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Roads are the working place of the professional driver and the - production line" of the transport operator. Humanitarian and...
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Confusion over British Standard 55 mph recommendation from a CM reporter • A large number of operators may be unwittingly...
• The French road safety organizatior are concerned that heavy lorries have be responsible for a number of recent serioi...
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quiet bus by Martin Hayes • A development of the Leyland National city bus. said to be quieter than any of its foreign...
• The Ralph Hilton Group, which asked for a temporary suspension of the Stock Exchange quotation on its shares in July this...
• Allegations by the National Union of Railwaymen that a reduction in the number of rail wagons was causing British Rail to...
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From a Continental correspondent • When the EEC Council of Ministers meets in Brussels next Monday and Tuesday the contentious...
• Each overweight lorry is a potential killer, agreed Mr John Peyton in the Commons last week. This was the phrase used by Mr...
• Observance of all statutory regulations in respect of transport, equipment and tips is being pledged by the 112 members of...
• A new groupage service to SouthWestern France is announced by John W. Taylor (Ailsworth) Ltd. Operating out of Ailsworth,...
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High Court dismisses Labour Board's appeal • A question as to whether "goods" could be described as "cargo", and therefore...
ID The day before a woman died from tcid burns after a tanker had been involved n an accident on the M6, the Government Lad...
• Ten lorry drivers on strike at a St Helens banana ripening plant of Geest Industries have accepted a redundancy agreement....
• Independent decisions by Britain on the size of lorries are not practicable, emphasized a Government spokesman last week....
• Selection and use of mechanical handling equipment will be discussed at a conference to be held at the University of...
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by the RHA licensing committee. This stems from submission by the DoE of draft proposals for changing forms GV79/80/81 and the...
• A new body to co-ordinate employment and training services, to be known as the Manpower Services Commission, recently...
• Seaway Ferries, the Ocean Group company which operates r-o/r-o ferries on services between Felixstowe and Gothenburg, has...
• A new driving licence application form came into use as from December 1. The new form (D1(J)) is printed in green and black...
legal system of rail, road and river transport in the EEC has been rejected by the Commission of the European Economic...
• Contractors have been warned aboui carrying roadstone over routes unsuitable for that type of traffic. This was revealed to...
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Britain's transport contribution to Europe • The strategy an„.1 tactics which are likely to be followed by Britain as a member...
• The reason why a weighing machine vas provided at Liverpool's Seaforth Dock only for lorries entering the ;omplex, whereas...
• Bilateral road haulage agreements with Denmark and Spain will come into force on January 1. From that date goods vehicle...
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• "The most ambitious bus-rail feeder service yet tried" is how the November issue of "APPTO", the journal of the Association...
• The 40th congress of the International Union of Public Transport (1.11TP) is to be held next year in The Hague from May 6 to...
• Following the success of the original Dial-a-Ride system in Regina, Saskatchewan, several other Canadian cities are to try...
• One of the first fruits from the formation of the Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive is the publication of a joint...
• The board of Martin Walter, the coach builders, is recommending acceptance of a take-over offer by the coal and oil...
• The chairman of the National Bu Company should be told that fare payin passengers severely injured as a result c violent...
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• The GLC was expected to overrule London Transport's plans to cut by five million the mileage covered by its buses next year....
CM's assistant technical editor handles the wheel with a frown of concentration as his colleague in the cab makes delicate...
• At a meeting of the Teesside Council's lighways and transport committee last week members approved an experiment — ;aid to be...
• Orders for the new Metro-Scania double-decker have now reached 135. The first prototype bus should be on the road by the end...
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• The problem of assessing the weight of live fowls resulted in an overloading charge against P. Morris and Co, of Busby. The...
• A Somerset haulage contractor had his heavy goods vehicle licence revocation replaced by a suspension until January 1 1973...
• Following the issue of delayed and immediate GV9s, a Cheddar haulier, Mr J. Derrick, came before the Western LA and his...
• South Bank magistrates fined the driver of a Teeside Corporation bus £25 with £5.70 costs following an accident in which the...
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• A section 69 inquiry into the running of a Lowestoft operator, Mr John Stoddart, was not proceeded with by the Eastern LA...
