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W EN a country spends more than £2,000m. o l f its national income each year on transport of freight and people it is not,...
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N open meeting on goods vehicle maintenance will be held at the Council Cham', The Castle. Shrewsbury, on October 24 7.30 p.m.,...
V ITHIN the next five years Northern Ireland Carriers Ltd. is to spend £3m. on redevelop:nt. The managing director, Mr. Trevor...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THI E RHA has now decided that it cannot run its operating costs survey on its own. The decision...
R A. DYSON AND CO. LTD., has reached an "agreement of friendly co-operation" with the Italian trailer manufacturer, Officine...
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Report to Minister is sceptical of the benefits of integration, cautious about the NFA and "social necessity" and wants...
AT its meeting in Coventry last week, the AT executive of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition (which is sponsored by...
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I T seems to me that if the smaller businesses are to survive they have to face up to a big trrangement, indeed a...
MR. H. STANLEY RA1NE has been appointed London freight representative of Normandy Ferries which will inaugurate a...
T HE programme has now been announced for the first national convention for tipper operators, sponsored by the tipping vehicle...
THE High Street at Watford, Herts, has for some years been closed to through traffic, and traffic from the South has been...
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By JOHN DARKER AMBIM T HE autumn conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers last week was...
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report daily at 7 a.m. who are prepared to work until 8 p.m. on Irday"? t was a "cheap jibe" to imply that mem; attending...
Placed in a simple farm trailer, the collapsible milk container is held steady by ropes or netting which also eliminate surge....
DEVON'S first bulk milk collection scheme starts in March next year when Hammett's Dairies, Exeter, will be supplied with...
E VAN COOK LTD. has introduced a new rapid freight service to and from the Continent, putting any part of Europe within seven...
was announced this week that the principal French road-rail freight systems are be merged into one new company with corned...
A SERVICE depot has been opened by Boden Trailers Ltd. at 394 High Street, Smethwick. Birmingham 40. Depot hours are 9 a.m. to...
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C UMBERLAND road hauliers were ‘4.-• commended last week for their initiative and competence by Mr. B. A. Johnson,...
rAvE WOOD (TRANSPORT) LTD. is starting a road groupage service to and from Paris on October 31 with regular scheduled...
T HE Ministry of Technology is considering with the motor manufacturing industry ways in which further improvements in...
A S revealed in COMMERCIAL MOTOR recently, the Manchester Ship Canal Co. is now providing full facilities for TIR vehicles and...
THE need for legislation making thief-pr locks compulsory on all vehicles is be considered in consultation with the Hc...
F was announced in the Commons by Douglas Jay, President of the Board Trade, that he proposes to ask the Monopo: Commission to...
AMENDED food hygiene regulations now be laid before Parliament will mean less cc plicated marking of food vehicles, follow...
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VHEN Customs officers found traces of duty-free oil in the fuel tanks o(two buses )3r seized eight buses belonging to a Fife to...
r SDAY is shopping day for the women f E Bristol—by coach . . in Cardiff. For .e Bristol Omnibus Co. Ltd. has introduced...
B US drivers and conductors of East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd. came out on Sunday on what the company terms "a deplorable...
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by John Darker, AMBIM S EVERAL delegates to the world meeting 1 4. , of the International Road Federation recently paid an...
R ECENT orders for Bedford p.s.v. chasE include 233 from British operators for d livery early in 1967. coach or bus bodywork...
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r HE necessity to encourage the preparaL tion and dissemination of knowledge in information was particularly mentioned st night...
T NAIDED the motor industry could have cleared up Britain's balance of payments roblem if it had not been for the "stop, stop,...
The Tilling Group of omnibus companies announces that J. W. Lawrence, at present director and general manager of United Welsh...
We regret to record the deaths of H. Anstee, A. B. Chadwick, Reginald Albert Hellmuth and W. H. (Bill) White. Mr. Anstee was...
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P LANT hire firm Charles Eden Ltd., 1 of Worcester, applying for a new B licence before Mr. R. Hall, deputy West Midland...
From a Special Correspondent rr E high-handed policy of British ways in applying for licences for he tractive units and...
A STEP-DOWN—or step-frame—trailer is synonymous with a semi-low-loader, according to a written judgment this week by the...
A l appeal against the decision of the Licensing Authority for the East Midland traffic area to grant licences to Larrow...
T HE Transport Tribunal on Tuesda London allowed the appeal of Brown Wright (Haulage) Ltd. against the decisk the Eastern,...
