacing rigid vehicles by articulated outfits, and vice versa, under special A licences. The Yorkshire...
COME amplification of the report b..) that Crook and Willington Carriers, Ltd., Bishop Auckland, have purchased a transport...
F HE airman at St. Athan who lives in Birmingham cannot catch the 5.43 p.m. train home on Friday evenings because he cannot...
VV HEN Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., applied for the renewal of a licence to operate to Ringway Airport, Manchester, on Monday,...
H iGHprices were being paid for some of the vehicles bought from British Road Services, said Mr. 3, S. Wright at the annual...
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Mn. F. J. BEETON and MR. A. E. PaywoR - rti have been elected chairman and vice-chairman respectively of Peterborough sub-area...
A S from the beginning of next month. the Cheshire haulage group. Macclesfield Transport, Ltd. (formerly known as Macclesfield...
IN an appeal for greater efficiency 1 which he made to the road passenger staff, last week, Mr. John Cliff, deputy chairman of...
A FTER considering the arrangements made in connection with last year's East Coast flood disaster, the Road Haulage Association...
A DRIVE to enrol hauliers as members of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses has been inaugurated....
T HE basic price of Thornycroft Sturdy Star 5-6-ton chassis, with either oil or petrol engine, has been cut by £120, and,...
N °progress with the purchase of land for the proposed Markyate by-pass can be made until plans have been prepared. The Ashford...
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Mileage Drop ToNNAGE carried by British Road L Services during 1953 was 2m. lower than in 1952-39.6m., compared with 41.6m. The...
in the wages of vehiclebuilding workers was the subject of a further meeting last week at Birming ham between representatives...
G EAR BOXES to the value of about £100,000 are being produced by David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., for the Birmingham...
The annual dinner-dance of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association will be held at Grosvenor House, London, W.1, on...
Q NLY a few weeks after the Minister of Transport confirmed the grant of a licence to Victoria Coaches (Leighon-Sea), Ltd., to...
rOR the third time in six years, Lake Hotel Coaches, Ltd., Keswick, were refused permission by the Northern Licensing...
A FTER a lengthy hearing in Leeds. last week, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority granted permission to Blue Bird Garages (Hull),...
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A T last week's meeting of Sheffield City Council, the transport committee were criticized for seeking approval for a motion...
T HE annual conference of the Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association is to be held this year at Turnberry, instead of at...
a price-fixing organization, but they issued a schedule to show what the haulier should charge to make a profit. said Mr. G. W....
tunnel be 1 bhilt beneath Birmingham's shopping centre, down which delivery vehicles would drive and disperse to the loading...
"A FEEBLE answer to a crying need," was how Mr. B. Pickup, president of Manchester Chamber of Commerce, at the Chamber's...
vacanIA cies for conductors, and the local branch of the Transport and General Workers' Union has intimated that it has no...
THERE were 126 accidents—one to 1 every 336,000 passengers—on trolleybuses in Hull last year, said Aid. J. Henson, chairman of...
D AMAGES of £200 and costs were awarded in the Queen's Bench Division last week against a woman who stepped in front of a bus...
w ORKMEN'S single fares calculated at half the ordinary adult single fare will be substituted for workmen's return fares in...
A FINE of 10s. was imposed on a lorry driver employed by a firm of builders' merchants at Bootle last week for dumping a load...
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A N application by East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., for permission o revise certain fares which would - ealize £61,000...
w/HEN a Tonyrefail lorry driver, Curvven IsIwyn Croad, did not Appear at Raglan magistrates' court, last week, on a speeding...
A PETITION against the following clause in the Newport Corporation Bill has been lodged by the National Road Transport...
D ELAYS in operating the gates of level crossings in Hull may be partly responsible for losses incurred by the municipal bus...
T HE site of the new Commer factory at Dunstable, a Elm. project expected to be put into commission by the end of the year, was...
r counteract the solidification of hard oils carried in their road tankers, Clyde Oil Extraction Ltd., King George V Dock,...
T HE Carluke haulage firm of Messrs. Adamson and Sons has been dissolved and the assets divided among the partners—Mr. G. S....
F UEL tax cost Exeter Transport Department £27,500 in 1953-54, compared with 18,500 in 1947-48. Unless the duty is relieved,...
IN the face of acute competition from 1 German manufacturers, Leyland Motors, Ltd., have gained an order from Kompressor,...
A GERMAN manufacturer has obtained a contract to install Istanbul's first trolleybus system which, The Commercial Motor...
