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The Governm ent is Calling a Halt to M oyes Involving More Pay fo r Less Work C ONDITIONS in trade and industry, the fear of...
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( -NNE of the most interesting points recently raised by members of The Institute of Road Transport Engineers concerns the...
Teleprinter Service I AST month a nation-wide Speeds News of Good "service to speed the circula Positions tion of notices of...
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That Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., has several things to jig about. The suggestion that all hauliers should wear a giant panda...
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Guardian" on October 10, a special correspondent suggested that important positions in a nationalized system of transport would...
" WJE feel that, with a nationalized W service, a great deal of wasteful running could be cut out," said Mr. R. Sargood, Labour...
R AILWAY shareholders are joining in the cry for an impartial inquiry before the Government's proposals for the nationalization...
I only one that has so far put up a real fighting front against the Government in the matter of nationalization. Such was the...
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A S an alternative to complete nationalization and as a supplement to the memorandum, "British Railways and the Future," the...
IF hauliers be nationalized, the private 1 trader operating his own vehicles will sooner or later be subjected to...
served by the existiag organization, working under revised conditions, and subject to the control of a statutory tribunal for...
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CORMATION of a new operating group at Coventry was announced at the recent general meeting of the National Association of Road...
Er 0 tractors, each capable of drawg 100 tons, last week towed a special Scammell 32-wheeled trailer on which was mounted a...
A LTHOUGH the Ministry of Works had offered the firm a contract in connection with the building of a school, Mr. A. Henderson,...
Cardiff Transport Committee has appointed MR. J. W. DUNNING, traffic manager, as general manager. MR. PAUL WORTH, works...
B RITAIN'S present "trade honeymoon " would not last much longer, said Sir Miles Thomas, vice-chairman of the Nuffield...
A DECISION of interest to haulage contractors has been reported to the highways committee of Ross-shire County Council. The...
E Q UIPM ENT for garages and service Listations is now being manufactured by Joseph H. Potts, Ltd., Belshill, Lanarkshire. This...
n RDERS for export to the value of £L000,000 have been received by Leyland Motors. I,td., during July, August and September....
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A CASE in which Wilts United Dairies, Ltd., disputed a charge made by the Bristol Haulage Co., Ltd., for the transport of...
A MEETING of members of Taskers of Andover, Ltd., is being held next month to receive the final report of the Liquidator. There...
PROBLEMS in the design of braking 1 systems will be dealt with by Mt. F. A. Stepney Acres, assistant to the chief engineer of...
that Nottingham It Transport Department should provide free transport for the public, the whole cost of the undertaking to be...
Driving tests are to be resumed on November 1. A total of 7,476 commercial vehicles was produced in Canada in July....
A NEW company, Park Royal Vehicles, Ltd., has been formed to take over the whole of the share capital of Park Royal Coach...
W 35 Bedford vans operated by E. Cookson and Sons, Ltd., Lytham, near Blackpool, to ensure cleanliness in the delivery of...
service 'conducted by Messrs. A. and G. Wood, between Aberdeen and Elgin, has been acquired by Fraser's Road Transport...
WITHDRAWAL of all Road VY Haulage Association area rates schedules and the issue to A and Blicence holders of copies of the...
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L ONDON TRANSPORT has agreed to ask the Ministry of Transport to call a conference of all Chambers of Commerce in the Central...
public transport Inand food supplies when roads are blocked with snow was one of the topics discussed at the autumn meeting of...
T17 E National Conference of Road ransport Clearing Houses will hold its annual luncheon and general meeting at the Connaught...
A N attractive programme has been t g adrawn up for the celebration of the Motor Industry's Jubilee (North-West Division) in...
NEW COMPANIES IL E. Marsh and $on, Ltd.-Private company. Rea. Semm eber 17. cap. £10.000 in £1 shares. To acquire business of...
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A S an occasion of the greatest value, both in the matter of business on the agenda and business while at play, last week's...
B USINESS, during the first session on Thursday morning, was devoted to consideration of the subject, "Coordination of Inland...
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T was suggested by one speaker in lthe discussion that C-licensees would not be permitted to retain complete freedom under the...
'THE afternoon session, to which 1 women guests were specially invited, had as its theme "The Future of Road Transport." Mr. J....
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THURSDAY evening's conference 1 banquet at the Winter Garden was all that a banquet should be. Margate Corporation gave of its...
DILEASE thank members of the road L transport industry for their message. I congratulate you upon the fine part which road...
F RIDAY'S business session took the form of a "brains trust," in which the chairmen and executive officers of the N.R.T.F. and...
F OLLOWING the formation of a National Council of Women at the close of Mrs. Borrowdale's address to the N.R.T.F. conference on...
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GAS TURBINES FOR ROAD 7EHICLES I N the preceding article on the stibject of gas turbines, which appeared in the issue dated...
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A GOOD example of the speed of our recovery from international strife and economic paralysis is provided by the reintroduction...
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A FORTNIGHT'S suspension of all r't the public-service-vehicle permits held by Messrs. H. G. Anfield and Sons, 52, Quay Road,...
to build motorbus and trolleybus bodies. The Select Committee of the House of Lords last week concluded its deliberations on...
'1"HE South Wales Traffic Commis' sioner heard further evidence in Cardiff, last week--on the joint application by the Cardiff...
B EFORE the Margate Conference opened last week, certain members of the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association, the Mayor of...
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By P. G. TUCKER C ONTINUING my observations on the exhibits at the Paris Salon, which closed its doors on Sunday last, the...
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A CALL for standardization in the wheelbase length of passenger vehicles was made by Mr. R. Stuart Pitcher, C.B.E. F.R.S.E., in...
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By E. B. HOWES, Vice-President, Hauliers Mutual Federation One of the Industry's Dynamic Personalities Finds in the Vauxhall...
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Mr. W. Gordon Young, Chief Engineer of Young's Bus Service, Ltd., Comments on Design in Relation to Maintenance A S reported in...
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UERIES BETTER ORGANIZATION APPEARS NECESSARY “OW right you are to ask your readers what they are "doing to counter the...
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to a housing estate Figures, and Diagrams Explain the Fundamentals of Choosing Vehicle Types and Arranging Frequencies to Give...
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IN his paper on filtration, which he presented at a meeting lof the Diesel Engine Users Association, held in London yesterday,...
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.R.T.E MEMBERS By W. Roper Lindsay, M.I.R.T.E. D URING the visit of 50 members of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers...
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T O enable a semi-trailer to carry increased loads without exceeding the legal load-per-axle limit, is the purpose of a...