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F ORAYS North of the Border are not to be undertaken lightly, if history is any guide. So it was doubly reassuring to The...
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From a Special Correspondent WHEN experimental liner trains left YV London and Glasgow at almost the same moment on Monday...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT R OAD haulage charges will escape the Government's " early warning system" on proposed...
A VEHICLE observer corps is now in ra. operation in Grimsby, run by members of the Grimsby sub-area of the Road Haulage...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT QOMF. progress on faster running " schedules for fuel tanker drivers was recorded last week...
haulier, Mr. S. C. Hicks, against convie tion h Wincanton magistrates for permitting an offence concerning the hours of...
A A FRAMELESS, pressurized hulk powder tankerâcarrying a 19-ton payload within a g.t.w. of 28 tonsâhas been introduced to...
1.-1 weekly groupage service from London to Milan operated by Channel Road Services. Parcels Of a few kilos upwards can be...
open meeting of the West Midland Maintenance Advisory Committee will be in the form of a top-level brains trust. The chairman...
most of the London-area depots were presented with RoSPA safe driving awards by Mr. A. F. Walton. London parcels manager, on...
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A LL orders for vehicles which are not likely to be used before 1967 should be placed conditional on the attainment of minimum...
nECISIONS which strongly increase the chances of establishing a UK pallet pool were taken on Monday at a meeting in London of...
THE purchasing officer of BRS Federation Ltd., Mr. A. H. Passey, retired on Monday, when a presentation lias made to him at a...
USING Pye mobile radio equipment, an Li extensive security and assistance service is to be offered to hauliers by Securicor...
1-1 . A SALESMAN driving a goods van in the course of his employment was at that moment employed as the " driver " of the van....
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MEW reduced rates for containers I / 4 carried on Wallenius Lines ferries between Harwich, Copenhagen and Bretnerhaven have...
and Co. Ltd. has signed dealer contracts with International Harvester Company of Great Britain Ltd. for the supply of the new...
9 -1 HY: first specialized storage exhibition at the New Horticultural Hall, Westminster. this week) was relatively small,...
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From a Special Correspondent QHORTLY before an official strike at the Walsall Wood depot of Collins Express Parcel Service Ltd....
W HEN the Commons resumed the debate on the Queen's Speech this week Opposition Front Bencher Sir Martin Redmayne moved an...
rr HE . provision of rear-facing fog lamps, , particularly on commercial vehicles, was suggested by Tory transport spokes-....
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of Transport . as the part-time chairman of the Transport Holding Company for a further period of two years. Sir Philip's...
W E regret to record the death of Mr. E. Briggs. Mr. Briggs had been chief engineer of the Tees-side Railless Traction Board...
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O N Tuesday the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, granted in part an application by Charles Wood Ltd., of Brighouse, which would...
THE hearing of an application involving the conveyance of excavated materials, adjourned from September 6, was resumed before...
A T Wisbech on Tuesday the Eastern Licensing Authority, Mr. W. P. S. Ormond, suspended one articulated vehicle from the A...
r"1"HE owners of North Lines Haulage group, Davison's Transport and other haulage firms, London and Northern Securities Ltd....
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B LCADSE customers objected to the delays and squashed loads which occurred w hen what were described as professional hauliers...
TH South Eastern deputy Licensing F Authority, Mr. A. C. Shepherd. decided at Eastbourne on Monday that an application by S. C....
!tall and Co. Ltd., has applied to Watfold RDC for permission to excavate 8.4m. tons of sand and gravel on Great Westwood...
AST week at the Transport Tribunal, it was submitted by Mr. R. M. Yorke, representing the Transport Holding Company (BRS). that...
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A T Eastbourne recently, when Maj.-Gen, A. F. J. Elmslie presided at the first special hearing in the South Eastern Area...
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TAKEOVERS in transport occur pretty I frequently; that there are risks in the process to the parent company is well illustrated...
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told in London last week by Mr. M. McGregor-Johnson that when the Western Licensing Authority heard two applications from a...
