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⢠The privatisation of municipal services such as street cleaning and rubbish collection â one of the planks of the present...
⢠Fuel and ways of choosing it, buying it, monitoring its use, and saving it are the subjects we focus on in next week's...
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⢠Leyland Trucks' trading loss last year fell to about a third of what it was in 1983. BL's preliminary results for last...
⢠Strong rumours this week suggest that diesel engine manufacturer L. Gardner and Son will be sold by Hawker Siddeley before...
⢠Major changes to the way in which training is undertaken in the road haulage industry will be announced next month by the...
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lâ¢ritain's hauliers want ne Minister Margaret tcher to ensure they get treatment from the oil 'parties. oad Haulage...
L'he long expected merger 'ord and Iveco's European :k businesses into an x-managed company is ost certain to be ounced next...
⢠Leyland Trucks' leadership of the truck market has comfortably survived a recovery by Ford, but figures from the Society of...
⢠J. C. Bamford (Excavators) the Staffordshire-based construction equipment manufacturer has joined the list of prospective...
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⢠Hauliers with a standard national licence may now pick up Channel Island trailers from Portsmouth docks and deliver...
⢠Local authority vehicles should be among those exempt from the new EEC drivers' hours rules, the Freight Transport...
⢠Commercial Motor Truckfest is getting bigger by the week, as more firms and individuals enter the myriad events which will...
⢠Cuts in Government funding for Section Eight railway facility grants are likely to force some companies to use road where...
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Proven constant mesh design, legendary for its durability, incorporating advanced features like low noise multi-mesh gearing...
Professional drivers prefer the simple-to-make changes and non-synchronised light lever loads, reducing effort and increasing...
Fuller transmissions are produced in Europe using the latest technology under the strictest quality control.The result is a...
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⢠Drax Engineering of Peterborough is selling an American-made heavy-duty low loading semi-trailer of between 18 and 45...
⢠Dayton Walther has furth developed its Trulok fifthwheel coupling to give a la4 contact area. It is a different shape, wit...
⢠Leyland Trucks is ready to produce its continuously variable transmission (CVT) system as soon as the market shows that it...
⢠Three 24.4-tonne 2100DHT riOds and two 32.5 tonne FT2500 DHS tractive units are the first Dafs to operate with Pace...
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est German axle and !nsion manufacturer SAF veloping lightweight ons of its latest airmded RS9042 nine-tonne The axle is sold...
⢠Nottingham-based ZF Gears (Great Britain) is now offering a heavy-duty power take-off for the Bedford CF range. The new...
hit bread has nissioned eight weight 7.5-tonne vehicles ist response distribution is one-man drays carrying tised loads. iey...
⢠A Spanish design of air-operated axle lift for steel suspension semi-trailers is now available from Borras Air Lifts of...
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⢠Shropshire County Council has reminded operators that any development involving heavy goods vehicles should be located...
⢠A "keen and enthusiastic" driver's hours and tachograph offences cost the driver and his employer 21,100 in fines and costs...
⢠Eastern Licensing Authority hen Peter has granted a twovehicle one-trailer national licence to a Derbyshire haulier who has...
⢠A Darlington operator wl made use of an unauthorisei operating centre was warne last week that this could hal serious...
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A self-employed 21tenham haulier, Ralph vies, avoided paying usands of pounds in road by exploiting a loophole in law....
")rivers' hours and io.,Traph offences, including falsification of tachograph rts, cost an Essex haulier eight drivers £2,809...
⢠Social inquiry reports have been sought by Rugby magistrates for a man who used his dead father's HGV driving licence to...
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II Austria's ban on lorries using a key 58km section of road at night (CM, March 8) came into effect on April 7 this year. The...
⢠I.ex Systemline, the contract distribution company hived off last year from Lex Wilkinson, has rejoined its parent under...
⢠The number of commercial vehicles on rental in the United Kingdom exceeds 3,500 plus 32,700 light vans, according to the...
⢠The relentless growth of lorry traffic through Dover ha gone on in the first two months of this year, with a 13.5 per cent...
⢠The 21.7 million Motherwell lorry park which Strathallan Enterprises plans to build (CM. March 29) got planning approval...
⢠Heronfreight, the Heron Group distribution specialist which traded until recently as Bailey's of Westbury, has secured a...
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lie Port of Plymouth's new '0 terminal is to come into ration this month, while struction of the second ght compound should be...
⢠Mayne Nickless, the Australian multi-national transport group, is investing over £6 million in Parceline, the British...
Technology supplied by ! major parcels group is ping improve the iductivity of another nsport group's specialist nsport...
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⢠West Yorkshire's new public transport company will fight competitors by operating a low-cost, low-fares policy. West...
⢠Hungarian bus and coach manufacturer Ikarus is to set up a bus assembly plant in Turkey. It is expected to produce the...
⢠Few new operators have registered post-deregulation commercial bus services, but fears of a massive decline in services...
⢠Operators of most local bus services will get 6p for every vehicle mile they run in rural areas under the new rural bus...
⢠Hampshire Bus is the latest National Bus subsidiary to forsake its corporate image. It has a new livery of red, white and...
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letra is c h amp i on Last weekend's National ach Rally at Blackpool racted only 24 entrants, all two of them from northern...
⢠Substantial increases in registrations of new Bedford and Volvo coaches last month helped stem the decline in the market to...