T " annual conference of the Road Haulage Association will be held at Weston-super-Mare from October 12-15. Dinner-dances will...
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THE wages council of the National I Joint Industrial Council for road passenger transport, representing municipal operators, is...
IF dock congestion is to be avoided, 1 fresh ideas on the layout of approach roads must be produced when the building or...
A SIMPLE new device designed to improve suspension characteristics when employed with leaf springs, is known as the Aeon hollow...
R ECOMMENDATIONS for road improvements submitted a year.ago to the Ministry of Transport by the Northern Regional Board for...
Iwo red reflectors to the rear of vehicles will be issued at the earliest practicable date. The Minister of Transport said last...
F ELLOW members of an industry should work together as a corporate body, rather than try to manage alone, said Cllr. E. B....
T HE Government are considering the compulsory testing of brakes in connection with the proposed Road Traffic Bill. The Joint...
N ATIONALIZATION of road transport had worked—but at a cost. Capt. G. Upston, chairman of the Western Area of the Road Haulage...
R EDUCTIONS in country bus services on the ground of economy are criticized in a motion tabled by a number of Conservative...
a record figure last year. Altogether 2,286 buses, 7,319 vans and 21.842 lorries were made. Exports were 19 per cent. above the...
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CHARGES for road haulage or for the hire of goods vehicles are no longer limited to amounts which would have been fair and...
B ECAUSE the capacity of road haulage is controlled by the Government, the number of goods vehicles in Holland rose by only...
A PROPOSAL by Colchester Corporation to divert to the by-pass lonedistance coaches passing through the town will meet with...
by a fleet of eight mobile soup kitchens which Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., have converted from Windover-bodied luxury coaches...
Coaches, Ltd., for additional picking-up points was opposed by four other operators at Bristol, last week, the Western...
FUEL" T HE abolition of purchase tax on vehicles and a CUE of Is. per gallon in the fuel tax were demanded by Mr. T. Stuart...
N EW services which show promise of giving a good financial return are being introduced by Accrington iransport Department in...
A TOLL would not be a sound means for modernizing the roads. This conclusion was reached by the standing joint committee of the...
A T the Torquay conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers from May 18-20, Mr. T. D. Corpe...
A DUNDEE company who recently acquired the tour business of Mr. J. Noble, Aberdeen, have decided not to use the restricted...
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An Analysis of the Design of the Four Basic Post-war Duple Coach Bodies on Bedford Chassis Reveals an Unmistakable Family Trait...
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By JANUS B IDDERS who have failed with List I may haye strong views on the rejection by the Disposal Board of all tenders for...
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Repair Shops Set Up Under National Plan for Maintenance of C.P.O. Transport E ACH year, the public in Britain post some 8,800m....
TWELVE thousand is the critical 1 annual mileage above which it pays to use an oil engine in a 1,000-cu.-ft. pantechnicon...
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Court of Inquiry into Busmen's Wages , Dispute Told of Attempt by Companies to Obtain Injunction to Prevent Ministry...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. A MEDIUM-SIZED oil engine of good torque characteristic in a light chassis provides a...
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to adopt the Thesiger Committee's recommendation of licensing or contract-carriage work, has been greeted with approval by the...
B ECAUSE power-assisted steering makes driving so easy, its use will become popular even in lighter vehicles. This was the...
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Economies and Increased Efficiency Contribute to Trading Profit : Loaded Miles Nearly 20 Per Cent. Greater THE report that...
" I WILL not be a party to misleading I the public in this matter. I am completely in favour of a reduction in the tax, but...
O PERATING on milk delivery rounds in Vancouver, Canada, Smith's N.C.B. electric vehicles are reported to be more economical...
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TIE extent to which a Licensing I Authority's decision could be afluenced by representations made by non-objector was...
T ECHNICAL and legal difficulties I prevent the early realization of Dutch plans to extend international road haulage services...
A NEW bus terminal has been built in New York at a cost of $7.5m. to deal with up to 7.000 passengrs a day flying from the...
A NEW 2-3-ton oil-engincd chassis, one of which was shown at the Brussels Salon in January, is now being noduced by Dodge Bros....
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' OUR leading article "No Idle Threat" of I January 29, suggests that the bids for transport units are not high enough. I am...
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May be Lost Offences for Which Disqualification from Driving is Compulsory or Permissive: "Special Reasons" for Lenience By...
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A T the close of my previous article I referred to a man who appreciated that he should have his vehicle converted from petrol...
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A TUBELESS tyre, if seriously cut, / - i might let the air escape with such rapidity that it could create a dangerous situation...