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are making strong efforts to restrict hauliers to local operation, and there is a widespread belief that, later; they will...
COMMENT has been made on the unwisdom of hold ing the Public . Works Exhibition so soon after the Commercial Motor Show, which...
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Profits profits. We are assured that one operator carrying 15-ton loads bought a Duramin body, representing an investment of...
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1935 Mow. 15-23,-Scottish Motor Show, Kelvin Hall, Glasgow. Hoe. 18.23.-Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and...
The following arc the official returns of the paying attendances at the Commercial Vehicle Exhibition at Olympia, the...
The Board of Trade returns for October, 1935, show that the value of imports of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and...
The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport. at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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A N application by J. Hanson and Sons, Ltd., the Huddersfield haulage-contracting concern, for sanction to increase its...
r'NFICISIONS on two .appeals were Li r given, .last week, by the Appeal i'L Tribunal, sitting at verpool. The appeal of S. H....
A MOVEMENT which, unless checked, may have the effect of materially increasing the cost of licence applications; particularly...
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The South Wales Area of Associated Road Operators has scheduled a series of lec,tures and debates for the winter season, and...
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When Bradshaw Stores, Ltd., Northampton, made a licence application to Mr, J. H. Stirk, East Midland Licensing Authority, it...
. A Manchester enthusiast in the cause of road transport has received au important letter from a previons Parlia.mentary...
Fleetwood Town Council requirestwo 1012Cat. electric vans. west 'Hartiepool Town Council is 'buying two Daimler 'double-deck...
'D ISCUSSIONS of the recruiting L/methods of the two Associations and the breakdown of the merger gave redoubled interest to an...
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THE report made by the G.P.O. 1 committee into the possible use of for carrying mails .between places in Great...
A IR-CHARTER Companies had much work to do in the General Election, for the candidates and for the Press and cinemas. Air...
few nionths, Air Dispatch, Ltd., and its associated company, Commercial Aix Hire,Ltd., Croydon, have specialized in...
WM have explained in this paper, VY from time to time, how the Irish Free State Government, having been approached by various...
D EGARDING our recent report that 1‘. Guernsey States (the local Parliament) had decided to buy and develop an airport site at...
D URING November, Capt. Ivor . McClure, operational adviser to the Director General of Civil Aviation, and Mr. Banks, also of...
T HE Air Ministry has now assumed the control of air traffic from Heston Airport. The area for which the Heston control is...
A N attractive concession to the ordinary inter-availability of air and rail tickets, which has been in operation, for some...
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Unorthodox Straussler Models (Right) The Straussler Zulu 7-ton four-wheel-drive chassis. It has a Ford V-8 engine and weighs...
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Powered by a Sixcylindered . Engine Developing 65 b.h.p., a New 2-ton Chassis, Available in Two Wheelbase Lengths, is a Feature...
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SPECIAL-PUR Points of Outstanding Interest in the Municipal Motors and the Appliances Expressly Built for Specific Uses, which...
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include the steel-slatted floor, built as a unit for ease of incorporation by vehicle or body - builders, is a 15-cubicyd....
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TtII ISPLACED sympathy for an appli • IVI cant is, in effect, the verdict of the Appeal Tribunal onthe decision of the...
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• QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be...
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The Second and Concluding Series of Interesting Points Selected from the Editor's Note-book After a Tour of the Commercial...
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T HE suggestion that there were three classes of operator, comprising those who were working during the basic year, those who...
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i.RTICULATED VEHICLE A STATEMENT, made by a Licensing Authority— reported in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor—to the...
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of-IASSIS and accessory manufac turers were castigated by railway representatives in a debate at Olympia, last week, under the...
O NE of the final conferences at the Commercial Motor Exhibition, at Olympia, was that held under the auspices of the Furniture...
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A STRONG plea for a reduction of . taxation on municipal vehicles was contained in a paper entitled " Essentials to be Observed...
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AST week, the North-Western LA Traffic Commissioners continued to hear objections by Mersey Railway Co. to the renewal of...
r i N Monday, the London Passenger %-.0F Transport Arbitration Tribunal approved 20 provisional settlements between London...
by Swansea Borough Council of the intention to hold, on November 25, a special meeting to sanction application to Parliament...
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A POOLING arrangement for the Manchester-Bury bus service, for which the corporations of the terminal towns joined with Salford...
MESTRRDAY (Thursday) the 1 Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner was scheduled to hear the application by United Automobile...
C ONSIDERABLE development of the trolleybus services of Llanelly Electric Light and Traction Co., Ltd., are projected. The...
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A SUCCESSFUL appeal against conviction was made to the Glamorgan Quarter Sessions at Cardiff, by Mr. Edward T. Rees, who was...
A T Hamilton Sheriff Court, two charges of driving and using a lorry as a contract carriage, without a public service vehicle...
LIA.ULIERS will have little to fear in I I the way of competition from ancillary users, so long as a substantial number. of...
O N a recent . visit to Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd., Kew, we noted a striking 20-seater coach of semi-streamlined design....
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0 F the many interesting points which have been raised at the meetings that I have been addressing on the subject of operating...