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L EADING executives of the motor industry have recently thought it desirable to warn manufacturers of the fierce compelition in...
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THE decision which was recently made by London Transport in connection with the eventual replacement of the remaining trams by...
New Methods of IGNITION needs differ in Sparking Ignition for ...the turbine type of i.e. engine Engines from those of the...
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That Norwich is justly proud of having gone through last year without one child being killed on its roads. _ --.).___ That the...
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Wages Negotiations Fail: Inquiry Set up T HE new Joint Industrial Council for the road transport industry, which, as reported...
WE spent a most interesting few VI' hours last week with Mr. G. Finch, general manager of the Daimler Co., Ltd., Coventry, and...
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A SPECIAL committee of Matichester Chamber of Commerce, which has been examining the Transport Bill, has expressed its fears...
T HE second annual dinner and dance of the Transport Managers' Club (London Area), held on January 15 at the Connaught Rooms,...
Harris, he points out that a reeenl statement by the Nationai Association of Road Transport Groups, published in its second...
dinnerdance at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, on January 31. BARRING SLOGANS ON' I ENVELOPES DECENTLY the use on envelopes of...
T HE view that freedom for traders is essential both in the use of their own vehicles and the selection of the form of...
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COUN. J. JOYCE has been appointed a Licensing Authority for the Northern Area. MR. ROLAND T SMITH, a director of the Pye Group...
D RAZING as a new method of repair ing sheet aluminium was discussed by Mr. C. H. B. Braddle, of the British Oxygen Co., Ltd.,...
OIL QOME time ago the Avon India L-.) Rubber Co., Ltd., made a decision to convert itt power plant from coal-burning to oil...
A Tan open meeting, convened by the . Labour Party of Woking, last Friday, a resolution declaring "that this meeting rejects...
O PERATORS would be ill-advised to make plans based on the Transport Bill until after the committee stage, said Mr. L. A....
was faced with the problem of massproducing bullet-proof cars. The manufacture of vehicles in all their detailed parts was...
N O legal authority could understand 12 of the clauses of the Transport Bill, said Lord Long of Wraxall, speaking at a joint...
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QIR ARNOLD MUSTO, Western OLicensing Authority, has announced his decision on the keenly contested application by A. Packharn...
Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, which have worked in close co-operation with Government Departments, are to...
CLUB A TRAVELLING youth club, in a converted bus, has started oit a useful life in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland....
haulage rates varying from -2s. per ton to 20s. per ton has been prepared in chart form by M.T.D. Technical Art Service, Ltd.,...
” jF I wanted to know of a good I doctor, I should go to his patients (those who were still alive) and ask them. If I wanted to...
Mil hold a meeting at the Stork Hotel, Liverpool, on January ' 27, at 6.30 - p.m., at which Mr. R. R. J. Pitnnnier will speak...
THE entire share capital of Kelsey ' Hayes Wheel -Co., Ltd., which was exclusively held in America, has been acquired by the...
FURTHER hearings by the Appeal I Tribunal under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, are announced. On January 30, the Tribunal...
A FTER inspecting a number of sites, Northein Coachbuilders, Ltd-, ClaremontRoad, Newcastle-on-Tyne, has decided to open a...
THE Tyre Manufacturers' Conference announces that, after January 31, it will not be possible to accept user rebate agreements...
A T a meeting of Cheltenham Traffic Committee it was stated that the Ministry of Transport had many times been urged to...
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A COMMITTEE is to be set up by / - "Y Rothesay Town Council to discuss with the L.M.S. Railway Co. the provision of a special...
T RUSTY tractors are now being assembled on the belt system by Tractors (London), Ltd., Bentley -Heath, Barnet, Herts. By...
H OW far can motor engineering concerns, which specialize in complete engine reconditioning, be useful to the wad-transport...
A £100.000 factory near Bombay is planned by Motor House (Gujarat), Ltd., which assembles and distributes Jowett vehicles, and...
A PART from cars and motorcycles, 16,447 vehicles were registered for the first time in November, 1946. The following table...
WF EN Munro's Road Transport Co., M I ounthooly, applied, at Aberdeen, for licences to COVel' an increase of 6 tons in unladen...
vehicle industry have introduced the five-day week. They are Specialloid, Ltd., Guy Motors, Ltd.. and Simms Motor Units, Ltd....
B EFORE the war Mansfields, Ltd., operated a management and staff liaison scheme, under which monthly meetings were held of a...
A CONTRACT has been placed by the Port of London Authority with I.T.D., Ltd. 29, Palace Gate, London, W,S, for the supply of...
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Operated Economically for Many Years by Systematic Attention to Maintenance W ITH the rising tide of industrial production...
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A Comfortable Driving Compartment, Combined • with Good Visibility, are Essentials to Efficiency and Safety By J. Pickles, A...
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An Interesting Case of Under-cutting by a Large Company in Tendering for the Transport of Schoolchildren, and its Repercussions...
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interesting Features incorporated in New Braking System by Well-known Maker I T is vitally necessary that braking efficiency...
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Outstanding improvement in the Arra at Bardney, Lincs. Hauliers Can tents for the Reception of Road Vehicles ce Fullest...
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set-up of transport in Eire is co-ordination between road and rail, based on the supposition that, in most cases, rail...
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A PRECISION . indexing attachment. for vertical or horizontal mounting, has recently been added to the range of equipment...
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44-HOUR WEEK FOR MUNICIPAL , WORKERS? '1"1-1E Joint Industrial Council for the I. road passenger transport industry has...
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I meetings continues to be made. Interesting data were forthcoming from those on January 15 and 17. That held on January 15 was...
D 1SAPPOINTMENT at the lack of support given to the Motor Industry Research Association was expressed, at the Ass o ciation's...
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for Mexarnple—may he required to work in reverse for some distance, and in these circumstances a single low-speed ratio may be...