• A Scottish coach operator, Mr D. S. Kerr, trading as Guachalland Motors, of Galston, Ayrshire, had his licence reduced to...
• Hours offences by lorry drivers, which could affect public safety, will be viewed with much gravity by Nelson, Lanes,...
• A fine of £20 has been imposed b Bradford magistrates on Thompson (Brac ford) Transport Ltd, after one of its vehicle had...
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Hilton • James McNaughton has been appointed managing director of Ralph Hilton Transport Services Ltd. T. Goodfellow, the...
• As part of a plan to double diesel engine output to meet worldwide demands, Volvo has acquired the entire production...
II Following management restructuring of he principal Lucas company manufacturing iriginal electrical equipment for road...
I The counties of Oxford, Bucks, Beds, leas and Berks have been added to the rritory already held by Seddon-Atkinson 'roup...
• An under-3-ton-unladen tipper was completed last week by Truck Engineering Ltd, 100 Dudley Road East, Oldbury, Warley, Worcs,...
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by Gibb Grace, who takes a closer look at one of the partners' products • The first results, in terms of hardware, of the...
60 years of body-building experience aught us a lot about our customers and transport requirements. The result is 3C' bus....
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Echoes from the past • By coincidence rather than design, three new road transport books provide a fascinating trio of...
• Did you know that Rudolf Diesel's experiments with the compression-ignition oil engine that now bears his name were...
• Edited by D. S. D. Williams and revised by Mr. Williams, R. J. B. Keig and John M. Dickson-Simpson, the 14th edition of The...
• January 1973 will see the first issue r the ABC Freight Guide, a twice-yearl publication produced by ABC Tray Guides Ltd and...
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ie of the organizations likely to get a ;-up from Britain joining the Community is Routiers, the French-based organization...
his Transport Log column in Bedford nsport Magazine, Frank Woodward come up with a great idea for getting k at that rather...
The environmental onslaught is certainly not over. but I detect a welcome reaction from those responsible people outside the...
Wells Fargo, the famous American freight company which blazed many a Wild West stagecoach trail, has a Scottish rival — Wells...
The calendar spate is now nicely under way and no doubt other recipients are, like us, wondering which ones we dare put on wall...
I see that the Distributive Industry Training Board has come up with a bright idea—one that could perhaps be exploited in...
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Earlier this year Ralph Hilton asked the Stock Market to suspend dealings in his company's shares. Now, in a frank and...
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by Handyman Wheel balancing (2) Remove Stones from tyre treads; use good chocks to withstand full revs; save labour costs by...
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Years and years WHAT ought to be one of the most important considerations in the discussions on the proposed EEC vehicle...
David Plastow • A chassis manufacturer was astonished when it took Rolls-Royce Motors only five days to provide a specially...
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Target: a bus every hour IF ONE were foolish or unfortunate enough to drive a Leyland National single-decker into the river,...
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I write, in my capacity as chairman of the Insurance Panel of the Road Haulage Association, in reference to the (as usual)...
thought your readers might care to know one mi; two of the interesting sidelights on the 3unday morning ITV "Juggernaut...
I am sure that your Management Matters feature last week, "A challenge to the gaffers", will have raised an echo in many...
Choking roads deliberately • Traffic congestion in towns is on a knife-edge; if roads cannot be sufficiently increased, then...
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16-ton-gvw fourft-wheeler by Trevor Longcroft AM1RTE pictures by Harry Roberts EARLIER this year Chrysler United Kingdom Ltd...
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kn important factor in deciding whether this is the vehicle for . particular operator is the cost of operation. It might be...
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customers for some time and I had Just completed these negotiations when the price freeze was announced. The fast of my...
whom I have spoken have I me that I may drive such vehicles my ordinary driving licence provided I It privately. Indeed, public...
who can supply the following for Mailers: — a) Charts for showing how to tie up loads on lorries. b) Large charts for...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM Profiting from facts Knowing where the goods go and how industrial trends are moving can give...
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by Les Oldridge, AMIRTE, 11,11MI Insurance obligations SECTION 143 of the Road Traffic Act 1972 makes it an offence to use,...
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by George Wilmot Educational stepping stones for road freight management ALTHOUGH the Section of the Transport Act 1968...
Walkers of Wakefield Ltd. Cap: £5000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage and transport contractors, shipping and...