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26th June 2003
26th June 2003
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Page 1, 26th June 2003

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Seven men who hijacked a truck on the M5 have been Jailed for a total of 99 years. The gang was convicted of conspiracy to rob...

VOSA plans 23% fee hike: but will its service improve?

a by Emma Penny Operators could see HOV test fees rising by up to 22.7% this August tithe Vehicle Operator and Services Agency...

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Stok fails owing UK firms

• Dutch haulier Stok Cargo has gone into receivership, leaving a number of UK firms struggling to claim back money owed to...

Push for single body

• The Freight Transport Association is pushing the government to create a single authority that will co-ordinate the road...

Key performance website

• From March 2004, operators and drivers will be able to use an Internet-based service which lists key performance indicators...

"Five years? Not long enough"

A truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel and killed a man within months of being involved In three other crashes has been...

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Faircharrn and Red Lion lose appeal

r by Mike Jewell Two associated Yorkshire companies run by a father and son have lost their appeal against the revocation of...

Probe into gases

I The government has launched a consultation on future support for road fuel gases—including CNG and LNG—but haulers believe...

Training shake-up ahead

• The haulage industry's training sector is set for a big shakeup this summer with the launch of a new body to oversee it. At...

Mobile in hand will be illegal

• Drivers who use handheld phones while driving will face three penalty points on their licence under new government...

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Co ask the Ministry

When it comes to VOSA's plans to increase annual test fees, one question keeps cropping up—why? Why has VOSA not budgeted well...

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Venture boasts strong Linqs

or by Dominic Perry Linq Alliance, the 28-member commercial venture from the Transport Association, Is up, running and ready...

Highways get new officers

IN Uniformed traffic officers from the Highways Agency will take over some key police roles on the UK's major roads from next...

Dan shares plunge after chair's warning

• Shares in the Dart Group— which owns chilled food specialist Fowler Welch-Coolchainfell 37.5p in one day last week, from...

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Stolen sweetness

II Police have arrested two men in connection with the 11001011g of a truck containing thousands of pounds worth of Kit Kats...

Haulier avoids 'hostile' MSAs

• Haulage boss Henry Carroll is instructing his drivers to steer clear of motorway service areas (MSAs), claiming they are...

Wilcox: Dumping air isn't safe

• Trailer maker and bodybuilder Wilcox has added its own weight to the "great dumping debate" (CM 19-25 June) by Jnsisting that...

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Self-employed drivers are risky ED loophole

• by Dominic Perry Hauliers thinking of attempting to sidestep the looming Working Time Directive (MID) regulations by making...

Ford fined for spray paint death

• Ford motor company has been fined a total of £300,000 for breaching health and safety regulations following a fatal accident...

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28% of UK Has sent off the road

• More than 350 UK-registered trucks were ordered off the road in the latest one-day blitz on goods vehicles this month because...

10-year low for transport jobs

• Employment prospects over the next three months will be at their lowest level in transport for a decade, according to an...

Truck ahead says break now

In The Department for Transport (DIT) has launched an advertising campaign using the backs of trucks to highlight the dangers...

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avid Begg begins by listing some reasons to be cheerful. "Lobbyists in road haulage should take a great deal of satisfaction in...

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ken sees red over fleet Snails

• by Brian Weatherley Flagship tractors may get the glory— but fleet altos deliver the sales volume, and right now that's...

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Drivers see telematics as 'enemy'

• by Robin MOMS An independent survey into user satisfaction levels with telematics systems suggests that managers at around a...

• Telematics providers are quick to point out that despite

the survey's findings, they have a lot of satisfied customers. Neil Cotton, a spokesman for Minorplanet Systems, says: "We have...

Tables turned on hijackers

• Hijackers could be in for a nasty surprise if they steal a vehicle equipped with a new security system from i-mob. The...

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Speed limiter trials in Leeds

• by Robin Mums New trials looking at how drivers behave when their speeds are controlled via a CPS tracking system have just...

Psion managed transport plan

• Mobile computer manufacturer Psion Teklogix is launching a new transport management system aimed at larger users, based on a...

• Havant-based distribution firm Six-0 Transport says it has seen

a dramatic reduction in communications costs and efficiency improvements in consignment scheduling since it started using...

• A low-cost trailer tracking system based on a combination

of phone cell location and radio frequency beacons has just been announced by Ring Communications (UK). The RingTrack Trailer...

POLICE TRACKERS Radio-based transponders from QuikTrak are to be incorporated

into police stab vests in trials to help reduce Incident response times and allow safe, single-officer patrols. QuIkTrak...

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Daily answers hospital call

by Colin Barnett The past few years haven't seen Iveco as prominent In the UK front-line ambulance market as it once was—but...


