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22nd October 1983
22nd October 1983
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Page 1, 22nd October 1983

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(es, Minister Marsham Street

HE Cabinet reshuffle this week once again includes a change at the Department of ransport. After a brief spell as Transport...

Page 5

Quota freeze and talk of 'deal'

UNLIKELY. That is the answer to Economic Community issue more CM'S EEC correspondent writes: Common Market transport ministers...

Yes, our third Minister

NICHOLAS RIDLEY, the new Transport Secretary, is the third transport minister to hold office within six months. He was...

Enasa bids for Seddon

SEDDON ATKINSON may fall into the hands of a Spanish vehicle concern before the end of the year, if the Spanish company's...

Tayside Stop

PRIZES of portable colour telev sion sets and cash of up £1,000 are being offered to a tract customers to the Taysic Truck...

Page 6

Lorry bans probe

ERATORS throughout Britain should tell the Greater London uncil what effects night and weekend lorry bans in the capital luld...

EC: full story Narts and all

'BUSHED this week is a book ling the full story of the tional Freigh Company's emlee buy-out that took place ring 1981/2 to...

Gomba move on cards

Gomba Holdings, the trading group which bought the company after the Scottish Development Agency was compelled to cease...

Rovers return

THE NATIONAL TV Licence Records Office, responsible for keeping tabs on television licence evaders, has ordered 22 Sherpa vans...

EEC 056m plan

THE EEC Commission has proposed a budget of £356m to be spent on improvements to road, rail and water transport in EEC member...

Lorries lose out to sea

THE CENTRAL Electricity Generating Board is to reduce its lorry deliveries to its Sizewell B site in Suffolk, after strong...

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Irish cabotage row

NORTHERN IRISH hauliers' cabotage disagreements with the Irish Republic (CM October 8) are far from settled, according to the...

John is TMoY

THE NEW Transport Manager of the Year is fittingly someone who checks the work of other transport managers — a Department of...

Down-licensing is needed

DOWN LICENSING is needed: this is highlighted by a joint survey carried out by the Freight Transport Association and the...

Euro rail boosi

THE EEC Commission is backir moves to make the railwa more competitive with interr tional road transport by i creasing the...

Wage claims

The Road Haulage Associati has received wage claims frs three regional areas. East Midlands: £10.40 crease on all grades to...

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Scottish Trucker

OWNER-DRIVER Roy Graham was overall champion of the Scottish Trucker Club's first driving competition held at Stirling last...

CalMac move

CALEDONIAN MacBrayne is 1 introduce a system to accei unaccompanied trailers up to : tonnes gvw for carriage on the Ullapool...

GLC grants

THE GREATER LONDON Coun has awarded up to £0.18m grants to London-based en. ronmental groups wishing improve transport conditio...

Toddy tidier

THE GRANADA Service Ar Toddington, has re-opened af a five-week closure caused M1 roadworks. Granada taken the opportunity to i...

Page 14

1984: hgv outlook is very pessimistic

IGHT COMMERCIAL vehicle sales have picked up a good deal from le depths of 1981 and 1982. However, by historic standards they...

Keeping their powder dry

A BRITISH STANDARD for flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) has been introduced by the British Standards Institution....

Speedier BR parcels

BRITISH RAIL has introduced a new parcels service to cater for the increasing manufacturing business and commercial interests...

Objections. ..

TRANSPORT 2000 and the Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) have compiled a guide to public inquiries for...

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Lord Marshall loTA pres.

LORD MARSHALL became president of the Institute of Transport Administration at the 39th Annual loTA conference, succeeding Lord...

FTA change around

NEW REGIONAL secretary with the Freight Transport Association's south-eastern region is Rod Hunter, who has been assistant...

Victory post

GEOFF BAILEY has been appointed managing director of Wadham Stringer (Coachbuilders) Ltd, its ambulance and bus division based...

RON BIRCH has been made managing director of Midlandsbased Cossington Commercials.

The company says it has been looking for years for a manager with the kind of professional pedigree like that of Mr Birch. Mr...

New man at NFC

Barry Soloman has joined th National Freight Consortium a chief pensions officer based e the pensions department at th Merton...

Wright in the groove at Goody

ROY WRIGHT has completed 40 years with the Goodyear field service engineering team. The team is responsible for f ting and...

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Ready for anything

)LKSWAGEN's LT31 3,200kg 15-ton) gvw long-wheelbase n is the basis for Tunbridge ells-based Industrial Macho;ed Products' fully...

4x2s on way out'

E SIX-WHEELED tractive until I take over from its 4x2 counaart at 38 tonnes, according Cummins manager, UK field Prations,...

Check those recuts

MOST ATTENTION concerning the new tyre regulations coming in on November 1 has been focused on tread depth, but the British...

The new law states no person shall use or permit

to be used a recut tyre if it has been wholly or partially recut, in a pattern other than the manufacturer's recut tread...

Skip handler stores away

SKIP-TIP ENGINEERING of Dinnington, near Sheffield, has added a twin-bin system to its range of mini-skip handling equipment,...

