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80 Cravens Industries
Cravens Industries Sales Ltd, Anna Valley, Andover, Hants. A taskvan TIR van of integral all-aluminiun construction is shown by this company on . 32-ton-gross semi-trailer......
10 Darham Mdustries
arham Industries Ltd, c 10 Clarke 'lapman-John Thompson Ltd, ansporter Division, Great Bridge Road, Iston, Wolverhampton. I the two articulated stainless-steel tankers the......
36 Dial-holmes
ial-Holmes (England) Ltd, ax/on Hill, Ware Road, Hertford, Herts. le company's recently developed air-cushion covery system is a notable feature of the ial-Holmes stand. And a......
134 Dixon-bate
B. Dixon-Bate Ltd, Bridge Works, Chester CH3 5/11.4. Having a capacity of 980 GLI ft and designed for the delivery of electrical goods, a Unibox 7.75-ton articulated van on this......
53 Dunnspencer Bulkflo
Dunnspencer Bulk/Jo Ltd, llton Works, Ilton, Ilminster, Somerset. The two tipping-type bulk-animal-feed pneumatic-discharge bodies on this stand are of aluminium construction......
16 Edbro
Edbro Ltd (Alloy Body Division), Bolton, Lancashire, 8L3 6DJ. A tailboard with a heavy-duty locking device is a special feature of an Edbro fixed-sided all-welded-aluminium 22......
19 Edbro
Edbro Ltd, (Steel Body Division), Bolton, Lancashire, 8L3 6DJ. A fixed-sided U-shaped Huckbolted aluminium body on this stand is of 7 cu m capacity, is raised by an Edbro......
20 Edbro
Edbro Ltd (Wood Body Division), Bolton, Lancashire, 8L3 612.I. A 9 cu yd fixed-sided body of lightweight high-tensile-steel construction displayed by this Edbro Division is......
109 Fergussons
Fergussons (Motor Engineers) Ltd, Limberline Road, Hi/sea, Portsmouth, Hants. A petroleum spirit tanker of 4260ga1 capacity is displayed on an AEC Mammoth Major eight-wheeled......