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Third Lease Of Life For Trolleybuses
F IVE B.U.T. 9611 1 trolleybuses have recently entered service with their third municipal owners. Ori g inally built, to g ether with a sixth vehicle, for Darlin g ton......
Dispute About Fares On Excursion Services
nUGHT excursions g ivin g a lon g er time away, althou g h operatin g to the same destination, have a hi g her fare ratin g than those takin g a shorter time? This dispute arose......
Edinburgh Fares Rise
F ARES increases have been g ranted to Edinbur g h Transport Department, desi g ned to brin g in 08,000 in a full year. The increases cover the •medium fare bracket, leavin g......
Bradford Depot Closures
MHEN members of Bradford TransVV port Committee recently made their annual tour of bus and trolleybus depots, Conn. H. A. Sisslin g , the chairman, explained that the......
Stracharts Reorgaruze
QTRACHANS SUCCESSORS, LTD., ■ -)have, by the affiliation of, their company within. the Giltspur Investment Group, chan g ed their tradin g name to Strachans (Coachbuilders),......
Birmingham's Fares "gilbertian"
T HE West Midland Traffic Commissioners, after hearin g an application for increased fares from Birmin g ham Corporation last week, decidedto g rant the increases asked for with......