E XTRA work that Simonstone Transport Ltd., of Burnley, Lancs., might gain through the expansion of one of its customers was...
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DECISION by the Northern area LA . to refuse an application by Charles lain (Contractors) Ltd. of Stockton, to sfer a C licence...
AF TER reports had been given of inefficient vehicle brakes on two separate occasions, Bulk Cement Plant Hire Co. Ltd. had...
MR. W. E. SHARP, of Barldngside, Ilford, appeared before Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the Metropolitan LA, last week, in connection with...
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IRE YOU SURE YOU'RE LEGAL? you are a haulier who hires vehicles or a :ustomer who engages vehicles you may itting back in your...
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UR new motorways in Lancashire are proposed by the County Council as extensions to the present road programme. This call for...
HIGHWAY TRAILERS (GREAT BRITAIN) LTD. has signed an agreement with the Eidal international division of South West Factories...
THE company formed as concessionaires for Volvo commercial vehicles in the UK, Ailsa Trucks Ltd. (COMMERCIAL MOTOR, September...
THE range of mechanical refrigera units for vehicles made by the Fi King Co. of America, a division of Cummins Engine Co., will...
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:JMMER TIME ends on Sunday and the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis reminds vers to check their lighting equipment in...
Leyland Exhibits in Mexico: Two Leyland diesel engines complete with gearboxes are being shown on a Leyland Motor Corporation...
heard .om older supervisors in transport, tether operating or engineering. Yet hanges in design, power, speed and raking bring...
regular feature, drivers and shunters find their own means of shifting the heavy weights unaided, other than by a crowbar and a...
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A RECENT addition to the AmericanLincoln range of floor-maintenance machines marketed by Fred Myers Ltd., the Model 130...
been added by Wessex Industries (Poole) to their Wrigley Union range. With towing capacities of 2 tons, 4 tons, 7 tons and 10...
DENCIL-SHAPED and having a dial at its upper end, the VanDeMark mark counter enables items to be counted at high speed and...
S UITABLE for use in garages, workshops and factories, a new range of Econheat oil-fired air heaters is being offered by...
C APABLE of handling acid or alkal liquids of almost any viscosity, fri batter to varnish, the new Handipui Mk. II Easy Clean...
D EVELOPED by Hands (Letchwori Ltd., the new Checkweight portal wheel weigher offers the vehicle operatoi simple and low-cost...
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ROAD-RAIL COMMERCIAL LINK ENVISAGED iE annual conference of the Road -Iaulage Association was officially Led on Tuesday by...
'HE challenge of Mrs. Castle and Mr. Aubrey Jones' Board to the RHA's lciple of advising their members on inases in rates and...
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M ANAGEMENT by decree may be necessary in emergency but busis life is not a constant succession of emercies; management by...
7 is clear that in the present state of the country we cannot afford to underlize any single part of our existing assets ich we...
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I N a highly stimulating address by Sir Reginald Wilson on road haulage and the White Paper, road hauliers were urged to...
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v iew BY THE HAWK mother Conference? HATEVER effect Messrs. Callaghan and Stewart may be V having on haulage was not apparent...
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wider range of activities than straightforward bus operation is omething which all independent bus operators should aim for. y...
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Control point CONTACT WITH executives concerned with many C-licensed fleets provides a strange cross-section of the way things...
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crap cars and press-baled scrap .ovide new opportunities for lad haulage enterprise f JOHN DARKER, minim 'HE disposal of old...
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ALTHOUGH there are still a few people like Mr. Alex Kitson, of the Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union, calling loudly or...
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Evaluating the work of a transport service requires judgment on intangible as well as tangible factors D ISCUSSING the...
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Cherbourg operated by a company under the name of STN. This particular chassis had the engine in the normal position at the...
gross weight stamped on the trailer would be, for example, 30 tons g.v.w. which would include the tractive unit weight, trailer...
Transport Holding Company as between road haulage, road passenger operation and other activities, particularly in view of...
This is a new transport journal to be published th ee times a year—in January. May and Septe ber—commencing in January 1967....
operator displayed commercial vehicle? There seem to be flicting views on this. A Using the term commercial vehicli its widest...
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M ENTION the Wiles Group and fertilizers immediately spring to mind. Certainly they have been an important part of this...
`HE appointment of the members of the Road Transport Training Board has naturally refocused attention on the )blem of...
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BY JAIN SHERRIFFATA R ECENTLY while travelling across London by car I had an experience which although almost commonplace was...
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BY ALFRED WOOLF LANSPORT managers, worried that the dereciation costs of newly delivered staff are about to increase...