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A T first glance, British operators might think they were not actively connected with the European Agreement on the...
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T HE national council of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses has decided to recommend to its members that...
appointment of Mr. L. A. Wells as Scottish deputy Licensing Authority and deputy chairman of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners...
"THERE are far too many enthusiastic 1 amateurs entering our profession. It would appear that if you can tell the difference...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT THE European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods, I. which lists...
A RTICULATION will be the main theme of next week's enlarged special issue of "The Commercial Motor ", whose contents will...
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T HE British commercial vehicle industry, says the S.M.M.T., last year held its position as the world's largest exporter of...
'THE Scottish-based haulage group, Tayforth Ltd.. has bought, for shares and cash, together worth £1,680,000, Hanson Haulage...
T HE London SessiOns Appeal Committee on Wednesday dismissed an appeal by Ralph Charles Frederick Cropper against conviction...
of the Road Haulage Association were: dock delays and demurrage charges; the possibility of new negotiating machinery for...
by Pick fords Ltd. and others against a grant of three articulated/ independent low-loaders to Bakers Transport (Southampton)...
Ltd., which operates more than 200 vehicles, has taken over Ross Garages Ltd.. of Cardiff. It is understood that consideration...
I N .last year's special roadside vehicle " blitz " checks by Ministry examiners, nearly half the vehicles inspected were...
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n ELEGATES from the Road Haulage Association's Western and Devon and Cornwall areas, representing operators of Aand B-licensed...
NAORE dates of eliminating rounds in IV' the 1965 Lorry Driver of the Year are now known (see also last week's issue). The...
TODAY, Friday, the Minister of Transport is due to open the 13+-mile-long section of M6 motorway connecting the Preston and...
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(IN Monday, the Minister of TransI— , port held a top-level conference in London on dock congestion. In addition to the...
taking export cargoes to Southampton will be able to ensure quick turn-round by transhipping freight onto B.R.S. trailers at a...
From our Industrial Correspondent T HE Minister of Transport is to take a hand in the long drawn out dispute about giving...
Road Transport Association's activities and expansion of the services to members, a full-time secretary for Scotland is to be...
j1s4 the February issue of T. (1. O.W. 1 Record it is noted that agreement has been reached with Tate and Lyle Transport Ltd....
A N increase of 44,000 in goods vehicles on British roads between 1963 and 1964 has taken the total beyond the one and a half...
vans designed for companies with site payment problems will be introduced by Security Express Ltd. next month. The vans can be...
THE Minister of Transport, Mr. Tom 1 Fraser, will respond to the toast of H.M. Ministers at the Traders Road Transport...
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STANDARD RM ROUTEMASTER PRODUCTION TO CEASE THIS YEAR PRODUCTION of the standard London Transport 64-seat Routemaster...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT P ROTESTS against the Severn Bridge Tolls Bill already made by the Road Haulage Association...
A LT HOUGH monorails, hovercraft and other forms of travel had been considered, Mr, W. Burns, planning officer for Newcastle...
committees in large rural areas which provided school transport, said Mr. P. Bessell (Liberal, Bodmin) in the Commons last...
F EARS were expressed this week that serious travel difficulties might arise in Manchester on Thursday following a threat by...
A FTER an inquiry had been held to consider objections raised by Manchester and Oldham Corporations, the Stalybridge, Hyde,...
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A REPORT presented last week to rA Glasgow Corporation transport committee shows that the average weekly earnings, exclusive of...
Newcastle Bu.snien Press for Bonuses: Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation bus drivers and conductors have renewed their application...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT U NION leaders of 100,000 company busmen were due at the Ministry of Labour today (Friday)...
' THE Walton garage of the Liverpool I. Corporation Passenger Transport undertaking, first opened as a horse-tram depot about...
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i T is reported by our correspondent in Colombo that the Ceylon Transport Board will have a fleet of 400 new buses on the road...
A NEW express carriage m service between H i tch and Salisbury is proposed by Royal Blue Express Services, who have applied to...
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A DECISION was reserved when Scottish Omnibuses Ltd. applied at Edinburgh last week for a new road service licence to cover...
A FTER coming to the conclusion that on two occasions within the past year Salkeld Brothers of Rowley, County Durham, had been...
T WO Cumberland brothers, contractors and village joiners, made their third attempt last week at Penrith to secure a licence to...
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A DECISION of the South Eastern r - 1 deputy Licensing Authority was :ontested at the Transport Tribunal last week by Hall and...
A GREF.M ENT between the applicant and six objectors resulted in an application for four ,A-licensed artics by Don Johnson of...
OND1T1ONS attached to the short term grant made to the North Western Road Car Co. Ltd. in February last year, to operate an...
A DECISION on an application by rt Charles Alexander and Partners Transport) Ltd., o Aberdeen, for 46 rehicles of 264 tons on A...
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announced. Mr. Geoff Mousley becomes director and general manager of the group. He joined Morton's in 1934 and is a director of...
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DIMMED HEADLIGHTS EXPERIMENT F OLLOWING a recent approach by the Chief Constable of Derby, the removals and storage company of...
T HE Minister of Transport gave advice in Parliament last week on the interpretation of flashing headlight signals when asked...
rOLLECTION and removal of derelict motorcars is one of the uses to which Barking Borough Council intends to put a special...
A NNOUNCING that the Minister of ri Labour intended to set up a Training Board or Boards for the distributive trades, Mr....
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'Ltd., Matlock. has ordered a further 19 Albion Super Reiver three-axled tippers, which will bring the company's fleet of these...
THE latest artidulated outfit (seer above) produced for Sutton and Sor (St. Helens) Ltd. includes the 'first of an order for...
Clayton Prize of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (worth t1,700) was shared by Dr. A. E. W. Austen and Mr. F. H. • I a...
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last year exported 84 per cent of its U.K.. production, has offered to help smaller firms. Perkins, whose world sales have...
an item in the January 15 issue of this journal, that Mr. C. M. Floyd, chairman of the Avon Rubber Co. Ltd., was in some way...
' cylinder diesel engine fitted in the Mercedes-Benz L.405 range of vans and lorries has been increased from 50 b.h.p. net at...
The G1V.9—Split Mudwings I t- 7 we could forget the problems of unladen weight a number of our maintenance headaches would...
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and Publications Sleeve Fitting Tool I NTRODUCED by Baumann Electric Ltd. is a new tool, the Type D, for fitting sleeves and...
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"Central Bus News" Latest on the staff communications front from London Transport is a news lettter, to be published from time...
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N ATIONALIZATION of road transport Was not an issue at either Leyton or Nuneaton, but the unexr peetedly bad performance of the...
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:NOES 3. Getting the best out of witness d supporting letters A N aspect to licensing, the importance of which is sometimes...
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ik • LTHOUGH the 44th Salon de PAutomobile which opened in Brussels last Week is the first of the major Continental shows in...
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Preparation for vehicle scheduling by computer for the 28-vehicle fleet of Ulster Brewery Co. Ltd. has brought associated...
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F LEXIBIL1TY has been a major factor in the success of the road transport industry. It has enabled it to meet the varying needs...
"Briefly I would like to calculate...the wisest way of running a fleet, including the policy of vehicle replacement." This is...
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Mann Egerton's Good Results rro follow five successive years of record profits the / market confidently expected MANN EGERTON...
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Solution to Motorway Problem? I WAS very interested to read in last week's issue the I report mentioning Mr. Donald Stokes'...