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High-torque Hydraulic Motor
response to demands for a higher)ced hydraulic motor. Chamberlain 3stries, Ltd., Staffa Works, Argall nue, London, E.10, the manufacturers the Staffa range of hydraulic equipit,......
Ticker Mixing Paste
FIE makers of tvletolux aluminium body filler, Plastics . and Resins, Ltd., nicipal Airport, Wolverhampton, have oduced a paste formula. Whilst the le has all the properties of......
Raerials Handling
OMPREHENSIVE information of industrial truck application technique's given in a book entitled "Materials idling with Industrial Trucks," which been published by the British......
Or Safety
REE copies a a wall chart showing methods of making electric tools safe use are available from Wolf Electric ., Pioneer Works, Hanger Lane, idon, W.5.......
Welding Equipment
QEM I-AUTOMATIC equipment for MIG welding can now be hired from The British . Oxygen Co.. Ltd.. Hammersmith House, London, W.6. This latest British Oxygen service is designed......
Larger Sheet Sizes
P ERIVIATRED densilied-wood heavyduty flooring, which is manufactured by Permali. Ltd., Bristol Road, Gloucester, is now available in sheet sizes of 7 ft. fin, X 4 ft. This is......
More Anti-theft Devices
T WO new anti-theft devices have been introduced recently. One is the.G1 Car Thief Alarm and Immobilizer from Graham Taylor, Ltd., 47 Watford Way. Hendon,. London, N.W.4, the......
Continental Road Works
A LTHOUG1-3 intended primarily for tourists, a comprehensive guide to the major road works and reconstruction schemes in progress in Western Europe, just published by the......