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W ITH the increase of 41d. a gallon in the tax on fuel, owners of motor vehicles are now called upon to contribute about £235m....
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E XPORT or die is a true and pertinent saying when applied to this country. It is estimated that if we could not afford to...
What the Higher CCORD1NG to the British Tax on Motor Fuel 1-1 Road Federation, the add i Means tional tax of 4id. on motor fuel...
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That the railways are out to curb and snaffle. That steel for general purposes may soon return to the " ration." That we are...
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B R ITA IN still remains second only to the United States as a quantity producer of commercial vehicles The following are...
R.H.E. and Free Hauliers to Increase Rates: Higher Bus Fares Expected NAR. GA1TSKELL'S assurance, in his Budget speech, that...
exports in February, although production ' increased. Shipments of commercial vehicles declined by over 3,300 units during the...
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T w°points of law arose when Messrs. C. and G. Yeoman, Canterbury, applied to the Transport Arbitration Tribunal, this week,...
Area of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers recently reported that they were reluctant to attend...
is one of the dirtiest substances known. The British Standards Institution, London, S.W.1, has now published recommendations on...
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XHIBITED at the Basle Fair, which closed recently, • was'a new ran g e of oil en g ines from 15-180 b.h.p. havin g from one to...
MORE ATTESTED HERDS S UPPORTING an application by a Rin g mer haulier for the extension of the radius of his B licence from 20...
MR. PHILIP HUTCHINGS has been appointed advertisin g mana g er of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd. He joined the company in...
I AST week, the Railway Executive 1-topposed -two. applications for B licences on the g round that traffic would be abstracted...
cent. in Ceylon's bus fleet is considered necessary to meet demands. The Ceylon Commissioner of Motor Transport made this...
THE bi gg est bus depot in Scotland. built for W. Alexander and Sons. Ltd., was opened at Gran g emouth last week. At the...
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Britain exported 291 commercial . vehicles to Luxembourg in 1950. Norway intends to import 300 buses. 5,000 lorries and 1,500...
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P LANS have been prepared for the reorganization of Egyptian country bus services. Lower Egypt has been divided into six zones...
WE regret to announce the deaths of YV MR. ERNEST BEV1N, SIR CHARLEs BRESSEY, C.B., C.B.E., D.Se.tEng.), DI.. Mn. E. H. W....
F URTHER wage awards for certain classes of transport employee have been pressed for by the Transport and General Workers'...
A N armoured van is required by Banco de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay for the transport of money. Manufacturers' agents in...
A DECISION in the Annis case has now been made, but will not be generally known until April 26. Copies of the decision have...
T HE Northern General Transport Co.. Ltd., has been granted permission by the Northern Licensing Authority to operate nine-day...
A STANDARD 44-hour week for foremen has been decided upon by the Road Haulage Executive after negotiations with the Transport...
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" rIUR natural disappointment that %awe have not been able to. obtain a single consession from the Government on any of the...
I N London, 20 per cent, of workers take over an hour to travel to work and 50 per cent, between 30 minutes and 60 minutes....
A STRONG protest against the decision to raise railway freight rates has been lodged with the Minister of Transport by the...
I N an appreciation of Sir Henry Piggott, Major E. H. B. Palmer writes: Although his health had been failing for sonic time,...
because of bandit activity. Operators have therefore considered starting a co-operative insurance fund. The Government has...
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can be a difficult task for any operator or transport engineer who is not in the fortunate position of being able to employ a...
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Extraction Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust. Its most useful natural form, however, is the hydrated...
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By H. Scott Hall, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.R.T.E. British Manufacturers of Oil Engines Follow Tip Sales with Comprehensive...
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F OR the benefit, in particular, of members of the town council, Mr. F. Lythgoe, general manager of Middlesbrough Transport...
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Says P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.1.Mech.E. All Systems Tend to Simplify Driuing and Improve Efficiency. Some Makers of ....
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>Y the number of full-width cabs which are now being ) used on coaches and buses, it appears to me as those responsible have...
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D URING the years since the war, whilst certain developments and improvements have been effected in tipping gears, other...
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D ESIGNED to achieve minimum weight and lowest possible cost, a m all-metal bus body by Mulliners, Ltd., Bordesley Green Road,...
T OURING agricultural shows in the U.S.A., two Guy articulated pantechnicons have attracted great interest. The vehicles are...
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By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher, F.R.S.A. Four Years of Arduous Testing on Road and Track and in the Workshop Preceded the...
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IN THE By P. G. TUCKER How Britain's Most Powerful Tractive Unit, which Can Attain a Speed of 28 m.p.h., is Erected at...
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B.A. U SING no special tools and only the barest minimum of mechanicalhandling equipment, three men out of a nominal crew of...
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H OW long does it require to produce a new design of chassis, what steps are taken to safeguard the buyer against faulty...
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L. J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. A Tour of Three Famous Factories in Scandinavia and Holland Discloses that British components are...