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30th November 1962
30th November 1962
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Page 1, 30th November 1962

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T HE campaign against road transport continues. The latest attack came in a Lords debate (reported last week). Lord Lucas said...

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Coming into Line With Europe

U RGENT consultations were taking place within the Ministry of Transport in an endeavour to bring British standards into line...

More Collaboration Needed

S PEAKING at the Central London SubArea Banquet and Ball of the Road Haulage Association on Friday, Mr. G. K. Newman,...

A New and Formidable Challenge

T HE national chairman of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. D. 0. Good, speaking at the annual dinner of the Association's...

Forty-hour-week Agreements

A GUARANTEED working week of I -1 40 hours, reduced from 42 hours, has been agreed by Schweppes Ltd. and Pease Transport Ltd.,...

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T.R.T.A. Denies Opposition to E.E.C.

QPEAKING on "Continental Opera tion " to a meeting of C-licensees in Birmingham on Wednesday, Mr. G. Turvey, assistant...

When Should the Oil be Changed?

S 0 many factors influence the rate of deterioration of oil in an engine that it is not possible to quote mileages at which oil...

E.E.C. Competition Rules Suspended T HE Council of the European Economic

Community on Monday, in Paris, decided to suspend the application to transport of the regulation relating to notification of...

Noise and Pollution Problems I NCREASING attention is being paid

by the motor industry to the questions of noise and atmospheric pollution. Work was also being carried out on matters such as...

Oil Pipeline Plan

A JOINT oil pipeline project company is being formed by Esso, Mobil, Petrofina. Regent and Shell-Mex and B.P. which, subject to...

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Dangerous Goods Regulations

FROM OUR POLITiCAL. CORRESPONDENT T HE movement of dangerous goods by road, under consideration by the Ministry of Transport...

Commercial Drivers Low on Fatality List

FEWER bus drivers were killed last year than any other type of driver, and only moped riders beat goods vehicle drivers in low...

New London Traffic Authority Proposed A SINGLE traffic authority for the

whole of Greater London--the Greater London Council—is proposed by the Government in its Bill to reorganize the Metropolitan...

State Board Appointments'

otiowiNG the appointments of Sir Philip Warter as part-time chairman of the Transport Holding Company and • Sir Reginald Wilson...

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Lorry Route and Hull Access

NfiR. MARPLES last week refused to 1 1 ' 1 give an assurance that the controversial lorry route into London from the north...

Contract Switch

A TWO-MONTHS gap when no return I - 1 loads of grain from England to Scotland are available was the basis for an application...

Aytoun Liquidator Gets Grant T HE Richard Aytoun business is to

he continued on a limited scate. Following two earlier hearings, when the liquidators asked for continuation of licences, to...

Liverpool Haulier's Appeal Rejected

A LIVERPOOL man who claimed that he sold his haulage business to another firm was told by the Transport Tribunal in London on...

Experimental Anti-crash Barrier on Ml TWO 10-mile experimental lengths of

"flex-beam anti-crash barrier" are to go up on Ml. Mr. Marples said in the Commons last week that he hoped to authorize the...

Two &MC. Ap peals Upheld

HE Transport Tribunal on Wednesday upheld two appeals by the B.T.C. In the first, against the Western' deputy Licensing...

Operators Fear Camp Tour Bid

F . EARS that new Continental camping might eventually develop into an express service between Lancashire and Dover were given...

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Unusual W. Midland Application

n i LDBURY TRANSPORT LTD. asked ‘.-th c West Midland Licensin g A t ithority • last Week for 12 new A licences. It was stated...

Refrigeration or Insulation L.A. Decision Reserves

ik AR. W. QUIN, Scottish Licensin g 1V1. Authority, reserved decision in the John Russell (Gran g emouth) Ltd. application for...

Application was Invalid

A N application to the Metropolitan Licensin g Authority by Gava g an Transport Ltd., haulier -based at Greenford, was...

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Trailer Operations Queried by Objectors

APPLICATION A FORETASTE OF THINGS TO COME T HE usual contest between British Railways and road operators, that has become such...

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Large Contract Switches in Two Areas

B y far the largest application from this week's " As and Ds" is published in the South Eastern area' in the form of a contract...

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No Witnesses, So Application Refused by South Wales LA.

lkyr. RONALD JACKSON, South M Wales Licensing Authority, told the head of a Yorkshire haulier firm in Cardiff last week that he...

Pickfords Seeks Scottish Vehicle 'TWO Ayr hauliers, J. A. Bryden and

1 John L. Young, objected at Glasgow last Week to an application by B.R.S. (Pickfords). Ltd., London, to add one vehicle to...

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Successful Bid for Continuation

B ARRHEAD Town Council objected. last week to applications by McGill's Bus Service Ltd. to continue without modification its...

L. A. Defines Road and Building Materials THE Northern Licensing

Author' ity, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, has been quick to act on the recent High Court ruling, in the appeal of R. M. Hawksworth and...

The Badge of Art

ri A TWENTY years old Birmingham Corporation bus conductor with a talent for art was so fed up with being ribbed by his mates...

