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In the West Midlands, where -nployers have offered £81 in.ead of the current £79.50 per , eek, CM spoke to 13 drivers. ix of...
-IE EXACT rates of vehicle exse duty have now been pubtled by the Department of ansport, and have been in fect since March 10...
THE INDUSTRY'S reaction against last week's Budget boiled on thi! week, and as the 20p increase in tax on petrol has kept...
BRITAIN'S roads are getting bet ter, according to the Nationa Road Maintenance Conditiot Survey. Over the five years of the...
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ROADUNE UK completes slimming-down programme th week with the closure of si branches, and the downgradin of another three to...
MOTORWAY service are operators who choose to prc vide longer-term parking facil ties are at liberty to impose charge for them....
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.LEGATIONS by a Scottish haulier of rongful conviction for failing to have a librated tachograph in a vehicle were re:ted...
%STERN BRS has been restrucired into six management eas, with all branch managers porting to local and line manjers instead of...
THREE PRIVATE milk haulage contractors facing complete loss of business from the decision of the Scottish Milk Marketing Board...
WHO SETTLED the final shape of the Transport Bill? Which behind-the-scenes charac ters decided that the measure should deal...
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LANS FOR a lorry ban in the London Boroughs of Barnet and infield look set to go ahead, five years before the M25 orbital route...
\ SMALL operator has been ined £70 for 0-licensing ofences. William Swanson of )Iumstead, South-east London )leaded guilty at...
IT IS essential for the propose new system of gross vehicl weight taxation to include provision for downplating, th Freight...
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In February fines and costs tailing £1,015 were imposed the five drivers concerned M, October 18/December 6, 180 and February...
DRIVE, enthusiasm and enterprise from the industry's workforce is a major national asset which should be encouraged, chairman...
1N-COMPANY tachograp training anywhere in the UK a times suitable to operators including evenings and week ends — is being...
THE BOARDS of National Carriers Ltd and electrical company Curry's have agreed in principle that NC will acquire Curry's...
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HAULAGE company which accumulated a total of 36 vehicle rohibitions since 1976 was put on six months probation by the...
IGHTNING STRIKES by Cusoms officers were hitting ports Southern England as CM vent to Press on Tuesday, but ccording to the...
ARMITAGE-INSPIRED improve ments to lorry brakes an smoke emission will have to b fully justified before operator are prepared...
A TYNESIDE haulage contractor has won his appeal against Gate shead Council's decision to evict him from his farm depot....
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David Hurst has been appointed director, truck sales, Ford of Britain, in place of Andy Thorns who retired after 30 years'...
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BM TRANSPORT, who provide and maintain a fleet of over 500 ehicles for one of Europe's largest builders merchants groups, has...
A NEW range of 400Hz fans, the 103 series, has been designed by ETRI of Horsham, Sussex, to meet the military requirements for...
MOTOR PANELS (Coventry) Li has been granted the higher approval for quality control froi the Ministry of Defence to ti' 05-21...
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k PLASTIC warehouse to store :v parts is being used at Leyland /Aides' Bathgate plant. The 138m (450ft) long modliar...
EN per cent fuel saving with a eyland Marathon fitted with a latcher Slipstreamer roof def3ctor is claimed by the...
RENAULT Truck and Buses has established its first main dealership for West and Central London at Magnum Truck Sales Ltd,...
A GUIDE to fuel saving for the car and light van user has been produced by BP Oil. Examples given show that savings of five...
SPECIALISTS in the manufac ture and reconditioning of roa springs for cv and trailers, Tes seyman's of Scarborough, is t extend...
G. PERCY TRENTHAM of Pangbourn has taken delivery of a BRIM El chain demountable fitted to a 4.54m (14.75ft) wheelbase Ford...
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AR FROM keeping the tax on diesel oil and petrol at the same level, he Government should encourage the use of dery by taxing it...
AN INTENSIVE network of five scheduled coach services from all parts of Merseyside to Manchester Airport is planned to be...
AWEST GERMAN experimen with computer-guided "cal buses" — hailed as the cit transport system of the futur — has not turned out...
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TRANSPORT SECRETARY N man Fowler has announced th he has laid before Parliame the remaining provisions of t Transport Act...
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OVER THE YEARS established bus operators behaved as if they had a divine right to run buses. They have sought to preserve the...
IT WAS WITH some surprise that we noticed our company (Hawley Mills (Sales) Ltd), had been omitted from your 1981 List of...
THE PHOTOS in your interesting article How Golden is Golden Opportunity Volvo? (CM, February 21) shows up a serious fault in...
I was very interested to read DouglasAinley's article (CM Feb: oary 14) on social security and wondered if you could confirm...
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'HAT EFFECT on transport )licy might the new Social Deocrats have if they ever :hieved influence in the House Commons? With...
GRIMON Dr one of my vourite MPs, has strong views London bus subsidies and ctortionate fares. Writing in `le Daily Telegraph,...
THE OUTLOOK is grim when Perkins, the world's biggest maker of diesel engines, is unable to meet the half-year rate bill on its...
A SEMINAR on crime prevention to be held in Llanelli on April 28/ 29 smacks to me of Hamlet without the prince. Llanelli Crime...
IT IS TYPICAL of the country that has done more than almost any other to develop the diesel engine to its present excellence,...
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If responding to needs and inspiring confidence are what bus services are all about, then the big guns of psv had better watch...
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TUC: negative response by Douglas Ainley THE TUC's handbook The Employment Act, 1980 outlines suggested union response to the...
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David Wilcox talks to outspoken haulier Pal Blackburn, md of Chambers and Cook. Pat': almost as well known in West Mids circles...
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That's how West Midlands LA Arthur Crabtree sees his role, and, as Alan Millar finds out, he's determined to see that the...
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AVE MUCH respect for the utered Institute of Transport, its oft-repeated wish for re qualified transport manirs and for the...
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It's murder as a job now and I would never go back to it — as an ex-haulier RHA West Mids Area Secretary Bob Ward should know....
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Once you get involved with the law, costs can be frightening, but a Birmingham firm has an answer — an adviser-card scheme...
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DOUBLE-DECK BUSES continue to exercise the imagination of Continental vehicle builders and operators though the more...
SOME VISITORS to the old parts of Amsterdam and oth Dutch cities may have be puzzled by the hoists or cram sticking out from...
The 100-tonner, fitted with a Cummins V12 engine of 700 bhp, has a Clark transmission and three Berliet drive axles. It was the...
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Success in business in times like these? scoff defeatists. We took up the challenge and invited companies to tell us their...
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Hauliers seem to shy oi Enterprise Zones, but they've a lot to offer AN ENTERPRISE Zone planned for the West Midlan — a...
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6 The almost incredible total of 14,030 applications for new Operator's licences may, to the outsider, symbolise the country's...