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T HERE is no f actor greater than responsibility to bring a change of heart, policy and purpose to individuals who, previously,...
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latest agitation by left-wing trades r unionists is another step on the road to totalitarian government in this country. The...
Why Not Pre-pay for /10ST people know that to Postal Replies from "'pre-pay a reply from a cor Abroad respondent in the United...
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That General Gloom is - bad in tactics. The query: Shall we get our furniture delivered by plane van? That, if we do, it will...
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in the United Kingdom, against a computed monthly average of 9,000 in 1938. Included in July's figure were 592 motorbuses and...
A T the opening meeting of the Con ference of the Association of Public Lighting Engineers in London on September 10, Mr. A....
T HE tyre distribution scheme of the Tyre Trade Joint Committee has been carefully reviewed by the Vehicles Committee of the...
DRITA1N'S export trade in commeo cial vehicles continues to grow, and July's quota howed a 35 per cent. increase on that for...
T HE new Dunlop factory at Speke is now ready for production_ It is expected that there will be between 6,000 and 7,000...
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QTRONG arguments against the 6- 7 nationalization of road passenger transport were put forward by Sir Joseph Nall, chairman of...
towards the ationalization of road transport should think on these words by Mr. Shinwell, Minister of Fuel, when he opened an...
A VIGOROUS campaign against nationalization is being conducted in the Yorkshire West Riding Area of the Road Haulage...
THE lecture to be given at the next meeting of the London Centre, Institute of Traffic Administration, is " A Case Against the...
MR. W. D. RAE, B.Sc.. A.R.1.C., chief research chemist at the Andre Rubber Co., Ltd., has been awarded his Ph.D., his thesis...
of the London section of the Institute of Metals has been announced. Among the papers to be read will be one on "Centrifugal...
T HE French motor industry manufactured 67,345 vehicles between the Liberation and July 1, 1946, states Reuter. None of these...
on all aspects of forestry and the use of timber, the Timber Development Association has further extended the arrangements...
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WHEN two brothers, both ex-ServiceVV men, were granted a B licence to carry building materials within a 15mile radius of...
North-eastern Centre of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers will begin with a meeting on October 8, at the Hotel...
Rates of Wages and Hours of Labour at August 1, 1946" has been cornpiled by tbt: Ministry of Labour. It contains tables showing...
of Huddersfield Corporation's bus drivers and conductors is being taken before the National Joint Industrial Council's...
the National Savings movement was passed at a recent meeting of the National Savings Advisory Committee of the Road Transport...
produced by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., since peace-time production was started on July 3, 1945. The Car e and Truck...
the principal roads in Northern Ireland by the Government mid highway authorities is recommended in the Planning Commission's...
paid to the work of I the late Mr. .1. H. Stirk, former Regional Transport Commissioner, and chairman of the East Midland...
ENGINEERING COR some time Major R. A. B. Smith, M.C., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.T., has been consulting road engineer of the...
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meets at Brighton on October 21, it will be requested to declare its policy on the "closed shop." In the past the official...
I N a comment to an applicant for a B licence to operate a vehicle for the transport of livestock, Mr. Archibald Henderson,...
IT is believed that the recent agreement on certain outstanding problems in connection with the supply of civilian goods to the...
T HE following reports from British teams of industrial experts in Germany may be of interest:—F.I.A.T. 535: Industrial X-Ray...
T HE Buda Co. of America is to begin building oil engines for heavy vehicles again, says Reuter. The new series will include...
H ERR1NG was being dumped into the sea locally because of lack of transport, said a Tarbert (Loch Fyne) haulier, Mr. John...
A SPECIAL course of lectures on electric vehicles will be conducted on Tuesday .evenings in October and November by the...
'Ltd., made a trading profit of £136,194 and a net profit of £50,594. After adding the balance brought forward from the...
R EUTER reports the following foreign trade openings:—L. D. Beston, 387, Kent Street, Sydney, Australia, is interested in...
A T noon last Friday, the 10,000th Bedford truck to be exported since the end of the war left the Vauxhall factory at Lutortfor...
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A WORLD tour, in which he covered nearly 80,000 miles in 222 days, has recently been completed by Mr. Percy Lister, chairman of...
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B EFORE the war we were all quite justly proud of the high standard of maintenance of our commercial vehicle fleets. For...
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CONDEMNATION OF COSTLY EXPERIMENTS A S a regular reader of "The Commercial Motor" rm. since 1926, may I commend you on your...
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D URING the war years we saw such rapid de‘ elopment of jet and turbine power units that even the most conservative person can...
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Licensing Sub-committees R EADERS continue to send us their views on the controversy over the activities of the road-rail...
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Methods and Materials S TEEL makers have continually endeavoured to improve the machinability of their steels, and one of the...
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HE Stacatruc, manufactured by the 1 Stockport Engineering Co., Ltd., is the latest British fork lift truck. The sole...
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rarely kept. Few operators can produce figures which really indicate the tyre costs of any particular vehicle. Many, no doubt,...
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A N application by five bus drivers for an interim injunction to restrain the London Passenger Transport Board from making it a...
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IT is well known that although the 1 several cylinders of an engine may be fed from a common induction pipe, it by no means...