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N EXT Wednesday is Christmas Day, so I want to take this opportunity on behalf of all of us here at The Commercial Motor to...
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A LTHOUGH National Productivity Year itself is over, the campaign for quicker turn-round which has been conducted jointly by...
B RISTOL City Council propose 1 - 1 to introduce six experimental mete bays, each 30 ft. long and 9 ft. wide exclusively for...
F OLLOWING the attempt by the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association to get individually-negotiated increases in overtime...
A N addition to the Scammell range of semi-trailers with fifth-wheel coupling has been announced. The new model is a drop-frame...
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BY JOHN F. MOON A.M.I.R.T.E. OR many years now the Road Haulage Association has been very concerned about handbrake...
bought the Scottish haulage business of Peter McCallum and Sons Ltd. and its associated company Powers Transport Ltd. The two...
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THE West Drayton coal depot, Middlesex, claimed to he the largest mechanical depot for handling household coal in Europe, was...
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road transport, and due reliability, speed and convenience ore highly than sheer cost saving: these +e among the conclusions to...
R OAD transport vehicles were. being IX made the scapegoat in discussions on congestion problems when, in fact, lorries were...
the first sign of snow is among points suggested to the Ministry of Transport by the Traders Road Transport Association for...
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ON DON TRANSPORT agreed at a meeting on Monday to pay its busmen increases ranging from Ss. 6d. to 15s. week—provided the men...
From our Industrial Correspondent T HEpay claim on behalf of 70,000 municipal busmen was not even discussed when the National...
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From a Special Correspondent T HE 420-strong West Bromwich busmen's branch of the Transport and General Workers' Union has...
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Coach-Air Bid T HE North Western Traffic Commissioners on Monday considered an application by Happiway Tours (Manchester) Ltd....
from the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners to increase fares on their trunk and feeder services between Yorkshire and London....
A N industrial coal merchant and haulier, Mr. John Day, managing director of Day and Sons (Hanworth) Ltd., of Brentford, was...
A N applicant for a Contract A licence at Nottingham on Friday was told by the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. C. R....
B IRMINGHAM Corporation cannot allow its transport undertaking to fall more into "the red ", Mr. 3. P. Graham, Q.C., told the...
Conditional Grant: An application by Claude Hughes and Co., Carlisle, for an addition to the company's licence of a 7-ton...
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— and raises some technical points A S mentioned in last week's issue, a recent edition of the Western Area's "Applications...
BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY my concern at hearing that the Association's decision to drop the Venables matter —having gone so far and...
— the R.H.A. just waits I NOTE in the R.H.A.'s monthly I journal " Roadway " that the South Derbyshire and Burton-on-Trent...
'THE Northern Licensing Authority, I Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, relaxed his rule of insisting that vehicle registration numbers be...
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L ARGEST application notified this . 1 -1 week comes from the North Western "As and Ds" where L Ainsworth and Co. (Bolton) Ltd....
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1\ AR. MARPLES reminded M.P.s this in week that a scheme was being worked out for prescribing authorized gross weights for...
S IX different oil companies had entered into long-term contracts with the British Railways Board for the bulk transport of oil...
THE use of pipelines to take coal from pithead to power stations was in the experimental stage, emphasized Lord Derwent,...
r- I NLY about 10 per cent of all journeys rural areas are made by public transport. Contract buses, taking passengers to...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT CONSERVATIVE and Labour M.P.s were united this week in demanding that the new National Ports...
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ZHOWN in the photograph above is -) the 521-ton-capacity double-droprame Dyson semi-trailer built to transtort a "flask" in...
A N exhaust silencer which is claimed — 1 to bring about a considerable reducion in the black smoke emitted is being aarketed...
T HE Monopolies Commission report on the supply of electrical equipment for vehicles was issued yesterday; a full report will...
A N increase in price is announced by The British Aluminium Co. Ltd. for all semi-fabricated materials produced by the concern....
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P ROSPECTS that automatic controls I would one day eliminate the need for trunk drivers on motorway routes were discussed by...
has ordered 70 Leyland Cornet bus chassis through the Leyland subsidiary, Ashok Leyland LtcL, of Madras. These will bring the...
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How many factors do you consider in choosing a new clutch? You could start and finish simply with considering accuracy to...
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purling Net Profit Steady: In the year ended 4ay 31 last, profit of the Spurling Group Spurling Motor Bodies Ltd. and...
Lndyman A Time-saver for the Breakdown Kit tOADSIDE BREAKDOWNS of cornaercial vehicles, althou g h reducin g in lumber, and...
THIS week's prize of three guineas goes I to Mr. P. Firth of Castlefield, Yorks. It is for the removal of Bedford front hub...
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and Publications A NEW sparking plug cleaning and testing machine has been introduced by the Spark Plug and Ceramics Division...
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Articulated outfits are used exclusively for long-distance trunking runs by AnseIls Brewery and play an important part in local...
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C ONTINUALLY increasing labour costs coupled with the difficulty of getting highly-skilled, vehiclemaintenance personnel is the...
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WRITES F ROM what is known so far about the representations to the Geddes Committee it would appear that most of the...
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r HE popularity of tours operated by the associated coach operators, Stanley Spencer's Tours (Mantester) Ltd. and Happiway...
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The Saving of Life IT was very fair of you to publish my letter in your issue 1 of November 1. The question of saving life so...
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A survey carried out by Hepworth and Grandage Ltd. shows that cold corrosion can increase land and ring wear by 400 per cent....
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)und, reliable and friendly finanservice is a primary requirement traders in cars and commercial [des. And nowhere could you a...
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IF HE need to recognize the stage in the expansion of a road transport fleet when personal control based on verbal instructions...
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Ilampson's Luxury Coaches Ltd. Cap £5,000. Objects: to acquire the business of motor coach and bus operators, etc., carried on...