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B Y March 31 we shall all have been promised the .11-0 earth—politically. That, at least, is a certainty. Simple souls might...
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THERE are growing signs that the report of the RHA study group on co-operation may not receive such an untroubled adoption as...
TT is now clear that the so-called "tripartite A co-operation" launched in 1962 has proved a failure. No meetings of the RHA...
ikAR. HARRY BELL, of Bell and Co. (TransLVL port) Ltd., a national vice-chairman of the Road Haulage Association has intimated...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT DLANS to build up the State transport system into a powerful competitor for the nation's...
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the a.g.m. of the Western area vehicle maintenance advisory committee last month the chairman, Mr. G. H. Gardner, reported on...
ALICE VISCOUNTESS HALL, who as Miss A. M. Walker was the first woman executive in nationalized transport when she became group...
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DRIVING HOME BY CAR DOES NOT COUNT A TEST appeal by a Ministry of Transport traffic examiner failed in the High Court last...
F ORMER Ulster Transport Authority road freight manager, Mr. R. L. Streight, recently launched an attack on the Northern...
FORMAL objection to the proposed peakhour loading and unloading bans in Jameson Street and Carr Lane, Hull, have been made by...
THE following meetings have been announced by IRU: April 18: International Technical Commission —Centre International, 1 rue...
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PROTESTS AT INSPECTION FEES T HERE was more to the Road Safety Bill than the production of new regulations, Mr. G. Turvey,...
'D °BUST construction and simplicity are features of the composite body of a new Dairyet Major milk float built by R. W....
A MOVE by Samuel Taylor (Hay's Wharf) Ltd. from its Tower Bridge Road, London depot to new premises at Poolcs Lane, Ripple...
vOLLOWING Government plans to issue regulations on the braking standards of existing commercial vehicles, the Road Haulage...
A RECORD number of TIR carnets (303,850) was issued by IRU to member associations in 1965. The largest user was France...
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its faith in the Geddes Committee's proposals to scrap the licensing system for goods vehicles. Though not exactly wholehearted...
D ESPITE the offer of a four-hour Manchester to London trunk for 6s. 3d. per ton, British Railways' newest Freightliner service...
I N a memorandum submitted to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the TRTA and the RHA have called for a reduction of the "heavy...
L AST week the Minister of Transport received a deputation from the Joint Fuel Tax Committee, representing the four major...
llotRITISH trailers crossing to the Continent by roll-on/roll-off services are no longer being allowed into Spain or Portugal...
THE Port of London Authority expects to receive the results of the survey of goods passing through its docks in April. This...
Breweries Ltd. will get a guaranteed £41 a week for a six-night stint under an agreement signed with the Scottish Commercial...
p AID overtime is to be completely eradicated under a new productivity pact, announced by another oil firm last week. Under the...
A l independent arbitrator has awarded an increase of 30s. a week to drivers employed by the Stechford, Birmingham haulage firm...
F OLLOWING an announcement in January by the Minister of Transport, a meeting of Ministry officials and representatives of...
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deliver the opening address at a four-day annual convention of the United States Local and Short Haul Carriers' National...
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B Y refusing yet another application for a Contract A licence at Inverness last week, Mr. L. A. Wells, the Scottish deputy...
A STAFF of three South Durham Steel and Iron Co. Ltd. employees "comb" the North East for vehicles to deliver steel plate....
A SOMERSET haulage contractor admitted at Bristol on Monday that he regularly overloaded his vehicle. Mr. Brian Roper, of...
F OLLOW1NG the grant of an A licence varia tion to J. A. Pickthall and Sons, of Cleator Moor, by the Northern Licensing...
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7 4 HE first session of what are now likely to be highly prolonged hearings of the Yorkshire Torbay Pool application at Leeds...
A -THOUGH a two-vehicle Contract A licence called for a minimum payment of £7,200 per year, less than £6,000 had apparently...
VIVE vehicles were added to a 23-vehicle A licence at Aberdeen last week to meet additional exports and import needs....
A r a Section 178 inquiry at Durham last week Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern Licensing Authority, passed some severe...
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S OME 600 Glasgow Corporation bus crews, members of a breakaway movement, may tear up their union cards over a dismissal notice...
A. CHAIR and Research Group in Traffic Studies has been set up at University College, London, the holder of the chair and...
public transport requirements in the Pocklington (E. Yorks) rural district, commissioned by the Yorkshire Rural Community...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT N O sooner had the London busmen decided to call off their five-week ban on overtime and...
W HEN the large-capacity personnel carriers being produced by Cravens Homalloy Ltd. were reviewed in the November 26, 1965,...
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A BIG extension of one-man operation of buses is expected to result from an agreement on the elimination of restrictive...
D US services in Central London should be drastically curtailed and their reduced functions supplemented by a transportation...
T HE case before the Yorkshire Tra ffi c Commissioners on February 2 (COMMERCIAL MOTOR, February 4) when York Corporation did...
PRODUCTION of the Daimler rear-engined bus chassis is running at a higher level than ever before and is continuing to rise....
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A SPECIALIZED road tanker, built to carry an exceptionally highly volatile liquid used in the manufacture of foam rubber, has...
E FFORTS to reduce operating costs of all mediums of transport result in a neverending battle. Although not so spectacular as...
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HOME and overseas orders received by Guy " Motors Ltd. during the past six months have amounted to a value of about £5m. The...
A MERICAN motor manufacturers, concerned that restrictive government legislation on motor safety is in the offing, have...
THE Minister of Transport has announced the proposed route of a two-mile extension into London of Ml—from Fiveways Corner,...
BY HANDYMAN UOLLOW1NG a period of snow and slush during February, 1965, difficulty was experienced with several fifthwheel...
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A NEW Firestone tool has been evolved to obviate difficulties and damage when removing 9.00-20 tyres on B 6.5 widebase rims and...
A PATENTED nylon shoe that ensures silent and smooth operation and a slam lock that gives automatic locking are features of a...
A N important feature of a new Maxim silencer known as the BM 21 is that its non-tuning characteristic provides for...
A MARKING film with a special adhesive coating which enables permanent emblems. labels and indentification markings to be moved...
A N increase of 30 per cent in tread life and an improvement of up to 50 per cent in stopping distances on wet roads are...
U SED in place of the tyre valve cap, a device is marketed by Visual Control Ltd. for application to car-type tyres that gives...
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. V I ew BY THE HAWK More than Hot Air T HE next time you bemoan the fact that your heater is not doing its job properly,...
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Spring-making Techniques note with interest your report on the fitment of tapered Nsingle-leaf springs on Rubery Owen...
THE directors of ALEXANDERS HOLDINGS—largest group of main Ford dealers in Scotland propose to pay a final dividend of 54% for...
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C INCE Sir Harry Ricardo publicized the results of laboratory tests some 40 years ago showing that the acid products of...
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M OBILE radio offers so many advantages to fleet operators; and, indeed, to most vehicle users, that its rapid growth in this...
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The US invasion is imminent E UROFE is about to be invaded—by the Americans. And, -1–+ no matter whether we like it or not, no...
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An international expert in the field of Continental road haulage discusses such questions as roll-on/roll-off versus...
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One day all cargo will be handled on containers or pallets BY ALISTAIR TUCKER Head of the International Cargo Advisory Bureaus...
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N OTHING seems to annoy the Transport Tribunal more than an attempt to hoodwink it. It is usually made for one of two reasons:...
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C ES and incomes have, for political reasons, been in the Pfore front of the news ever since a Board was set up for the purpose...
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rTHE term "traffic administration" immediately conjures thoughts of road engineering to combat congestion and the arrangement...