⢠National Holidays is still the only National Bus Company subsidiary to have completed and submitted a management buy-out...
⢠Rapson's Coaches of Alness in Ross-shire has started a new Invergordon-Inverness service, with four runs on weekdays and...
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⢠Manager of the Chester depot of Federal Expressowned parcels carrier Lex Wilkinson is Phil Jones. He has been promoted...
⢠The contract hire company, Trimoco Leasing, has appointed John Carroll to the new position of commercial vehicle...
⢠The Birmingham branch of BRS Midlands has an additional sales executive to handle contract hire services. Peter Clayton...
⢠A 235,000-a-vear directorgeneral is being sought for the Road Transport Industry Training Board to succeed Eric Tindall,...
⢠Chairman of the Road I laulage Association's Tanker Functional Group for the next Iwo years is John Hendry. lie and two...
⢠Dawson Williams has been appointed managing director of Hampshire Bus, based at Winchester. He takes over from the presen ....
⢠Andrew Allison is the operations manager for the new Tayside Public Transporl Company. The present divisional general...
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New regulations requiring the reporting of injuries, cases of disease and dangerous occurrences affecting all employees came...
HGV TEST GUIDE The latest edition of A Guide to the Heavy Goods Vehicle Driving Test and Licences has just been published by...
CAETANO SHOW Salvador Caetano (UK) is holding a coach show at its Northampton premises from Sunday, April 13 to Tuesday April...
GOODS IN TRANSIT Transfrigoroute UK, the organisation that represents operators of controlled temperature vehicles, has set...
BULK DERV UP Average bulk dery prices increased slightly in March, ⢠independent company, Oil Price Assessments, reports....
EXTRA FREIGHT SERVICI Olau Line has introduced al additional freight-only ferry c its Sheerness-Flushing (Holland) route. The...
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HIE FOR A MAN â N prices rose by between and five per cent on March This covers all vehicles - n the 7.5-tonne GVW 78.136 up...
EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE The allowances paid by the Government under its Job Release Scheme were increased last week. The...
SCOTTISH SCHEMES The Secretary of State for Scotland has approved the start in 1986/87 of a number of major trunk road...
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as pleased to see the letter C W IIarlow of Worcester M, March 15) giving monishment for your use of bbledegook words or rases...
; a company we would like to ake a comment on the tide, 'Synthetic Solutions' by Kelbourne of Silkolene ibricants (CM, March...
I was amazed to read in (CM, February 22) of wheels being lost from a Seddon Atkinson vehicle through the nuts winding off...
The article entitled "Fast turnround" (CM. March 15) said "Turbochargers produced by the big names such as Holset and KKK are...
PS: How many child molesters and men who use prostitutes live in Lanarkshire? Are they among the residents objecting to the...
Publicity given to our plans for replacing the existing Texaco fleet has prompted one or two letters asking why there were no...
I refer to your report (CM, April 5) that Welcome Break is to operate the first M25 service area, due to open in May next year....
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Richard Scrase previews the Municipal Vehicles in Action Exhibition, where visitors will be able to test many of the exhibits...
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⢠Scania continues to be one of Europe's few profitable truck manufacturers. Truck and bus sales last year were up eight per...
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⢠A 1.7-litre diesel engine will be offered in Spanish-built seat car-derived vans and pickups being introduced into the UK...
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MAround 15,000 bus services have been registered as commercial under the Government's plans to deregulate the industry....
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⢠The Friends of the Earth campai g n "Cities for People" is the sort of insidious nonsense which will be picked up by trendy...
⢠May dates for your diary 2 Expo '86Vancouver, British Columbia (May 2 October 13) 4 Truckfest, sponsored by Commercial...
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III Freight Rover Sherpa 250HL petrol van Price as tested: £6,409 excluding VAT (price includes £5,886 basic van, £290 for...
"And finally: An objector told a public inquiry into the proposed closure of the Settle/Carlisle railway line: "Road structures...
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Rover id, together with a Metro van with .sed dashboard and a Montego Estate. British-made mobile column lifts from ricept...
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Municipal transport managers from four counties have looked at West Sussex County Council's 'model' transport organisation. 1...
The new TM() has taken responsibility for all the vehicles and plant and it operates exactly like a commercial truck...
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OPERATOR PROFILE user departments hire the vehicles or plant for any period from one day to five years, paying rates that are...
Purchasing policy has also changed. Previously, the fleet was heavily standardised on Bedford. Ashmore has not been affraid of...
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Local authority waste contracts are specialist jobs for special vehicles. Richard Scrase reports on a Thames Valley...
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BY THE HAWK ⢠Imperial measures for roads will be banned in Wales on road safety grounds, if Plaid Cymru has its way. In...
for this year's Glasgow Marathon on September 21. The announcement was made by Glasgow Lord Provost Robert Gray and Citylink...
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To coincide with Truckfest next month CM readers have the chance to win this uniqu Talbot Trekker by Tickford. The competition...
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At lost, Leyland has produced a Roadtrain which can surpass the best Continental tractive units. UK operators will have to wait...
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ROADTRAIN 1734 though its power and torque ratings are identical to those of the British version, and hence this Roadtrain's...
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A range of electrically erated and heated remotentrol rear-view mirrors is ailable from Cohen ransport Designs). The Panorama,...
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REPORT ⢠One of the most comprehensive financial reports ever produced about motor body builders and engineers reveals that...