Ivaco has moved its dealerbased contract-hire service in-house, to become part of Iveco Finance. This service was previously...

MAN: Of councils and queens...

• MAN is strengthening its penetration of the all-wheel drive truck market. The UK's first F2000 6x6 has entered service with...

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Air compression heaven

m If you're running a large-scale workshop then an air compressor Is a must. SIP has Introduced four model ranges that cover...

Keep your hands warm with Facom

II Hand tools manufacturer Facom has launched a range of air tools aimed at the vehicle engineer. The company claims that...

Spray guns have a new toolldt

To keep your spray gun at its optimum performance level it's best to perform regular maintenance. The Top Gun toolkit from...


If keeping up appearances is Important for your company, then the STR aluminium mobile brush washer could he of interest....

CRT tests out common-rail

• The use of common-rail technology is now widespread in diesel engines. However, it is a complex system and both...

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Stoke-on-Trent-based AJ Weaver (Hauliers) and director Nicholas Weaver are due to appear at Shrewsbury Crown Court In July to...

James Moffat caught out by dodgy foreign trailers

. The condition of foreign trail LA A : .,." ers coming 'nto Scotland • through Rosyth Docks has led to James Moffat & Sons...

Overloading costs Brown a grand

Exceeding the permitted gross weight of a 10-tonne vehicle has cost Sussexbased N Brown £1,000 in fines and costs. The...

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TC: 'Shape up or watch our

A Newcastle-upon-Tyne haulage firm has been warned that ft must improve its maintenance standards or face serious action being...

Lack of inspections sees licence cut to one truck

A Cheshire company that failed to have its truck regularly Inspected because it only did limited mileage has had its licence...

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Terris chants

Thanks to Bob Terris, the debonair MD of Southampton-based Meachers Transport, who was also at the Institute of Logistics and...

Traffic chaos on the M Sex!

The West Midlands was brought to a grinding, shuddering halt last week after a truckload of sex toys caught fire on the MS....


Our anachronistic review in celebration of the universal law...what goes around, comes around. 75 years ago: 3 July 1928 The...

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I read with interest the article "Auction safety concerns raised" (CM28 May-04 June) and, as national HGV and plant manager of...


Road tolls are progressively rolling out across the country with already some in place on strategic routes, for instance £13...


Contrary to the claim made by Dennison Trailers (CM1-7 May) its sliding bogie tipper is not the first to be developed in the...

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he transport industry is littered with myths, though few of

them stand up to any real scrutiny. Take tipper men for example, and especially owner-drivers. If you believe popular legends,...

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• Key Tubby drives a Scania 124 360 8x4 with

a sleeper cab for AC Hinch out of Uppingham. "It's just got eight speeds," he noted. "I have the splitter box. This gate is...

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Tyres with prematurely worn shoulders, or steering that pulls strongly are all-too common problems, and ones that fleet...

V HAI Garages offers a castor and camber correction service,

using its latest Josam measuring and adjustment equipment. it costs MAO (ex-VAT) but it will greatly reduce kerbside tyre...

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Richard Fisher first tried to eliminate recurring tyre shoulder wear by reducing front axle camber in the 1990s, but he also...

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Corby-based W Pauley runs a mixed fleet including 100 MAN and MercedesBenz 7.5-tonne reefers plus 15 MercedesBenz antics,...

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COMFORTABLY? Truck seats get a battering, especially in the construction or multi-drop business, and if your heavily-built...

FITTING A NEW SEAT Ili The Daf floors usually have

up to three width settings but, if a seat can't be bolted directly to the floor, Tek's special 2shaped brackets will...

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USER VIEW x R Swain &Sons' growing fleet of over

200 vehicles is used to serve a number of national distribution contracts, not least one from Corus Steel. With its...

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Take our son David to school for 8.45am and then up to the office to start the battle. Collect post and quickly flick through...

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Dealership expands

• Volvo dealership Hartshorne is further expanding its activities in the West Midlands. It is now responsible for the eight-bay...

Special items sell well

• Car transporters don't often appear at auction, but they make good money when they do. That was the experience of the Fleet...

CI3 Indies fare better than thought

• Independent used truck dealers are happier than expected with current trading conditions. "Enquiry levels are quite good,...

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Import market hits used sales

• Competitively-priced new trucks imported independently are affecting demand for late-registered used examples, says Matt...

BCA sees tippers keep strong sales

II Tippers grossing at 7.5 tonnes remain strong sellers, says Duncan Ward, UK business development manager, commercial...

Demand jumps for big tractors

• Buoyant for sometime, demand for big-cab, big-engined, late-registered 4x2 tractors has suddenly shot ahead, says George...