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'HE JUDGMENT of the West Midland Licensing Authority (CM, December 20, 1980) ould become extremely significant this year. Mr...
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TRANSPORT Minister Norman Fowler now has full Cabinet status following the Prime Minister's Cabinet reshuffle earlier this...
BECAUSE OF the current depressed state of the UK vehicle market and the "withholding" of financial support by the Department of...
ACO tanker drivers have apted a wage offer worth ind 14 per cent, in line with A other oil company settle eanwhile, Shell will...
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HAULIERS have welcomed Norfolk County Council's decision to drop plans for a lorry ban in King's Lynn, following warnings that...
EMPLOYERS can now receive nine months' Government support instead of the current six months under the temporary short-time...
ASSOCIATED Engineering Ltd's group sales for the year ended September 30, 1980, totalled £4 4 1.7m compared with £367.8m in...
THE UK subsidiary of Daim Benz, Mercedes-Benz (UK), if invest a further £30m by mid-1980s in an effort to prove its position in...
DETAILS of last year's comr cial vehicle registrations v imminent as CM closed press. The total has fallen by aro 12 per cent...
ARRANGEMENTS for implementing the European Economic C munity transit system in Greece have been hampered by adm trative...
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RMER Road Haulage Association :lona! chairman John Silbermann tops road transport industry's contingent in New Year honours...
"I'VE emerged from hauling away at an oar down below, and am now standing on the deck." Not a bad simile from Roger Stott, who...
;H International Forwarders e launched a guaranteed Thy departure van shuttle rice between Dublin and Lonfor consignments of...
MILK lorry drivers have been granted exemption from the EEC eight-hour driving day. On December 19, the European Commission...
The Expo/Symposium will be attended by planners, designers, manufacturers, marketers, users, manufacturers, marketers, users,...
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TNT Overnite is equipping i fleet of vehicles with two-wa . radios at a cost of nearly EO.5r The move, it is claimed, will en...
THE CAST Group is expandin its relay container-ship servic connecting the UK market wi1 its Blue Box Canada/USA col tamer...
IE REDEVELOPED Didcot in- id clearance depot opens next ne, with road and rail access the 9,000sqm freight transit Now known...
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DRIVER accused of stealing from his employers, New Plan Furnine Ltd, was not unfairly dismissed, decided a Leeds Industrial...
HE SECOND phase of Manhester's city centre pedestrianiation scheme could start next ionth, if Greater Manchester :ouncil...
RESIDENTS' complaints about lorry parking are causing probler for operators using the A64 Leeds-York road. Both the Road...
ONE of the first fruits of the Fe ter Report has at last come in existence in the shape coloured Operator's liceni discs. The...
EARLY in December the Depe ment of Transport checked sE eral vehicles and found that 8: per cent were fitted with Ci brated...
HE MOVEMENT of abnormal Dads can now be notified to .ondon Transport by telex, ubject to the operator providing leneral...
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YORK tanker driver has lost his claim for redundancy payment, ter a Leeds Industrial Tribunal heard his employer's contract had...
A MERSEYSIDE operator ha had a rear axle overloadin charge dismissed following th discovery that the approach an exit from a...
ROAD HAULAGE Association members now have a chance of enrolling in either the RHA Recovery Service or British Road Services...
E UNITED Road Transport ion has published the 1981 ition of its Good Food Guide -ice 50p) listing transport 'es and...
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COLIN HILL has taken over at manager of Bridgewater Transport Services after joining the company as assistant manager in...
Scotland: A92: Heavy plant is crossing this Kirkcaldy/Inverkeith road west of Aberdour. Drivers are warned that the road surfam...
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MIMS will be exhibiting the Big Cam version of their V504 igine at the Brussels Show which opens next week. Though the engine...
)SS Auto Engineering Ltd of Southport has won a £90,000 export ier for 16 industrial trucks from Egypt. The 75-strong...
J AERODYNAMIC Luton van body produced by Brade-Leigh Procts Ltd, of West Bromwich, is available for Ford Transit, Bedford nt...
THE FIRST concrete pump to be mounted on a six-wheeled chassis has been introduced into the fleet of Agent Plant Hire of...
