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25th March 1966
25th March 1966
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Page 1, 25th March 1966

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The choice is yours

E Government elected next Thursday could have a profound effect on the structure of transport and everyone connected with the...

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Professional Road Training Conference

MR. K. C. TURNER, president of the TRTA and TRU will chair a conference to be held in Dusseldorf on March 29 and 30 under the...


N EXT Monday the Birmingham branch of BRS Ltd. will start operating an experimental bonus scheme based on productivity. The...

Comet 4 x 4 Versions

VOUR-WHEEL drive versions of the Leyland Comet, converted by Scammell Lorries Ltd., are to be marketed in the UK and overseas....


AN appeal to every candidate in the General Election to support the L7,1 00m. road programme proposed by the Morgan Report was...

Car transporter firms and union criticized

B OTH sides concerned in the dispute between car delivery drivers employed by Motor Vehicle Collections and Avon Car...

Investment Incentive Protest

R EDUCTION in the tax reliefs on the purchase of road goods vehicles was unjustified because haulage was both part of and an...


THE recent a,g.m. of the car transporters' 'THE of the RHA was the occasion for some serious re-thinking on the relationship...

'Transport stop-go too long'

F OR too long the transport industry had suffered from political stop-go policies, said Mr. Roy Walker, NAFWR president, at the...

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Birmingham hauliers fear unofficial strike

By a Special Correspondent M ANY Birmingham hauliers fear that unofficial action may be taken by their drivers in an attempt...

Humber Warehousing Buys Family Concern g u-.3.,EcT to the approval of

the Licensing " Authority for the transfer of the licences, expected this weekend, Humber Warehousing Co. Ltd., of Grimsby,...

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New RHA directory is first of six

T HE first of six new-style directories measuring 10 in. by 12 in. has been produced by the Road Haulage Association and lists...

Channel Islands Link from North

QPECIAL plans have been made to ensure a " good turn-round for road transport delivering consignments to Runcorn docks in...


A REMINDER that motorways were built primarily to meet the industrial needs of Britain and not for private car traffic was...


S PEAKING at the annual dinner of the mid-Cornwall sub-area of the RHA at Bristol last week," Mr. D. 0. Good, immediate...

Swedish hauliers to visit London A GROUP of Swedish hauliers is to visit

London in the last week of this month. They belong to a small haulage co-operative, Forenade Akerier, which numbers 24...

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Immingham Roll-on Terminal Opened

B RIT A IN 'S latest roll-on/roll-off termina!, the third of nine planned by British Transport Docks Board, came into operation...

Peace at Hull Docks?

AN end to the series of one-day-a-week unofficial strikes that have brought work to a standstill at Hull Docks reguarly this...

North Sea nightly

THE Hull/Rotterdam service operated by • 1North Sea Ferries is now nightly in each direction except Sundays.

RHA Appointments

THE milk carriers' group of the RHA has re-appointed Mr. R. P. Miers (Miers Transport Ltd.) as chairman, with Mr. C. W. E....

TMC Presentation

T HE national secretary of the Transport Managers' Club, Mr. W. J. Irons, was on Friday presented with a silver tankard and...

New ITA Diyision

A SOUTH Wales division of the Industrial Transport Association has been formed. At the first a.g.m. of the division, held...

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'Mr. Marples let public transport wither'

Q PEAKING at Sunderland on Friday, Mrs. Barbara Castle, Minister of Transport, alleged that Mr. Ernest Marples had failed to...

'Sidelights' charge against lorry driver dismissed

A CHARGE against a 25-year-old lorry driver that he drove without reasonable consideration for other road users, because he...

BRS more expansion

T HE entire share capital of West Coast Transports (Argyll) Ltd., and of James McPhee Ltd. has been acquired by British Road...

Meanwhile British Road Services Ltd. has bought the assets of

J. Smith (Bicknor) Ltd., in the Forest of Dean, and intends to operate its 32 vehicles when the appropriate A and B licences...

£4,500 Damages for Injured Haulier

A HAULIER who claimed that he had to sell his business because of injuries received in a road accident was awarded damages of...

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'Stern Disapproval' by Transport Tribunal

TN a strong worded judgment, the Trans port Tribunal has allowed the appeal of S. and R. Smyth and others against the grant of...


LLOWING his reserved decision on the application of Stanley S. Hyde Ltd., of Bingley, to add 13 vehicles to the company's A...


A TBirmingham on Monday J. Hickman and Son Ltd., of Brierley Hill, who operate a scheduled service carrying spare parts for BMC...

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MID-SOUTHERN TIPPING GROUP—MASS APPEALS jr is understood that appeals by the 24 applicants

who sought modifications of the 13 licences to permit them to work at the direction of the MidSouthern Tipping Group Ltd. have...

Reduced Bid Granted

EIOLLOWING an amendment to the original application after agreement with the objectors, Bishop's Wharf and Isherwood...

Appellants Admit Illegal Operations

A FULL confession of illegality was made raat the public inquiry, said Mr. R. Yorke, before the Transport Tribunal on...


ALL twelve objections were withdrawn and rt. seven applications to operate weekend, holiday-season through-services from the...

Transport Agreement With Germany

A BILATERAL agreement covering quotas for goods transport by road between this country and the Federal Republic of Germany is...