• Mr. A. B. Birnie has been appointed deputy chairman

of the Traffic Commissioners and deputy Licensing Authority for the Scottish Traffic Area in succession to Mr. Ivo Townsend,...

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Ribble Smoking Questionnaire

AORE than 120 local authorities in IVI Lancashire, Westmorland, Cumberland and the West Riding of Yorkshire have been asked by...

London Busmen's Claim

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TTIE executive of the Transport and I General Workers' Union will be asked next week to...

Bradford Survey Query

A T a meeting of the Bradford City Council held last week, queries were raised on the resolution of the transport committee to...

Large Bus Orders From Scotland

'THE Scottish Omnibuses Group fleet replacement programme for 1963 will involve the expenditure of £ the same figure as last...

North Western's Safe Drivers

QEVENTY-EIGHT bus drivers )--) employed by the North Western Road Car Co. at Altrincham, Biddulph, Buxton, Glossop,...


MITTEE, and the A.E.U. are at deadlock over a refusal by the Union to sign a bonus agreement covering terms of employment of...

London Art Show T HE 16th annual art show of London

bus and Underground workers was opened at Charing Cross Underground Station recently. The collection of oil paintings, water...

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Halifax Surplus Down

T HE net surplus from the operation of . bus services obtained by Halifax Corporation for the year ended March 31, 1962. was -...

Registrations Down in August

THERE was a general drop in the 1 registration of new commercial vehicles in August as compared with the figure for the...

B.M.C.'s Three Millionth Export Vehicle A CELEBRATION was held on

ra Monday at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London, by the British Motor Corporation for the production of the Corporation's...

Fleetleaders for 20 tons

DY incorporating a number of altera. tions in the design, the Cram FruehaufS.2 Fleetleader 1,6/17-ton tandern-axie...

Electronic Warning E LECTRONIC warning against ice will be provided for

road users at six points in Edinburgh, giving the Highways Committee added information on the value of the device for wider...

Vauxhall Extensions woRjc is to start within the next feN

YV months on a £4 m., 250,000 sq. fl . extension to Vauxhall Motors' new Elles mere Port factory, it was announced las week at...

Swiss Imports Rise I MPORTS into Switzerland of com

mercial vehicles over the first half of the current year were of some 7,851, or -some 24.7 per cent more than the total of...

Rural Surveys To Begin Soon

I - NETAILED stuyeys of transport availability, travel needs and actual travelling are to be carried out as soon as staff are...

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Dennis Profit Up

T HE trading profit of Dennis Brothers Ltd. for the year ended September 30, 1962, was £205,134, an increase on last year's...


HELPING MUSHROOMS GROW: Twenty-six Albion Chieftain Super Six lorries. worth £50.000, have been ordered by Royal Ascot...

Italian Doubledecker Challenge T HE Aerfer Metropol double-decker, first exhibited at

the Turin Motor Show two years ago, is being offered on the international market. Aerfer claims that its price is considerably...


Safety Belts: Glasgow Corporation Accident Prevention Committee is proposing that safety belts should be installed to the front...


Twickenham Borough Council invites tenders by December 11 for supply of one Dennis gullyemptier, one Thames Trader 3-ton...

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Surface Treatment Range

A S a resplt of its appointment as U.K. selling agent for Graco Geneva S.A. (the parent company is Gray Company Inc.,...

Rubber Suspension for Tandem Axles

T O OBTAIN soft springing in the unloaded condition is one of the aims of an all-rubber suspension scheme shown in patent No....

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Common Market Will Affect Everyone

A: THOUGH designed specifically to discuss the problems involved in the transport of engineering goods to Europe t a conference...

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Bird's Eye View

REARING in mind the considerable care generally taken "in getting correct sound effects for television and radio items, some of...

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The second of a series of three articles describing take-over procedure in a large haulage group. BY S. BUCKLEY, ASSOC.INST.T.

"As From Tomorrow" B RISTOL INDUSTRIES LTD., explained Mr. Russell, managing director of Western Transport Ltd., was taken...

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A FLEET of 20 special snowploughing and salt-spreading vehicles is now being produced by Atkinson Vehicles Ltd., for use on...

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I T is interesting to compare problems associated with the transport of the main structure of a large press, weighing up tO 100...

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Because the washers are 'finished in vitreous enamel, they. are very easily damaged, and internal fittings have been provided...

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Tons of Money

A GOOD example of the futility of any attempt to equate road and rail track costs was given by Lord Stonham in the House of...

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T HE operation of a bus or lorry fleet is a down-to-earth business, and, whilst the private owner of a car can indulge his...

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It is difficult to evaluate intangible benefits, but the aispension and brake systems are both features which Mr. 3tooke...

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Railways Into Roads

I N The Commercial Motor of November 2 I was very interested to read about the railway losses in Northern Ireland. You point...

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Dangers of Transition

Expansion of small and efficient haulage businesses can bring difficulties if adequate control is not maintained I NSUFFICIENT...