TO COMPLEMENT 26 diesel-engine test cells designed and installed by Autosense Equipment of Bicester, Oxfordshire, for Perkins'...
THE MacRobert Award for engineering has been won by a team ol five men from the Johnson Matthey Group for the development of...
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CHARTS comparing the spi fications and performances 7.5 tonnes gvw two-a) vehicles, 24 tons gvw clout drive six-wheelers and 30...
KING TRAILER'S new stepframe trailer, TSE40/3, is the first UK-built extendible to receive type approval for EEC operation....
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ORK has developed a new Inge of air suspensions in ngle-tandem and tri-axle form. The main advantages claimed Ir the new...
REPLACEMENT lamps t original specifications are no being marketed by Britax fi some European-built comma cial vehicles. It is...
ELFORD Truck Bodies of oke-on-Trent have delivered a iw type of insulated van to jams Foods. The doors work on the clamell...
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A COMBINED coach depot, c MoT test station, and commi cial and psv repair centre vu opened earlier this week in HE desdon,...
BRITAIN'S Bus Service After the Transport Act is the subject of a one-day seminar being held by the London University's...
IN THEIR report to Transport Minister Norman Fowler for the year 1979/80, the Traffic Commissioners listed the following...
ULSTERBUS is currently compiling a report to the financially stricken Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway Company bus fleet to...
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ESPITE interpretation of the law ultimately being a matter for the wrts, the Department of Transport has issued an explanation...
3TH National Express and itish Coachways seem satisK1 with their passenger loadgs over the Christmas holiday triod. National...
DESPITE the continuing recession Plaxtons (Scarborough) Ltd is confident about the future. For the year ending September 28,...
DISPENSATION to operate service in Maidenhead over a alternative route has been witl drawn from Alder Valley Se vices by the...
NEW workshops at Purley Way Croydon, have been opened kr Voith Engineering Ltd for ser vice, repair, storage and spare:...
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-IILE effete Pornmies tame the • ry and soften its facial 'tours, red-blooded Aussies at it as an engine of war. Four Ivo...
). GAMMON, chief chaos oruser of Lilac Transport Ser3s, Rainworth, Notts, sends a cautionary tale about re.3ing a damaged power...
THE USE of television advertising for capital plant, such as lorries, as well as for consumer goods, is defended by John...
WHEN I wished Mark Bedeman, director of membership services of British Road Services, a good New Year, he looked pretty...
READING a European Communities Commission background report on transport, I reflected on some of the sacrifices made by a proud...
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.7.0NGRATULATIONS on your publishing "Nudes can find their pwn way home" and on the res)onsible attitude your magazine s...
WHILST not wishing to detract from the initiative of Commercial Motor in offering the home study pack for Certificate of...
"NO SOUR grapes" — but as someone who had done exactly the run detailed in CM November 29 (the Beaujolais run), but legally, I...
FAR from opposing the shift the balance of tax away from lighter vehicles (CM Decem 20) the NFC has long advoca it. In written...
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Any new programme must include a factc for lower service costs. Steve Gray report NO REVOLUTIONARY changes will occur in...
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Bill Brock tells how Girling's second-generation Skidcheck could provide the answer OVER-BRAKING and skidding are major...
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Bill Brock argues that Quinton Hazell's Brakestop not only cuts down on accideni but can be of direct benefit to the operato as...
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A word in operators' ears from Tony Wilding: There's more to laying up vehicles than meets the eye. IMES are hard: very hard....
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By Douglas Ainley THE Temporary Short-Time Working Compensation scheme (TSTWC), introduced in April 1979 as a "temporary"...
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THE ELECTRIC vehicle could replace its internal combustion engined counterpart in far more nstances than at present if there...
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With inflated tyre costs in mind Tim Blakemore looks at the case for specialpurpose tyres 4's Tables of Operating Costs ows...
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DNE of the most effective ways yf selling goods and services is to carry a smart and effective vehicle livery. This applies to...
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J SMALL vehicles, especially se fitted with petrol engines, ) inertia starter drive is genery employed. On this type the ialI...
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VIUCH has been said and written about the law concerning • noving vehicles, but little atten:ion has been paid to the quite...