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Austin Overhead-camshaft Valve Gear
T O REDUCE the overall height of an overhead-camshaft engine and eliminate tappets are the aims ofan arrangement shown in patent No. 890.929. The layout is of the type......
Combustion Head Details
p ATENT No. 891,738 gives particulars of an improved combustion head for compression ignition engines. It is said to be suitable for both two-and-fourstroke engines. The patent......
Panoramic Driver's Cab
A DESIGN for a novel but very r - tadvantageous driver's cab is disclosed in patent No. 890,863. The aim is to provide the driver with a complete circle of visibility.......
Self-adjusting Valve Rockers
P ATENT No. 983,092 shows a design of valve rocker fitted with mechanism which automatically takes up slack on every working stroke. The patent comes from Regie Nationale des......
Spare-wheel Carrier
THE WEIGHT of a large spare wheel can make manhandling arduous if not impossible and patent No. 891,171 shows a carrier for easing the operation. (Hands (Letchworth), Ltd., New......
Electro-magnetic Injection
VROM ROBERT BOSCH, G.m.b.H., 4 I Breitscheidestrasse, Stuttgart W., Germany, comes patent No. 893.094 dealing with the regulation of an electromagnetic injection system. The......
Loading Door For Refuse Collectors
P ATENT No. 890,845 deals with refu collecting vehicles and discloses improvement in the rear loading di thereof. The aim is to prevent wit borne dust when emptying a wide (Ey......
Constant-compression Engin
IN PATENT No. 891.490 is disclosed 1 design for an engine in which t compression ratio can be maintain at the optimum value for all loads. T action is achieved by making the col......