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Transport, Traffic And Pipelines
Three Bills of Importance Become Law HE Transport, Road Traffic and Pipelines Bills all became Acts last week. 1 The following brief summaries list some of the main provisions......
Lords Unhappy About 40 M.p.h.
A : PLEA for a very careful check of Mechanical conditions when the speecIS of commercial vehicles are increased was Made last week by Lord Lucas of Cltilworth. "All too large a......
Welsh Transpor T Needs Debated
T HE Minister of Housing and Local Government, Sir Keith Joseph, said that no decision had been made by the Government about which areas were to be surveyed for passenger......
Diversion To Canals ?
JAR. MARPLES did not appear to find vi• much merit in the suggestion, made in the Commons, that a development of the country's inland waterways would relieve the pressure of......
Lorries Damage Mi
D EFECTS on the MI are almost wholly confined to the slow lanes, where the stresses created by fast-moving heavy commercial traffic proved to be much more severe than anything......
Pipelines Act
'THERE are four main objects—to give 1 the Minister of Power means of controlling the development of cross-country pipes; to facilitate the compulsory purchase of land, etc.; to......