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26th January 1985
26th January 1985
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Page 1, 26th January 1985

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Editorial Tests are too simple

SPEED limiters, front under-run guards and the possible use of tachograph charts as evidence in court are but a few of the...

Page 5

Hauliers demand instant tax cut

1 SECOND increase in wholesale dery prices this week prompted he Road Haulage Association to demand an early cut in fuel tax....

We three

BEDFORD and Seddon Atkinson may soon become partners in a new company, which will share a cab with Daf, if talks between their...

We are still open

THE FIRST cheque for CM's Send a Spare Fund, which will exceed £13,000, will be handed over to the Save The Children Fund...

Under a cloud

A MAJOR INCIDENT in which the wrong tanker full of chemicals was delivered to a chemical company, resulting in the release of...

Page 6

FTA's budget pleas

WHILE HAULIERS are pressing this week for immediate action on fuel tax, a more comprehensive shopping list has gone to...

Yes and no on wages

HAULAGE drivers in Liverpool and Devon and Cornwall have rejected employers' wage offers, but more settlements have been...

Soon be there!

ANOTHER section of the M25 London ringway was opened last weekend, leaving only 43 miles to be completed. The 5.5-mile section...

Signalling criticism

HEADLIGHT signalling by lorry drivers has been criticised by a Suffolk coroner. "It seems to me that the exact meaning of any...

Charges drop

THE BATTLE over the accuracy of the dynamic axle weighbridge situated on the A74 Glasgow/Carlisle Road at Beattock Summit (CM,...

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Ban stand off?

ONFRONTATION in the courts between Transport Secretary Niholas Ridley and the Greater London Council over the GLC's proosed...

Weizel spells it out

IPERATORS througout the country with lorries over 16.5 tonnes till need to apply for exemption permits from the Greater Lonon...

Some like front guards

FRONT under-run guards, as proposed by the Commons transport committee, have had a mixed reception from the transport...

Small rise?

CAPITAL spending by the Government on roads will total E743m next year, compared with £718m in 1984/85. Local authority...

Page 8

Costs stable unless wages rise

By Karen Miles OPERATORS' costs this year will rise at last year's level, provided that drivers do not push for higher wage...

A SLIGHTLY optimistic picture for increases in rates is forecast

by the Henley Centre and Dr Bernard Warner as the UK economy continues its very slow recovery. But the rises in rates are not...

THE AMOUNT of freight carried by lorries will increase significantly

this year as the economy becomes more active, but will slacken off by 1989, forecasts the Henley Centre. But there are...

TO SURVIVE, operators should look for specialist areas in which

to compete and offer a good and well marketed service, said Dr Warner. Operators who wish to stay in road haulage should move...

Page 15

Tony's bon voyage National to France

VOYAGE National, the new Dperating and marketing company set up by National Bus Company in France (see p18), will be run there...

Preston retires

THE CHIEF engineer of Lancaster City Council's passenger transport department, Ronald Preston, is retiring after six years in...

Ford is Ops director

DAVID FORD, systems development director with Perkins Engines moves next month to the newly created post of director, Perkins...

Whalley for NE LA

SUPERINTENDING engineer in the Department of Transport's vehicle inspectorate at Bristol, Frederick Whalley, is to be the new...

SPD's finance man

FOLLOWING the formal acquisition from Unilever of the SPD Group by the National Freight Consortium on January 2, Paul Daffern...


WILLIAM AMOS, a pioneer of public transport in the Scottish Borders, has died at Galashiels at the age of 85. With his...

MIKE KNEEN, the Road Haulage Association's technical officer, has agreed

to stay with the RHA for another year. He had been expected to retire next month when he reaches the RHA's compulsory...

Ex-TNT man at BRS

EX-TNT general manager Geoff Coleman has joined the board of BRS Southern as commercial director, replacing Wally Farrell, who...

Page 16

rResidents lose out

STRONG opposition from residents living close to two South Yorkshire depots of Northern Dairies to plans by the company to...

Irish chance

Ireland's strategic location could make it a major centre for international warehousing and distribution geared to the needs of...

WO per cent waste of time

THE SYSTEM of vat paymen . on entry for imported goods in troduced in November, has in creased Customs clearanc. times by up to...

Euro LDoY?

THE EEC may choose a Corn mon Market Lorry Driver of th , Year as part of a plan to boos road safety in the Europeal...

Page 17

UDGMENT has been deferred at Birmingham Crown Court on rhether

or not the Post Office is required to fit tachographs to ehicles carrying goods other than mail. The Post Office was appealg...

IRISH CUSTOMS officials have promised to examine the possibility of

extending their service at the Newry Customs post following discussions with the Northern Ireland Road Transport Association....

