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A BIG effort must be made to counteract soaring crime in this country, and the road haulage industry must play its part. For...
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lv RS who belong to the we ul Transport and ner Workers Union 5/35 lriC have demanded an lit r's inquiry into the an sheets of...
Proposals for new coach braking requirements to implement an EEC directive are under consideration — but they will prescribe...
LIFE-LONG railman Bob Reid has taken over the chairmanship of Freightliners with its transfer from National Freight Corporation...
NATIONAL Bus is using Britain's first right hand drive articulated bus for a special Birmingham motor show in October....
THE THIRD campaign against theft on road haulage vehicles has been launched by the Road Haulage Association's vehicle security...
SEDDON Atkinson's management team at Oldham has been changed following manufacturing operations manager Ray Hazell's retirement...
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SYMPATHY for Leyland shop stewards' demands for a merger of British Leyland with Chrysler UK into a nationalised conglomerate...
YORK Trailers pre-tax pr in the six months ended 30 were down on those fo same period last year. From 1977's £1.14m, pri...
PRE-TAX profits of Transport Developn Group have risen by Elm. The independent road lage group's figures for first six months...
IRISH state 'transport bi Coras Iompair Eireann £33m last year, but its coa and lorries returned mo profits. Tours and •...
ACCOMPANIED by accusations of Government "impotence", Leyland Vehicles shop stewards have led a unilateral ban on Japanese...
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and the Humber ige is probably unry, says the House of nm ns public accounts mi tee which reported last k. Po nts a finger of...
/II ED numbers of light I m dium lorries are still nin off the production t Leyland's strike-hit hg te plant in West Lotn, ut...
A £600,000 road transport complex in Leigh, Lancashire was opened this week by National Coal Board chairman Sir Derek Ezra....
THERE IS STILL time to register for CM's Fleet Management Conference at London's Royal Lancaster Hotel on September 13....
RUSSIAN vehicles are to make their road-going debut at the Commercial Motor Show in October with the introduction of the Kamaz...
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JORDANIAN weight limits will be enforced strictly in future, according to the Jordanian Minister of Public Works. Fines of 8p...
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A DRIVER who had threatened to tell an insurance company that a vehicle belonging to Scotrealm Ltd, had been deliberately...
LONDON-based Friars Forwarding Ltd has moved to new larger premises in Jamaica Road, London, SE1. The road haulier which has...
PRELIMINARY guides to revised drivers' hours regulati have been issued by the Department of Transport. Limited quantities of A...
THE FIRST-EVER British removals industry exhibition wiJ held in Blackpool next year in conjunction with the Bri Association of...
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R Scots haulage con tracarrived home after a tmare trip to Saudi Arabia ith a warning. They were bf a contingent of a dozen ;...
LE low bridge accidents could occur, not less, if proposed it warning signs are fitted in lorry cabs. le Freight Transport...
NEW general manager of Leyland Vehicles Ltd's Medium/ Light Vehicle Division is Frank Andrew, former Leyland Australia managing...
We record with regret the deaths of Alex Clarke (55) and Francis Capaher. Mr Clarke, who was Bournemouth area manager with...
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A NEW type of waste collection vehicle has been commissioned by the Grundon Group. Built by the Lancashire based Scapa...
TWO Seddon Atkinson rigids converted into tractive units by Primrose have entered service with an own-account operator in...
MAYVIL Chemicals Ltd Sandbach, Cheshire, has troduced a cleaning cone( trate, Alubrite, for use on t painted aluminium surfac...
A NEW I7-metre hydrau lorry-loading crane has bE introduced by Lyka Cran The new crane is claimed give a lifting power of 11.4...
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LL I WING its recent intrortio of a 4x2 tractive unit th UK market, White ick Concessionaires Ltd of les ill has now added a...
THE ANT range of light commercial vehicles from BTB Equipment Sales Ltd of Blackburn has been extended with the introduction of...
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SCOTTISH Bus Group's 4,000 service buses gained a new image last week as part of a marketing exercise designed to imprint its...
which has been built up over the years by the seven operating companies and there was never any thought of blending them into...
SPECIAL low-step entry Le land Leopards being suppli to New Zealand could I bought by British operators if they want them....
LINCOLN'S new Thornbrid, bus station was opened la weekend by Mayor Les] Shepheard. It is being used by ; Lincoln City...
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iervices cut E.' SCOTTISH Traffic Cornstoners in Aberdeen have roved a severe cut-back in Alexander & Sons (Norm) Ltd bus...
AN EIGHT-YEAR extension of the United States Government's gas-turbine coach programme has been announced by Greyhound. Four...
AN UPSURGE in tourist traffic has prompted Coras Iompair Eireann to charter six Irish-built coaches from Britain for the summer...
The are being used to cope with additional traffic, most of which has come from the United States, and are scheduled to return...
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THE GREENWICH/ Lewisham Freight Study was carried out and financed chiefly by the Greater London Council and the Transport and...
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EIVOUNTABLE vehicles av many roles to play in an port and distribution yst ms. These include iaxiuising the use of capital qui...
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by Alan IVIllar A PRODUCT like toothpaste or soap powder can be sold fairly simply. The customer will tell you speedily and...
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I congratulate H. T. Harvey of Transport 2000, on his inspired attempt to reconcile industrial and social needs in his letter...
Barney White, the new American managing director of Seddon Atkinson, has rolled up his sleeves for the job. He is usually at...
in his hand Ron Joice, a Seddon Atkinson test driver, surprised an observer by removing the steering wheel of an eightwheeler...
Is William Rodgers, Secretary of State for Transport, deliberately hiding a report on whether the Government should be so...
Overall savings of 30-40 per cent in road goods transport are envisaged in a study called - The Motor Vehicle 1980-2000 which...
"People employed in the publicly owned services and industries . . . will not be able to afford to vote Conservative," says the...
Some remarkable mileages are claimed for Perkins 4.203 diesel engines in sorely tried taxis in Montevideo, capital of Uruguay....
Excise duty dodgers are I timated by the Department Transport to be defraudi the Government of £50 it lion to £60 million a ye1...
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EFFICIENT traffic planning is playing an increasing role in the search for improved pro ductivity within the field of...
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MOST TRANSPORT managers have a fair idea of the history of their industry in the 20th century. Few, I suspect, would want to...
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ate add Few regular CM readers are likely to fall for the bland conclusions — unsupported by facts — drawn by your...
I join with John Midgley in urging Majestic Motors and other operators who think that they too - save a fortune by not being...
In an article (CM, August 1 1) entitled "Mystery of the wheels that fall off" a picture is shown of some ambulances parked...
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V Ian Millar IH N PLANNING routes or goods vehicles, it is easy 1 Iook at a map, draw a few le , and hope for the best. ut...
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By Les Oldridge, T.Eng (CEO, M I M I, AM I RTE IN THE last article in this series I listed the laws dealing with the running...
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'HE STAGE is set for the liggest and best CM Lorry Myer of the Year competiion national finals at Cranield Airfield,...
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EMPTY SPACES in any business cost money and many operators have begun to use spare space at their depots for warehousing rather...