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22 Penman
A. C. Penman Ltd, Heathall Works, Dumfries, Scotland. Live demonstrations of three Penman demountable systems can be seen on this stand or in the demonstration park. A BLMC......
117 Pitt
Pitt Trailers Ltd, PO Box 54, Wigan, Lancs. Pitt semi-trailers plated for 32-ton-gross operation include a tipper chassis equipped with an aluminium body, a coil carrier......
131 Reading
Reading and Co Ltd, London Road, Hi/sea, Portsmouth, P02 9RW. Two of the Reading range of under-3-tonunladen Luton vans of 1000 Cu ft (plus) capacity are exhibited. While the......
126 Reynolds Boughton
Reynolds Boughton Ltd, Ben Lane, Amersham, Bucks. Visitors to this stand can study details of the company's recently introduced Turnabout demountable body system which is......
42 Road Transport Services
Road Transport Services (Hackney) Ltd, 14 Andrews Road, London E8. This company claims that the latest form of grp construction applied to the insulated food-distribution van......
122 Rollalong
Rollalong Ltd, Southampton Road, Ringwood, Hants, BR. 1JB. A lining of WP plywood with a thickness is cited by Rollalong as an imports feature of the demountable body on vif......
23 Rootes
Rootes Maidstone Ltd, Mill Street, Maidstone, Kent. Designed for under-30-cwt applications, lightweight drop-sided tipping body is shovâ– on this stand mounted on a Commer PB 25C......
52 Silverdale
Silverdale Motor Bodies Ltd, York Road, Birmingham 828 OLIN. Insulated/refrigerated vans of plasti( sandwich construction are exhibited on th stand, one a 40ft articulated......
112 Sparshatr
J. H. Sparshatt and Sons Ltd, Burrfields Road, Portsmouth P03 5NN. An under-3-ton 1025 cu ft Luton van, lightweight swop-body system, a 1200 cu pantechnicon and a 1050 cu ft......