22nd September 1972, Page 347
22nd September 1972
Page 347

Page 347, 22nd September 1972
Laminated Glass After 1976 Proposed
I The European Commission has proosed to the Council of Ministers that iminated windscreens should be fitted to 11 vehicles built after September 1976. At resent most of the six......
3u11ens In A £ 1 4m
igency agreement Removals company Bullens Transport lroup Ltd has si g ned an a g reement with Hied Van Lines to act as Allied's UK ; erns. The a g reement has an estimated line......
■ Tew Hull Container Lepot
I A new depot for the stuffin g and .rippin g of containers was opened by the ritish Transport Docks Board at Hull ocks on Monday. The docks mana g er, Mr Jhri. Williams, said......