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Any operator running goods vehicles weighing over 30 cwt unladen who has not yet obtained, studied and taken action on the...
We have not always seen eye to eye with the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association on the matter of driving hours in relation...
Crystal-gazing is a universal pastime, and the fascination of looking into the future has been well demonstrated by the...
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• Of the 3,885 goods vehicles submitted for voluntary testing up to August 2 at the 30 Ministry of Transport test stations...
• The Passenger Vehicle Operators Association is now so convinced that the Ministry of Transport's proposed cuts in driving...
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• Since June 10 experienced tanker drivers in the Bulwark United Transport organization have been taking advanced driving...
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• A new BRS parcels depot for Leicester and district has been completed on a seven-acre site at Western Boulevard, in the...
• Ilife Books Ltd.—the book publishing division of Iliffe/NTP International Ltd. of which the publisher of CM is also a part—...
: • Private hauliers are providing • about 40 per cent of the business being : done at the Dudley freightliner depot. • This...
• Two new gearboxes will be introduced by Turner Manufacturing Co. Ltd., at the Commercial Motor Show. One—the T6-500 —is a...
• A paragraph in the August 16 issue of Commercial Motor may have given the impression that amendments to the Road Vehicles...
• Because September 2 is a public holiday, the Southern Counties Car Auctions sale which was to have taken place on Tuesday...
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by Paul Brockington • Mr. D. A. Clarke, a director of Clarkes Boxes Ltd., Mountsorrcl, Loughborough, Leics., designed the...
• Substantial savings in the construction of coachbuilt bodies are claimed for the UBD system using factory-made modular...
A diesel engine with a fixed cylinder head may sound like something from the 'twenties. In fact one of Britain's • leading...
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• Fiat will be well represented at Earls Court in September when it will have on its stand four vehicles particularly suited to...
• As part of a plan to provide five regional directories fisting all members of the Road Haulage Association members and their...
• A new service, initially in East Anglia but with a prospect of extension to other areas, has been launched by Services...
• Mr. Richard Marsh, Minister of Transport. is consulting representative organizations about a proposal to increase the annual...
• British exporters are offered a complete storage, distribution and transport service throughout Spain, directly from London...
• The Minister of Housing and Local Government has turned down three planning appeals concerning the proposed development of...
• Local hauliers in the Poole area were criticized by the chairman of the Bournemonth Labour Party, Mr. Lionel Bennett, in the...
• As compared with the first six months of 1965 the number of thefts of and from commercial goods vehicles in the Metropolitan...
A new transport clearing house. King's Lynn Haulage Co., has gone into business with headquarters at 71 Friars-street, King's...
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Fordturbo quietness A greatly increased throughput of air and an exhaust system of entirely new design have a considerable...
The option of the new Turbo 360 engine for the top-selling D800s provides a tough new range of rigids. tippers and artics for...
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Fordturbo power 10% more horsepower than the average major competitive engines... 150 bhp at 2400 rpm and 349 lb-ft torque at...
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the-road operation). The vehicles have specially-produced extra-deep and extra-strong frames. The impressive specification...
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Most important breakthrough in years The Ford Turbo 360 is a significant step forward in truck engine concept, design and...
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double-deckers for Liverpool NEW VRT CHASSIS NOW IN PRODUCTION by Derek Moses • Production of the new VRT range of...
• Seaton Valley (Northumberland) urban council has approved the idea of a Tyneside Passenger Transport Authority, but has...
• The general manager of the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co. Ltd., Mr. D. R. Vernon, has disclosed that the company's...
• Tees-side transport committee, faced with the prospect of a £100,000 deficit for the current year, has accepted a...
• Glasgow Corporation Transport are short of staff requirements by BOO. Some 2,000 drivers and conductors left the service over...
• The Minister of Transport has been urged to forbid Britain's bus companies to carry standing passengers. The ban has been...
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from our industrial correspondent • Local productivity deals on the lines of the "model agreement" circulated by the Municipal...
• A strongly worded article in the September issue of the TGWU Record calls for subsidized public transport, in particular free...
• The Northern group of bus companieshas received permission to operate an emergency service, via the Tyne Tunnel, between...
• Because of lack of support and his failure to get selective employment tax relief, Mr. G. V. Dewar, of Invercarron Ltd.,...
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• Accrington Corporation transport committee and union representatives on Monday .reached a wages and productivity agreement...
