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Q Experience Has Shown That A Vehicle With Relatively New...
will skid on ice or packed snow as readily as one having worn tyres. What is the explanation for this? A A tyre with a good tread provides a better coefficient of friction than......
Q Would You Please Say R The Tyre Casts Shown In
the CM Table of Operating Costs reflect any discount terms which might be available? Does the maintenance figure refer to any particular year of the vehicle's ire? A When......
Q We Have Been Offered The Job Of Carrying All The
products of a local firm which involves all smalls work mainly bags and drams. We operate three Transit 35cwt vans and one Ford 3-ton van. The company concerned would give us a......
Q I Am Employed By A Company Which Operates A Mixed
fleet of artic units. Some of these are Baffords which, without the trailer, weigh less than 3 tons. Is it permissible to drive these without being in possession of an hgv......