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Tir-tailored Lo-deck From York Trailer
• The new York Lo-Deck platform semi-trailer has a shallow frame design that enables ISO container-carrying versions and 10/12-metre types fitted with York T1R tilt......
Service Under Scrutiny
• Published by the Motor Vehicle Distribution arid Repair Economic Development Committee (Little Neddy), a pocket guide titled "Service under scrutiny" is being sent to over......
Repairers' Conference
• Brown Brothers Ltd and ICI (Paints division) Ltd are jointly sponsoring the South East District Vehicle Builders and Repairers conference at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London,......
Aussie Bulk Carrier Comes To Britain
• A fly-ash treatment plant at Widnes, Lanes, is the first of a network of such installations now being set up by the Australian company Pozzolanic (Pty) Ltd. The treated......