Tel-tale weigher

INGRAM ELDER of Stanton, near Bury St Edmunds, is marketing its Ton-Tel single-axle weighing device which comprises a platform...

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Bridge that gap . . .

A MOVABLE BOGIE solves the loading and discharge problems associated with heavy 20ft shipping containers. Since the...

More Tasks

CRAVEN TASKER has expand( its UK trailer building with ti opening of a new factory Lochgelly, Fife. The new pis complements the...

Dunlops 'on sale in UK'

DUNLOP COMMERCIAL ty will continue to be sold in UK, despite the purchase Dunlop tyre factories at Wg ington, County Durham,...

Direct braking

NEATE BRAKE CONTROLS of Hanworth Trading Es Hanworth, Middlesex, is ai ing customers wishing to chase its towing equipmer deal...

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'Cancelled' Van Hool order

ONE OF THE after-burns of the collapse of the partnership between Van Hool McArdle and Coras lom pair Eireann, the Irish...

Manufacturers meet operators

WITH BUS SALES in their present depressed state, the bus's future as painted by five major chassis manufacturers is not rosy....

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LT probes bus works

and an A REVIEW of two of London Transport's bus works employing 3,000 staff concludes that they should be sold off and the...

Crawley fares bid

FARES CONDITIONS are not be imposed on licences held t London Country Bus Service the Metropolitan and Soul Eastern Traffic...

Page 22

.ast post in Germany •

IE OF the oldest institutions in rman road passenger nsport will cease its ependent existence in the w Year when the transfer...

ink terminals

AT IS CLAIMED to be one - of most modern road tanker ring installations in Europe been opened by a Belgian cialist haulier at...

Product of rough roads

THE GENERALLY poor state of the country's roads has given Yugoslav manufacturer TAM the incentive to develop a new cab...

Light lveco diesel

A SIGNIFICANT breakthrough in light diesel engine technology comes with the announcement of a new lveco 2.45-litre unit derived...

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aronor and eight centres

E SHARE your reporter's view 'en in his feature on Garonor W August 20), on the parlance of close dialogue :hin the...

Additives to stop waxing

THE ARTICLE headed "Winter draws on" on page 22 of the October 8 issue of Commercial Motor contains a misleading statement, in...


I SEE by your October 1 issue that the average price of dery in the UK for September was £1.68 per gallon while we had to pay...

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European context a case for optimism

OPTIMISM underlay EEC transport director-general John Steele's opening address. He hoped that a common transport policy would...

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'Militant sheep' and union secret ballots

IGLAS AINLEY, managing :Aar of CAG (London) and an Istrial relations consultant, lictecl that there will be three r factors...

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Higher speeds but NTA Labour

THE THEME for the conference — The Next Five Years — was particularly appropriate for the next speaker. It is within that time...

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A new area: 'own account haulage'

THE FIRST SPEAKER of the afternoon was Frank Woodward who gave delegates yet more to chew over after their lunch. Recently...

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0-licences: a fair warning from LA

30NMENTAL objectors got warning of what to expect at least one Licensing irity when Maj-Gen John niter, LA for Yorkshire and...

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'No need for anyone to buy foreign'

RON HANCOCK, chairman of Leyland Vehicles and managing director of the Leyland Group, at the beginning of his paper — Buy...

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Lively and provocative — Sir Peter sums up

In the first paper by John Steele, said the chairman, they had learned that the EEC looks forward to still heavier lorries — an...

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story repeated after years

E NEWS that the EEC is to 'tribute £600,000 towards the 'elopment by Britain of a 3e1-electric bus turns back the ;k nearly BO...

lach cats scatter rail ;eons

\CH OPERATORS have ed British Rail as never )re. The railways' reply with oadsword on fares has been forced by Doddian ivasion...

Plaxton scores a double with glazing

I TEND to recoil from any mention of the Glass and Glazing Federation. It reminds me too vividly of the doubleglazing...

Where are the "fast motorway routes"?

THE Advertising Standards Authority has slapped the Scottish Development Agency's wrists for claiming in a newspaper promotion...

Down in the forrest something stirs

IN Lights Out, Edward Thomas wrote of "the unfavourable deep forest where all must loose their way." Scotland's forest is,...

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Unjust and unfair

could press for - npensation for hauliers npelled to move base. But r best bet is to persuade r Minister that proposed...

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he fax of 'ansport life

TOBEFi has been designated tional Teletext Month. Most /readers — like most of the t of the population — will ie reached the...

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Quietly efficient Bedford

Bedford's lightly turbocharged 5.4 litre engine pulled willingly when asked to. A noise package reduced the noise levels inside...

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Lessons in leasing, selling and economics

Association looks at the lems in the light of the iomy in the post-election )d. By Mike Rutherford OTHER gathering at the I...

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Getting the right lorry

SELECTION of the right vehicle for the job it is to do is fundamental to the success of any distribution operation. For the...