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Boosting The Bus, Civilizing The Car
• "I am pro-bus, the Minister for Transport Industries is pro-bus, the Secretary of State for the Environment is pro-bus — HM Government is pro-bus," said Mr Eldon Griffiths,......
October Start For Lt Minis
• London Transport's new minibus route, serving the Eltham, Elmstead Woods, Bromley and Bicktey areas, will start on Saturday, October 7. The 16-seater buses will provide a......
Studying Urban Transport
• The 40th Congress of the IJIT'P — the international public transport union — will be held from May 6 to 12 next year in The Hague, Holland. Among papers to be presented in the......
Liverpool For 1973 Appto Meeting
• Next year's conference of the Association of Public Passenger Transport Operators will be held in Liverpool in the week commencing September 23. This was announced last week......
• The wording of an item, "Schoolbus fleets are building up", in CM September 22 implied that the Strachans Bedford BS buses being supplied to the West Suffolk county council......
Multi-storey Bus Station At Stockport
• Details of Stockport's new multi-storey bus station-cum-industrial complex — which will cost several million pounds — were revealed last week by SELNEC which is aiming to......