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G.p.o. Plans For Parcels By Road
• ONDON, Peterborough, Norwich, Ipswich, Chelmsford and Cambridge— these are the six centres on which parcels are to be concentrated by the Post Office in the forthcoming......
It's Now Law
From Our Political Correspondent A FEW provisions of the Transport Act, which received Royal Assent last week, came into force automatically. They deal with the temporary......
Research Into Exhaust Fumes
From Our Political Correspondent F ACTS both reassuring and disturbing about vehicle engines and air pollution are revealed in the annual report of the Medical Research Council,......
Vertical Exhausts No Advantage—minister
T ESTS here and in the U.S.A. had I shown that vertical exhaust pipes on diesel-engined vehicles gave no advantage in reducing urban air pollution—and there were positive......
Ministry Staff Double
IN 10 years the staff at the Ministry of I Transport has risen by just over a thousand to 7,256—and the bill for salaries and wages has more than doubled, to over Om. Answering......
Fewer Aluminium Blocks
A MERICAN aluminium producers, at one time hoping to gain a large market for use of the metal in engine cylinder blocks, have received a setback as many motor manufacturers are......