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The Significance Of Black Smoke
S MOKE is very much in the news! In case there may be operators who think that the initial spot-checks are all that there is to it, I say, they may very well have to think......
• Another Trailer Leasing Scheme
IN your issue of July 27, reference is made to a trailer I leasing plan which has recently been introduced and it is stated that it is the first scheme of its kind in this......
Hydraulic Brake Fluid
I NOTED with interest in your issue of July 20 that the British Standards Institution is to consider production of a standard for brake fluids. The Society, through the efforts......
Noise And Silencers
R EGARDING the article on page 913 of your issue of July 27 relative to noise, can you explain why the regulations relative to effective ,silencers have been rescinded? Nowadays......