New Hartlepools service —United objects

A kI appeal against a grant to Hartlepool and West Hartlepool Corporations to extend one of the main bus services in the...

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'Knife-edge' Decision in Disputed Tipper Case

rr HE West Midland deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. R. A. Hall, was heavily criticized by Mr. Ian Jenkins, on behalf of the...

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B IDS to switch from Contract A to A licence continue to come before the licensing courts in substantial numbers. Customer...

Round Three to Mr. Margret!

NII N the West Midland deputy LA g li r E anted Mr. J. R. Margrett's modest A-licence bid at Worcester last week I was tempted...

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David R. Smith has been appointed deputy transport manager of Leicester City Transport. He succeeds Leslie H. Smith, who...

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If you plan to steal a Freightmaster, you'll have to carry it away!

Now, York give every Freightmaster Total Protection from theft. If you want a Freightmaster badly enough to steal it (and...

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Transport Union Keeps the Door Shut

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT B RITAIN's largest union, the Transport and General Workers, has refused to budge from its...

New Move in Bus Merger

A IOTHER move in the bid to merge Glasgow Corporation bus services with those of the State-owned Scottish Bus Group has been...


-1-1. A CENTRE of Transport Studies is to be established at Leeds University in which the economics of transport will be...

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lk MODERNIZED singledeck Green Line coach, RF 136, began operating last week, for a short period, on London Transport's route...

Municipal pay claim rejected

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT CI A DEMAND for a 6.6 per cent pay increase for 77,000 municipal busmen was rejected by...

Public address system on Sunderland buses

AS forecast in COMMERCIAL MOTOR, November 12. 1965, Sunderland Corporation Transport intends to install public address systems...

Fares Application

Meanwhile SCT has lodged its application for the flat fare system around which the new all-one-man-bus system hinges. Mr. N....

Profitability Investigation Urged

F OLLOWING a partial victory in the York-West. Yorkshire fares case (bus fares in York are to go up, but the increase will not...

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A NEW type of body with special racking for holding windows rigid has been designed by Furrows Ltd., of Coton Hill, Shrewbury,...

Twin-oscillating Multiwheeler

AirULTIWHEELERS (COMMERCIAL AVL VEHICLES) LTD., of Southampton Airport, have introduced a 4.24, a 14/15-toncapacity...

Garage-equipment leasing

TN view of recent Government changes in initial and investment allowances for income tax purposes, Brown Brothers, the motor...

Report on the way

A REPORT is expected in the autumn from the group, headed by Lord Kings Norton, which is looking into future trends in the...

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Cab noise can affect hearing

INVESTIGATIONS had shown that in some vehicles the noise level could be high enough to cause permanent damage to hearing. This...

Tanker owners fined following fatal accident

T HE owners of a 24-ton tanker which ran out of control down a steep bank leading into Durham City and piled into a line of...

Rootes Expansion Plans

A HINT that higher-capacity vehicles would be introduced in the future by the commercial vehicle division of the Rootes...


A DESIGN memoranda pilot scheme has been launched by The Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The scheme, intended to provide...


THE fitting of a simple device which would A cause all the direction indicator lamps on a motor vehicle to flash simultaneously...

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S O far we have dealt with two items at opposite

ends of the air-brake system —the slack adjuster and the foot operating valve—and now it may be more sensible If we follow the...

Know Your Air Brakes

Part 3—Single-cylinder Compressors lb. p.s.i. At this point the spring returns the valve disc to its closed position and as...

Winning idea on dropside bolts

T HIS week's prizewinner is Mr. F. Newton, of Burgess Hill, Sussex. He says that on heavy lorries fitted with drop sides, the...

Motor licence application forms

APPLICATION forms for motor vehicle licences are being revised and their layout changed to make them more easily understood....

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and publications Protective coating spray T HE new DCMC Spray 895 is evolved to afford protection against water, mild alkalis...

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BY ASHLEY TAYLOR AMIRTE, Assoc lost T Painless Line Painting AN interesting development in roadmarking technique has been...

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Bird's Eye

View BY THE HAWK Men Short I N case an - One thinks it is not very surprising, I now record with just that emotion that the...

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In Your Opinion

ITA Scheme AS THE recently appointed chairman of the education committee of the Institute of Traffic Administration, I would...

Some interesting results

R ESULTS of the latest fi nancial year were announced by some well-known companies during the past week. They were somewhat...

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'THERE is every indication that the most popular maximum". capacity

four-axle artic operated in the UK will be the 30tons-gross outfit. More and more are appearing on our roads and the...

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Improved administration, streamlined engineering and keener selling figure in this firm's latest moves BY ASHLEY TAYLOR, AMIRT...

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BY R. P. A. F. WILLIAMS, BA, MIMH Assistant general manager, production fiarveys of Bristol Ltd. M Y company has recently...

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E ARLY next month the National Board for Prices and Incomes 1. 1 .4 will have completed its first year. Although it has shirked...

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Assessing Major Projects

TONG hours of diligent attention to customers' requirements La have been a common road to success in haulage. By the same token...

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The Common Roo

By George Wilmot EDUCATIONAL BODIES IN TRANSPORT The work of the Universities—I TIL 1960 transport was virtually unknown as a...