LONDON TRANSPORT REJOINS PTA S PEAKING at the annual dinner of the Public Transport Association in London last week, Mr. Tom...
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A N application by Continental Camping Tours (London) Ltd. to be heard in the Metropolitan Traffic Court on November 30 could...
FROM OUR 1NDUSTRI1L CORRESPONDENT U NEXPECTED snags developed in London last week when the National Joint Industrial Council...
T HE first real hurdle in its ambitious attempt to introduce one-man buses in conjunction with a flat fare of 4d_ (or just over...
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of Appeal held 1 --# that if a person walking near the edge of the pavement was struck by the overhangine part of a vehicle,...
" HAVE the bus and oil companies been the on the subject of meeting the cost of providing roadside toilets in return for...
DISCUSSING THE REAL NEEDS OF URBAN TRAVELLERS A DDRESSING the Yorkshire section I - A of the Institute of Transport at Leeds...
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New Trophy for Safety Features A T the premiere showing of a new film about brake linings the sales director of Small and...
N OW available in the standard range of semi - trailers manufactured by Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd. is a three-axle unit...
A N Anglo-American trade agreement has been reached by Murfitt Bulk Transporters Ltd,, Wisbech, and the Dodge City. Kansas, e...
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I N January next year Fromant and Son (Trailers) Ltd., of Felpham, Bognor, Sussex, are to launch a range of maximum-capacity...
luncheon: in k7-. 1 Glasgow last week, Mr. G. E. Moore, , .ales manager of Vauxhall Motors Ltd.,' said that registrations of...
Record Guy Orders: A record volume of orders---worth more than Vm.âwas received by Guy Motors Ltd; . during the first week of...
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Courtesy with a Purpose TUST as there is criticism levelled at J road transport drivers for their use of head, tail and fog...
C. M. 1 Wood, Main Street, Shipton-byBenningbrough, Yorks. It concerns the testing of semi-trailer air-brake systems when a...
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and Publications Bulk Feeder-unit A BULK feeder-unit designed for use on pressurized-discharge 'powder and granular material...
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VIEW By The Hawk "French Cheese. . . oui !" is the notation on the side of this veteran Renault bus. It was photographed at...
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are not the answer A family concern in rural Somerset claims that co-operation by big p.s.v. companies could pay off all round...
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New models introduced in the past year join those featured in 1964 at Earls Court to make this year's Scottish Show the most...
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T HE extent to which the new Construction and Use Regulations promote increases in the useful payload capacity of rigids and...
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U NLESS action can be taken fairly soon the opportunity for a sensible and progressive agreement on road haulage wages may be...
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FLEET MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE F OR the second year running, The Commercial Motor Fleet Management Conferenceâheld this week at...
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IN welcoming delegates to the Conference, the chairman, James Amos, emphasized its importance as shown by its wide...
T HE first query that will arise in the minds of most people when they read the title of this paper will be" What is a road...
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T HE requirements of efficiency depend on the "nature of the animal ". What sort of an animal, then, is transport? It is rather...
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STRUCTURE MR. ANDREW DUNN, T HE fact that the first investigation of the National Board for Prices and Incomes was into road...
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Savings on low-cost petrol, The Bedford CA van is designed to give top performance and m.p.g. on the cheapest commercial fuels....
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VEHICLE DESIGN AND VEHICLE DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE A S can be seen from the pictures and captions above, " the four members of...
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Because transport is a service industry it should not therefore be relegated to secondary consideration when manufacturing and...
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Scheme to Reduce Motorway Accidents B EING responsible for some 120,000 miles of motoring each month, we respectfully suggest...
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WHAT function do transport examinations fulfil? What do they set out to prove? Are the examining methods used the right ones?...
Sidney Vinden (Haulage Contractor) Ltd. Cap. tioo. Dirs.: S. Vinden and M. Vinden, 312 Turncroft Lane. Stockport. Sec.: G. W....