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Q I Drive A Van Which Requires A Class Iii Hgv
driving licence. I work Monday to Satarday, having a day off on Tuesday. In the summer lam being asked to work my day off, due to drivers' holidays, and I also drive a I 0......
Q I Am Worried By All This Talk Of Fixed X
rates and quantity licensing affecting British operators when we join the EEC. Is this going to apply to everyone? A Your concern is understandable but premature. The idea of......
Q Is It Possible For A Driver To Lose His Hgv
licence for driving a vehicle with mechanical defects? A Regulations do not specifically state that a driver would lose his hgv driving licence for driving a vehicle with......
Q We Are A Small Haulage Firm Which X Undertakes The
transport of a certain amount offreight for export. We understand that export goods will be zero-rated when value-added tax is introduced next year. Does this mean that we will......