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5th February 1983
5th February 1983
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Page 1, 5th February 1983

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Dubious gains from 38 tonnes

The Commercial Motor/Leyland Vehicles 38-tonne workshop held last Friday underlined our opinion that the new upper weight limit...

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Leyland 6x2

LEYLAND will have a 6x2 twin steer chassis for 38 tonne operation by the end of the year according to UK operations director...

Crisis? What Crisis? RHA's off to Spain

TIMES for haulage may be hard, but the Road Haulage Association is pressing ahead with its plans for a week-long 1983...

Page 6

Dery tax cut c

THE BIG PUSH is on to reduce dery tax. The Freight Transport Association, Confederation of British Industry, and the National...

Down-lic day

THE MAY 1 cut-off date for down-plating of existing vehicles was strongly emphasised at last Friday's CM/ Leyland 38-tonne...

Quota is a icompromis

THE ALLOCATION of r• haulage quotas for 1983 been condemned as a "polii compromise" by the EEC's • nomic and social...

Page 7

Industry fights GLC

JUSTRY PRESSURE is building uncirs 00,000 anti-lorry camp tners from the capital. =reight Transport Association eater London...

Sealink, P&O both do well

SEALINK'S short sea ferry routes contributed to its overall successful year in terms of ro-ro road haulage units. The...

Govt unfair: Motec man

CHANGES in Government training policies are hampering plans at the Road Transport Industry Training Board's Livingston Motec...

lsh tyre victory

RMSH OXYGEN'S Irish subdiary has been awarded 1E1,600 (0,391) compensation ter one of its lorries had its rres destroyed by an...

Iveco and Eaton deal

IVECO AND EATON are aiming to start producing a joint range of medium and light duty transmissions for European and world...

Only two belts for vans

LIGHT VANS with front bench seats require only two seat belts, and not three, as some operators believe. These must be worn by...

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Bear Brand

Cargofax in spring goes to SBRS iRGOFAX, the Road Haulage Association's viewdata load match; and information service, is going...

load sign plea

DOR SIGNING on the M25 orbiil route around London will mfuse drivers and lead to unanted traffic straying into the 'pita!, says...

0-licence curtailed

A PERTH COMPANY had its lice curtailed by Scottish Licensing week. I. & H. Brown Plant will now have a licence for 30 vehicles...

BEARBFtAND, suppliers of hosiery products to the retail trade, is

now using Southern British Road Services' Newington Butts London branch for storing its garments. SBRS offered the company two...

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Climb-down by ACC over bridge damage

THE ASSOCIATION of County Councils now accepts that its £100m estimate of the cost of bringing bridges up to the standard...

damaging vehicle, and that the ner on five axles was a less

16-tonner was the villain of the Manchester Canal bridge? THE POSSIBILITY of building a £20m high-level bridge over the...

State of roads debated

THE NATIONAL Road Maintenance Conditions Survey Miff discussed at length when the Standing Committee on Highwe Maintenance gave...

Cargoes up al Port of Dover

THE PORT of Dover has had a per cent increase in the numb of road haulage units passil through the docks in 1982. For the...

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GLC blamed for oad underspending

IEW ROAD system in Greater 'don would provide the arta, for a revitalised capital, wing traffic to flow easily I giving...

Getting your drops right

MULTIDROP Round Planning is the subject of the 1983 Freight Operations Seminar to be held at the Polytechnic of Central London...

Lowfieldcool gets St Ives

LOWFIELDCOOL, the Daventrybased fresh and chilled food distribution company, has won a delivery contract with St Ives Food...

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Seve to Roadline

ROADLINE UK, has taken on Graham Seve as an executive line manager. He has overall control of five Roadline branches, 550...

New Merc md

FOLLOWING THE promotion Erich Krampe to a more ser position within the marketing ganisation of Daimler-Be Hans Tauscher will...

RHA labour man

MICHAEL ROSE has become new Road Haulage Associati industrial relations, training a personnel manager, taking ol from Doug...

Harry Taylor for North Liverpool

He succeeds Chris Millward, who retires as divisional general manager (north). Mr Taylor takes on the new role after six years...

Purser aboard

THE RED HOUSE Group, a Covi try based transport firm w eight vehicles, has taken David Purser as shipping mz ager. The company...

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:lord goes cautiously Nith first sideguards

1111) will submit design proposals for sideguards to the Departent of Transport before going ahead with fitment according to...

Story behind new oils

TWO NEW oils launched by BP Oil last October for use in dieselengined vehicles — Vanellus FE engine oil and Multigear FE gear...

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GLC can cut fares

THE SEE-SAW saga of London Tra lurch last week when three High Greater London Council fares cut i Lord Justice Kerr, sitting...

Goodish news for Bennett

BENNETTS of Kilwinning has been granted authority to operate a new service between Largs and Glasgow, but the Scottish Traffic...

New retarder

VOITH ENGINEERING h conducted pilot installations its VHBK 130 retarder in ti mid-engined coaches wi British operators, and...

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Leyland shuts site

HE FAST-COLLAPSING doublekeck bus market has claimed nother victim. Leyland Bus is to lose its Bristol Commercial Pellicles...

ECW for Lothian

OTHIAN Region's controversial "der for 34 double-deck bodies n Leyland Olympian chassis as been placed, after all, with...

