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M ANY bus operators may feel they have been .transported back nearly 20, years when reading the suggestion (see page 78) of a...
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THE seventh annual conference of the National Co-operative Traffic Managers' Association will be hekl at the Norbreck Hydro,...
of even heavier steel coils by rolling mills, a new coil carrier semi-trailer built by Highway Trailers (Gt. Britain) Ltd. has...
and - BP Ltd. was voiced by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, on Tuesday, when he commented on their...
O N Wednesday in London the Road Haulage Association's new standing committee on labour relations was elected from among...
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T HE only possible conclusion that could be drawn from the recent Budget decision to increase the goods 'chicle road tax by 50...
C ARLISLE and West Cumberland tipper operators are to form themselves into active groups in an endeavour to achieve ,a proper...
A NUMBER of fleet operators expressed Concern at a notification received from the new Greater London Council to the effect that...
W ITH effect from April I. goods vehicles are now admitted to the Grand Saint Bernard road tunnel up to a maximum gross weight...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT THE Minister of Transport took a hand himself last week in the continuing deadlock over...
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/UST put into service this month is a 30-ton-gross plated articulated outfit delivered by Peterborough Engineering Co. Ltd. to...
A SURREY operator. Graham Adams, has just put into service this Seddon 13:Four, one of the first tractive units sold in this...
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THE Minister of Transpoirt has now I received the report of the Geddes Committee and proposes to publish it is soon as...
M EMBERS devoted the last hour of their business before Easter to a discussion on road safety and traffic congestion—a...
A CALL for regional variations in the taxes on commercial vehicles and petrol came from several MPs last week, but—according to...
L'ORMS and instructions for claiming I relief from the 6d. fuel tax duty are now being sent to bus operators. The Minister of...
M ORE vehicles are to he permitted to carry rotating flashing beacons. showing either blue or amber lights. Until now the use...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT AUNICIPAL bus undertakings in South Lancashire should be re-organized into n i l two or three...
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FADERS of London's busmen are expected to decide today (April 23) on the size of the new pay rise which they are to demand from...
Diamond Jubilee pr his annual statement, on the occasion I of the Diamond Jubilee of Lancashire United Transport Ltd.. the...
BY DEREK MOSES F OLLOWING the publication of a 30-page report advocating the introduction of one-man single-deck buses...
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From Our Indust - L . :al Correspondent THE Committee of Inquiry set up by I the Minister of Labour to probe the company bus...
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S PEAKING at the 67th annual general meeting of the Potteries Motor Traction Co. Ltd. last week, the company chairman and...
inistry's Compensation for M6 Disruption WALSALL Town Council has a g reed VW to accept £15,000 from the Ministry of...
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N a reserved, written decision, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. ). I. R. Muir, has granted an application y a Finnish...
N application by The Liverpool Cartage Co. Ltd. to vary an A cence by the addition of 10 artics of 24 tons was granted in full...
A B-LICENCE grant for 30 vehicles b■ 1- 1 the North Western deputy Licensing Authority to an association of Fleetwood fish...
n UESTIONNA1RES d istributed among passengers on oneand two-day tours of Holland revealed that for many of them the trip was...
carriage of consignments under three tons was the main reason given for an application by Bassett Roadways Ltd., at Birmingham...
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A Nappeal by Sludge Disposals Ltd. and others against a •grant of a B licence to Effluents (Manchester) Ltd. by the North...
A PLEA that many of the 22 defects found on a short-wheelbase tipper after it had been stopped by the police were caused by an...
T HE Western Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, refused an A-licence application for nine vehicles by W. T....
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QECTION 174(2) of the 1960 Road Traffic Act—which provides for Contract A I:cences—came under the microscope recently as the...
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this month Mr. John Murly, chairman of the international ;roup of the Road Haulage Association, md a vice-chairman of tilt...
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A FTER reviewing traffic returns for the first 16 months' operation of :he Dartford Tunnel, which has proved popular as a...
I applications will be shown at the Royal Society of Health conference at Eastbourne on April 26-29, One is a four-wheel-drive...
'THE E.CE Working Party on Construction of Vehicles, meeting in Geneva last month, recommended that governments should provide...
ALTHOUGH rt developed specifically for use in construction equipment such as loaders and diggers as an alternative to auto...
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-Ithe Minister of Labour to make grants or loans to industrial training boards. Last week the Minister, Mr. Kay Gunter, in a...
L"OLLOWING the success of the BMC Dcansgatu luxury mini-coach introduced in 1963 Or he Commercial Motor, August 23, 1963) the...
The Garage Lathe 2 I AST week I described the main features of the lathe tools suitable for garage work—that is, cutting and...
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A STRONGLY-CONSTRUCTED, four-wheel, close-coupled 4-1 trailer, built to carry crawler tractors, other wheeled machinery and...
been introduced by E. P. Barrus (Concessionaires) Ltd. This new equipment, called the Hi-Jet, consists basically of a wheeled...
automatic headlamp dipping systems has been added to the range of electronic equipment made by Photain Controls Ltd. This gives...
from Bradville Ltd. The Bradex Mini kit is small enough (61 in. by 31 in.) to be carried on the person. •Packed in' a strong...
developed in America. is now available in this country from Edgware Racing Stable. Originally designed for use on missiles and...
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AN OPEN LETTER ABOUT CONCESSIONARY FARES Dear Darby and Joan. You are elderly. So am 1. You are not well-to-do. Neither am 1....
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By R. D. Cater ROAD TEST; Ford D.800-B T C 18.8-ton-gross Artic. W HEN the Technical Editor reported upon the Ford D.800...
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Cater: We keep hearing about this international symbol and this is a very pretty arrangement, but I don't think there is any...
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By The Hawk Parcels and smalls delivery rivers have a rotten job getting customers' signatures on elivery of goods these...
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T HE establishment of a Scottish Road Passenger Transport Board and the strengthening of local authorities' powers to take...
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'HE discussion to Mr. Quin's paper was started by Mr. E. R. L. zpayne, who said that the paper prelted a distorted view of the...
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By H. McDonald, until recently efficiency and long-term planner with Leeds City Transport, for whom he initiated a number of...
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A HIGHLY complex security van developed bya. young r -- N electronics engineer not only resists attack in many forms but -is...
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'EMCLES, loads and roads are three essentials of road transport. Operators are daily engrossed with all these aspects every...
A Midland operator asks for comparative operating 7osis for a 7-tonner for the years 1958 and 1964, to u4listanliate a rates...
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Encouraging News from Stringer Motors 711E chairman of STRINGER MOTORS—Mr. F. C. I Stringer—sends shareholders a highly...
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DW Much Interest? RE the majority of hauliers truly interested? Your 60 years of publishing and spotlighting other people's...
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Factors Affecting Road Traffic —dynamic changes in the gas industry FIVE years ago it seemed clear that the gas industry was...