Deaths rise

THE NUMBER of casualties among goods vehicle occupants increased by nine per cent in the third quarter of last year compared...

kussies happy

HE AUSTRALIAN road transoil industry has praised the ndings of its Government's lational Road Freight Industry iquiry,...

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Mercedes win

THE MERCEDES LN2 range of 6.5 tonne to 13 tonnes gvw rigids and lightweight tractive units up to 24 tonnes gcw has won the 1985...

Di Transit

FORD'S 2.5-litre direct injectioi Transit diesel engine is finall on sale in the UK a year afte production of the small high...

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Belgium up

THE BELGIAN Government has introduced regulations which allow maximum vehicle length, weight and width to be increased from...

Page 20

LONDON'S first international bus and coach exhinition will open at Earls Court on September 11 for four days.

It is organised by Reed Exhibitions and sponsored by CM and is being staged at the request of a bus and coach industry working...

Glasgow taxis lose appeal

GLASGOW taxi drivers have lost an appeal against the Scottish Traffic Commissioners' decision to grant Strathclyde PTE four...

Page 21

By Noel Muller

HESTAIR Duple is confidently predicting that the company is on the road back to profitability following a major factory...

Waiting for the Bill

A MOVE to have Tayside Region reject the Government's proposals on privatisation of local authority bus operations has been...

Courtesy fine

ALTHOUGH cleared of using avehicle without a psv operator's licence, and aiding and abetting a driver without a psv driving...

KENT County Council is prepared to act as a trial

area for its route franchising alternative to the Government's total deregulation plans. Kent representatives indicated this...

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eyond the driving seat..

By Jack Semple THE ANNOUNCEMENT from the National Freight Consortium this month (CM, January 19) that Clive Beattie's...

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£73m more for London's transport

THE CM January 5 edition refers to the new rating arrangements for London Regional Transport, coming to the conclusion that...

Alternatives to 6x4

I MUST clear up a misunderstanding which obviously exists based on your review of CM road tests (January 5). Our...

Tax allowances on meals

I WAS INTERESTED to read (CM, November 3) about employers having difficulties getting tax allowed off meal money for drivers in...

"Buses off our hands"

IN REPLY to Councillor James Cook of Edinburgh, regarding the intended break-up of the city's bus system by the Government of...

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Brussels Show heralds 44 tonnes

Belgium's new higher limit comes in on July 1, but the exhibition was notable for a new selection of models at the other end of...

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No bobs for this job

VISIONS of bare-kneed, shivering octogenarians were conjured up by the announcement that Lex Wilkinson Expressline had done Its...

Where buck stops, communication starts

TOM KING, the Employment Secretary, professes to believe that senior managers display above their desks a notice, "The buck...

Bus operators to take to rail?

THE USE of British Rail tracks by trains run by private operators has been suggested by Professor David Starkie in a report...

Transport man on the route to the loot

HAVING made himself a millionaire in 13 years in road transport, Ian Sayer is now showing the railways how to do it. He has...

Think of a number and deduct 63

ONE MIGHT reasonably assume that the first ERF built 51 years ago was No 1. It wasn't. It was No 63, which happened to be the...

ASPRO cures Perkins pains

PERKINS Engines is taking ASPRO to cure production headaches. This is the acronym for an assembly programming system, which by...

Page 60

Few bodybuilders both build tippers and fit hydraulic loading equipment.

Bryan Jarvis visits one that finds this go-ahead policy is strengthening its niche in the market BUILDING tippers, loaders and...

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The multi-purpose body option is now the trend

that its main strength is its open policy of talking with the end user, examining his requirements and providing the equipment...

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De luxe lounges on conventional chassis

From the outside they may look like ordinary coaches and buses, but inside they are often equipped with every mod con — from...

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Roadrunner cab's strength is skin deep

Only seven panels make up the cab of the Roadrunner. They also provide its structural strength. To make sure that this totally...

Page 74

[E of DruF,unT aorfiyo

THE AIRVAC type GA vehicle ventilator is now available from Greenwood Airvac Ventilation. It offers an impressive rate of air...

Vehicle light testers

KENT-MOORE UK has introduced two portable, hand held testers for examining the light circuits of tractive units and trailers...

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Air compressor

A SMALL air compressor range has been launched by the Challenger division of the ICS group. It comprises seven models, built...

Mighty Migette

AN EASY-to-operate small welder called the MIG New Era 5000 mono is now available from Leicestershire-based Migatronic Welding...

Long reach hub puller

A NEW specification threelegged hub puller called the U2013 has been introduced by Facom Tools, The thrust screw has been...

Page 76

Far from being a tiresome legal requirement, the tachograph can

be made to yield a wealth of management information. Jack Semple talks to TachAnalysis, the Glasgow company which is at the...