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No operator needs to be told that costs have risen steeply in the past year; as Sam Buckley remarks in introducing the new CM...
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licensing from our Pa rliamentary correspondent • Quantity licensing will not start before the end of 1971. The Lords pushed...
plan by lain Sherriff • Reports last week that Herr Georg Leber, the German Minister of Transport, had abandoned his plan to...
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ldom since CM'S Tables of Operating Costs re first published in 1911 have there been so iny changes affecting costs as during...
Crucial talks on a new pay and producity deal for 22,500 British Road Services arkers broke down after a seven-hour xting on...
• Four further Ministry of Transport plating and testing "Standard Lists" (one including two parts) are published this week....
• On Wednesday evening, Mrs Castle gave notice that the freeze on municipal busmen's pay is to be extended until the end of...
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by John Darker • The second phase of British Oxygen Company's productivity deal will be implemented later this year and details...
• From the beginning of this month, it has been impossible to use any other than a Shell agency card at a Shell garage, and the...
• Mr Richard Marsh announced in th House of Commons last Friday the Government decision riot to authorize the Port of Bristol...
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ugh, says BR planner I The estimated growth of Freightliner - affic from approximately 2m tons to 32m ms a year by 1974 was not...
• To help drivers doubtful whether their vehicles comply with the new noise regulations which came into force on July 1 the...
ears completion by lain Sherriff The long-awaited Anglo-French bilateral reements are expected to be signed tonight iday)....
Have you souno cowl I re of read lttuus tiansport ancl an in is r for yon rnZiy be rust the person Cum me/rid/ Motor needs to...
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by Ashley Taylor • Plenty of regular customers were among the 152 entrants of the Manchester round on Sunday and when it came...
by Bob Holiday • Once again drivers from the BMC Morris division gained a major share of the prizes on their home ground at...
by Paul Brockington • Both employees and employers must organize efficiently, said Mr. F. J. Bayliss, senior industrial...
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by Tony Wild i ng • Righthand drive six-wheel dump trucks made by Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz of West Germany have been introduced...
by Ron Cater • Late in 1967 Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd. placed an order with Rootes Motors Ltd. for 145 Dodge chassis which were to...
• One of the more important decisions to come out of the IRU Congress in Budapest concerns weights and dimensions of goods...
Dennis equipment will be on show ne Wednesday and Thursday at an exhibitio of the Guildford company's products put o by its...
introducing compact and fully integral power-assiste steering gear which can be fitted witho modification to existing vehicle...
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• The North Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. G. K. Newman, warned the receiver of a Liverpool haulage company that he...
• On the receipt of an undertaking that the applicant would not enter the parcels and smalls field of haulage, three companies...
• The prime object of its variation application was to benefit its main customer, Castrol Ltd., said Mr J. Priestley, managing...
Road haulage is quietly phasing out old depots and replacing them with new designs more suited to the changing patterns of...
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• Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd. was seeking to alter the entire character of the half-day excursion and it should put the case...
• An application by the Midland GenerE Group of bus companies to increase fare by between id and 3d from July 14 wa granted on...
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from our Industrial correspondent • The Government has approved a productivity deal which will give £1-a-week rises to London...
Hartlepool Corporation has informed its us employees that subject to Government pproval, a wage increase of £1 a week will e...
• Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corporation transport committee has opened talks with the employees' union on a new productivity deal for...
• A scheme introduced by Strowgers Ltd., of Moss Side, Manchester, to instruct drivers who wish to enter for its p.s.v. licence...
• Local authorities in Derbyshire are planning to unite to fight future fare-increase applications by bus operators. The...
• Two-way radio control of operations will be a feature of the five new Plaxton Panorama Is, mounted on Leyland Leopard...
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• Transport Minister Mr. Richard Marsh this week asked for the co-operation of local councils in setting up the first four...
by Carolyn H yams • Voluntary co-ordination of passenger transport facilities is well on the way in North East Lancashire. Now,...
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• Bus operators in North East Derbyshire are to be asked to make a contribution to the cost of providing bus shelters....
• At Loughborough ILeics) magistrates' court, fines totalling £80 were imposed on Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd., Derby, with...
• The Midland General Omnibus Co. Ltd., was accused at Ilkeston, Derbyshire, of 88 offences of allowing drivers to continue...
J. E. G.' Smith, 37, has been appointed by the Institute of Transport to its newly-created post of director of education and...
of the South Wales Transport Co. Ltd., Thomas Brothers (Port Talbot) Ltd. and Neath and Cardiff Luxury Coaches Ltd. He has also...
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and tyres as safety factors by Paul Brockington • "Vehicle and road design for safety" was the subject of a symposium jointly...
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Bedford Tasker urban artics • Production begins in August of two new Bedford artics. Plated at 9.7 tons (payload allowance...
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leciprocating saws o portable reciprocating-saw unitsodels 700H and 701H—featuring double sulation and radio suppression and...
What manner of man makes the best sort of vehicle inspector? Should he be a highly trained engineer who will see faults for...
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by Handyman Vehicle recovery: tricks, trucks and tactics (24) • As a final item to this series on vehicle recovery, it is...
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In these days of amalgamations, of joint ventures and PTAs, it is interesting to note that Ramsbottom Urban District Council...
Here's a new angle on staff outings. This year a number of firms are taking their staff to the LDOY final at Braincote on...
Linking of hotels and transport in this country has not really gone very far, even though ; State-owned facilities have been...
Liverpool, home of pop music and new ideas, is trying a novel way of reducing the huge deficit now plaguing the Corporation's...
Talking of Liverpool, I see that the city's road safety officer, Ben Kinley, was awarded the MBE in the Birthday Honours—one...
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Variations on a political theme UDGING from the freedom with which Icy impugn the political purity of the Road Iaulage...
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A plain man's c uide to goods vehicle testing and plating BY THE EDITOR ALTHOUGH there has been plenty of publicity about the...
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o they fail? STORIES about the high failure rate of vehicles submitted to MoT testing stations for voluntary testing are...
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tions allow me to tow a trailer with a 1964 Bedford 8-tonner fitted with airassisted brakes? If so, would the trailer have to...
A This change-giving machine is of Swedish design and is the type used by Coventry Corporation Transport on its one-man...
and costs of services by either rail, oach, car or air. What were the details? We presume you are referring to the in...
A These are as follows:—
A Regulation 95 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1966 No. 1288 lays down that no person shall cause or...
ton-payload artic compare with one of 22-ton payload for the mileage ranges of 800, 1,000 and 1,200 miles a week? And how do...
A For the year ending January 31 1968 turn-over of all platform staff was as follows: drivers 26.1 per cent and conductors...
vehicle driving tests, wish to gain some experience In this field. I would be pleased if you could advise me whether there are...
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THE 1968 edition of the Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs is now available through any bookseller at 6s or from the...
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THE Institute of Transport has called together representatives of the educational institutes concerned with road transport, the...
Stationary motor vehicles (2) LAST WEEK I was talking about "No Waiting" signs and gave some examples. This week I continue to...