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Take Rough With Smooth, Mr. Nelson Tells B.r.s.
B RIT1SH ROAD SERVICES were told LO by the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson, at Bristol last week. that they " must take the rough with the smooth." B.R.S. and......
Applicants' Bid Was "waste Of Time' , A N Application By...
and Ivory Coaches, Ltd., of Swindon, Wilts, for ei g ht additional vehicles to operate 92 excursions and tours was hotly contested at 'Bristol last week by Associated Motorways,......
N.U.R. Campaign 1-1 A VICIOUS attack on the privately owned road haulage industry was made last week in The Railway Review, journal of the 350,000-strong National Union of......
L.a. Warns Contract Applicant
A FTER bein g g iven assurances that two vehicles to be licensed would work exclusively for a named customer, and that their ownership would be transferred to the applicant, the......
16-vehicle Contract Switch Approved
T HE Metropolitan Licensin g Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir. in a written decision issued on Wednesday g ranted S. and S. (Contracts), Ltd., of Enfield. Middlesex, a 16-vehicle A......