• Three new cellular container ships are to be launched by Manchester Liners Ltd. on November 1, in December and in March 1969...
• Granting a modification to the excursions and tours licence of Coaches (Bromsgrove) Ltd. in Birmingham on Tuesday, Mr. John...
• Due to the need for keeping new car mileages to a minimum and because of increased business, Dependable Delivery Ltd. was...
• The Minister of Transport has dismissed the appeal brought by the Borough of Lewes against the decision of the South Eastern...
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• The granting of further express journeys between Llandudno and Manchester would result in abstraction from the good rail...
• In a written decision, the East Midland Traffic Commissioners have granted applications made by the United Counties Omnibus...
• At a resumed sitting in Leeds last week (August 15) the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners refused an application by Hirst...
• A company which had been earning £55,000 per annum in its hey-day will be sold for £1,200 following a public inquiry at...
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• The Northern Licensing Authority. Mr. John Hanlon, on August 19 turned down an application by Salkeld Bros. (Transport and...
• A sharp increase in the number of contraventions of carriers' licences during 1967 has been reported by the Home Secretary,...
transport department, has been appointed Press and public relations officer of the British Omnibus Companies Public Relations...
• Frank Cousins is to retire as general secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union on September 8 1969. A ballot for...
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• A new range of buses, the SM 11, has been put into production by Karosa at Vysoke Myto, Czechoslovakia. The SM 11 follows the...
• • The front-wheel-drive high-perfor • • mance ambulance which was referred • to in CM February 9 as under develop • • ment...
• A completely redesigned 4 x 4 tractor/tractive unit with a 10ft wheelbase will be shown by Universal Power Drives Ltd. at...
• Specification of the Ford turbocharged 360 diesel engine in 0800 models (described on pages 46-51 of this issuel will...
• Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd. has entered into a contract whereby Rubery Owen will take over all the machining and assembly...
• A recent questioniaire circulated to members of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers South London Centre showed a need...
• Courses for the University of London Certificate and Diploma in Transport Studies (session 1968-69), begin on September 30....
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revolution (or even admit its existence), transport by container is inescapably with us, and will grow enormously in the next...
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School of Barbara Castle COMPUTER experts have recently proved to their own satisfaction at least that the works attributed to...
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Savings in turnround time are among the principal attractions of the use of tailboard lifts and in the study of costing this...
with Ron Cater / One of the problems which can defy every effort to cure it—short of changing an axle —is brake grab. A...
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A new type of heavy-duty flooring has been developed by Halfnight Protective Systems Ltd. specifically for refrigerated vans...
Plessey Co. Ltd. announces that the sales office at Wales Farm Road, Acton, has been closed down and that future requests...
by Handyman Manpower, maintenance and the MoT (6) • We have earmarked a number -of features that will tend to block progress...
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by P. A. C. BROCKINGTON, MIMeehE THE case for the turbocharged engine is given a big fillip by to-day's announcement by the...
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by A. J. P. WILDING, MIMechE, MIRTE FIRST use by Ford of the Turbo 360 diesel is in a new range of six-wheelers for...
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by J. P. B. Sherriff, MITA JUDGING by the number of queries about the heavy goods vehicle driving test that CM receives each...
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*Call it the FTA How true it is that the little things can sometimes be the biggest problem. I was amused to see that although...
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of its threewheeled 5cwt van called the Supervan III which is powered by a larger engine than that used hitherto. This engine...
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Retarders or bigger brakes? P.A.C. Brockington, MIMechE, surveys the trends indicated by contributors' comments and adds some...
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Flexibility is the keynote of transport operations in Norway. Are there lessons here for British road transport executives?...
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my land into a number of units, which I have leased to tenant farmers. Could you tell me whether will be able to use my...
motorway slow-lane fail to stop in time to avoid a pile-up ahead involving a number of vehicles. A similar vehicle that had...
What are the gross vehicle and axle weights for this vehicle? will have difficulty in maintaining equal weight distribution...
are concerned with radio-telephony and also any publications on this subject? A If your interest in radio-telephony is for its...
published in the August 16 issue of Commercial Motor it is claimed that turbocharging reduces cyclic torque variations and thus...
vehicle and would like information as to any standard charges for this type of service? A A scale of charges has been...
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I REFERRED last week to the research work in road transport operation and administration undertaken for the London University...
loads (2) LAST week 1 wrote about the requirements for markers on projecting loads, which from October 1 will be needed on all...