Bus centenary

CARDIFF is to be the scene of a bus rally to celebrate 100 years of municipal public transport. The event, organised by the...

Easter arrangements

THE POSSIBILITY of standardising all Metrobus services in West Yorkshire on Holiday dates at Easter, May Day and Spring Bank...

0-licence renewed

THE PSV operator's licence held by the Berresford Motors associate, William Stonier and Sons of Tunstall has been renewed for...

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Ebro unveils integra van

Ebro tells us that the vans that go on sale in May will also have a tilting passenger seat and large hinged cover for the...

IN MAY an Ebro integral van will join the two

chassis cab models already sold in the UK. The L757 is a 7.5-tonne gvw van with a Perkins turbocharged 4.236 engine and...

A new wheel

MICHELIN'S new 70mm negative offset wheel (see page 18) will "soon be available," says the tyre and wheel manufacturer. The...

Kenprest better

RE TYRE and Rubber, of Alton, Hampshire, has improved on its Ken prest truck tyre retreading system. The new system produces...

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No easy answers; jusi difficult questiont

IN INTRODUCING the speakers at last Friday's 38tonne workshop at the RAC, Woodcote Park, lain Sherriff, CM's editor, made it...

Harmonisation means 44-tonnes is near

REG DAWSON, who for 12 years was head of the road freight division of the Department of Transport, began his presentation with...

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Many operators will continue at 32 tons

ROBIN WOOLCOCK, UK operations director of Leyland Vehicles, said that the weight increase has been the biggest thing that has...

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'Ideal' conversions do not exist

MANY OF the engineers and managers at Woodcote Park were keen to hear about the relative merits of different conversions to...

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No one is certain what benefits will result

TERRY GOLDRICK, the FTA's director of engineering services, in his afternoon presentation reminded the audience of a man called...

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Harmonised type approval: 'not in our time'

WHEN TALKING about the technical aspects of 38-tonne operation, Walter Batstone, the National Freight Consortium's chief...

Summing up

Alan Bridge I question Walter Batstone's cost saving prediction of less than 1p/mile. "At that figure we are talking about plus...

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Passing the sugar is a sticky business

.but one that British Sugar has in the bag. David Wilcox has been admiring its facilities and transport policy 'ERY MAN, woman...

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Britain leads in FIBCs

FLEXIBLE intermediate bulk containers are designed to be lifted from above by integral or detachable devices, and used for the...

Hoak Reviews

World freighting ROUTES '83, a Businessman's Guide to Freight Services (MacLean Hunter; £3) splits thi world into...

The truckers' ABC

NUMBER 7 in the Your Café 'Accommodation Handbook series (URTU; 75p) is available from the United Road Transpor Union. Like...

Felixstowe Port

ADDITIONAL WORK carried ou to improve the park facilities on the Dooley Terminal at the Port of Felixstowe will be completed...

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Trafpak's vote of tanks to the 'family hauliers

Bulk transport in containers is this firm's business and it does it rather well. Mike Rutherford investigates its...

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• No truck with the dunces

THE "SILLY SEASON", normally mid-summer, has arrived early this year. 1983 was only four days old when the Freight Transport...

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Bold expansion is the Wincanton wav

As the recession worsened and traffic slackened, this Unigate subsidiary decidec to spend f4 1 /2m on a new service centre in...

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The print-out is on the wall

1982 WAS a remarkable year in road transport legislation, for a number of reasons. Most notable was the Parliamentary approval...

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A thumping success in bulk discharge

Drum Engineering is the manufacturer its rivals have to beat. Bryan Jarvis examines the operation. Pictures by Brian...

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More funding for courses

I HAVE READ with interest in various issues of your magazine transcripts of speeches by prominent people within the industry,...

Management grants are available

I WAS concerned to read your leader of November 27 in which you say that the RTITB does not pay grants for management training....

Automatic, replating?

AFTER the Transport UnderSecretary's statement about down-plating are we to take it that 38-tonne tractor units (at present...

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Mutiny on the school crossing

ENGLAND is in the grip of insurrection. A Yorkshire schoolcrossing warden has refused to brandish her lollipop in her right...

Once more into the Beeching

IF THE Angry Brigade had tried to blow up the Palace of Westminster instead of the Conservatives' humble Leeds office, the...

A long way from the soup kitchen

ROULETTE and blackjack will be among the elegant diversions at the first Fleet news show charity banquet and ball in aid of the...

How to put a Tiger in the bank

THE RAILWAYS are commemorated on many an inn sign but the "Leyland Tiger" at Earnshaw Bridge is, so far as I know, the first...

200,000 cases of Dutch courage

BRITONS obviously like a kick to their custard, because between autumn and early spring, Erven Warnink, of Rotterdam, will...

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Snowed under with work in a winter wonderland

CM's Lorry Driver of the Year wanted a taste of hauling in Arctic conditions. Thanks to Michelin and Salm& he got it. David...

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Say yes to minibuses to aid London's millions

Noel Millier argues that the capital can learn from Hong Kong, and through convenience and lower fares attract many car drivers...

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From the by Graham Montgomerk 0/ /7 Yoj /f)to ?C a I

There's a terrific draughtsman in here says Edbro's technical director. He's talking about computer-aided design and how his...

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Volvo boosted from all quarters

VOLVO EXECUTIVES must have been rubbing their hands with glee at remarks made by Leyland Group managing director, Ron Hancock,...