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27th May 1966
27th May 1966
Page 1
Page 1, 27th May 1966

Page 77

thour's policy for transport

; remarkably difficult to pin down the Labour vemment to a firm statement about its policy ansport generally, and in particular...

Page 78

Frank Cousins Chief Guest at LDOY Final

rrHE awards at this year's national finals for the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition will be A presented by the Minister of...

London thieves net more

IN the first quarter of 1966 the value of goods stolen from commercial vehicles in the Metropolitan Police district was...


BY JOHN DARKER rr IPPER operators in Leicestershire who threatened to withdraw vehicles from quarries unless their higher...


T HE Emergency Regulations, 1966, which came into force on Tuesday as a result of the strike of the National Union of Seamen,...

USA union to demand Hope device

THE head of the powerful American Teamsters Union, Mr. J. Hoffa, is to demand that the Hope anti-jack-knife device must be...

Page 79

loke-depressant brings ficulties, says leading gin eer

FORE leaving diesels, mention must be made of the possibly far; effect of a new fuel additive . ed recently, with the aid of...

Battery-electric Registrations

T HE number of battery-electric road vehicles registered has increased by more than 60 per cent in the past ten years. The...

Page 80

NUR relaxes a little on liner-train policy

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Minister of Transport has succeeded in getting the National , Union of Railwaymen to...

Transport competition urged by CBI

AFTER considering the principles that ...should be applied in determining future transport policy from the point of view of...


1 'HE Clyde Port Authority is considering location of a cargo container terminal on a 33-acre site at Braehead. Renfrew, west...

Drive to streamline CWS transport

THE £487m. a year Co - Operative Whole". sale Society, one of the largest hauliers in the country carrying more than lm. tons...

Spares 'difficult to obtain'

AN open meeting of owners and operators of commercial vehicles arranged by the • Regional Maintenance Advisory Committee at...

Page 81

Modernization the theme at

oTA Conference BY IAIN SHERRIFF, MITA ,EGATES of the Institute of Traffic clininistration who attended the conference at...

Page 82

Road and rail teams in factory removal

COMPLETE factory is to be moved 450 miles by British Railways Freightliners from London to the new town of Glenrothes in Fife,...

TRTA motorway driving reminder

TN a reminder to goods vehicle drivers that for the next 15 months they should use only the third lane of a three-lane motorway...

Alleged nationalization 'deal' with NUR

FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A "DEAL" between the Minister of Transport and the NUR to nationalize road haulage— that...

Page 83


check the significance of evidence given at se contract A renewal application of Stoke Michael Transport Ltd. recently, a...

Adjournment after 'conflicting evidence'

,FTER hearing what he described as k. "conflicting evidence" from two witses in support of an application for a ntract A...

Successful appeal by heavy hauliers

A N attempt by Jackson's Transport (Ossett) Ltd. to break into the heavy haulage field was blocked by established heavy...

B switch at Reading fails

AN APPLICATION by Nicholsons Transport, of Basingstoke, Hants, for six A licences with a radius of 200 miles was refused by the...

Cheap Fares for Soldiers

THE appeal of Eastern National Omnibus Co. Ltd. against decisions of the Eastern Traffic Commissioners refusing to grant a new...

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Refusal follows 'unsatisfactory' application

'O refusing the application of a Burnley perator, involving a four-vehicle switch from Contract A to A licence, the North...

Page 88


The Minister of Transport has appointed the following further members of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for Wales...

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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT IE Prices and Incomes Board, in a detailed . eport on the pay and conditions of busmen Jed...

Union 'goes slow' on claim

TNION leaders representing 77,000 municipal busmen adopted a "wait and see" attitude over their claims for a 6.6 per cent wages...

AEC service at London bus works

NE GOTIATIONS are taking place between AEC Ltd. and London Transport to establish an AEC service depot at the LTB Aldenham...

Page 90

Wanted—organized discontent

P UBLIC discontent with transport services in the Oxford area needed organizing if complaints were to be effective, stated Mr....

Behind the Scenes with LTB

F OR the first time the travelling public will, this summer, have an opportunity of going "behind the scenes" when London...

TBS sets up in Germany

T HE American Transcontinental Bus System Inc. (Dallas, Texas) road carriage group, following in the heels of Greyhound Corp.,...

Week's Extension for 98B

TN a last attempt to make an uneconomical A service pay, Valliant Direct Coaches Ltd. has extended, for a further week, the...

Page 91

Wide scope of subjects at IRTE Conference

MING the discussion of the paper "The road transport engineer—his nt and future" presented by the presiMr. E. B. H. Elsbury, at...

Leyland/Carrimore Export Timber Carrier

O NE of the latest outfits to be completed by Carrirnore Six Wheelers Ltd., of Finchley, North London, is this unusual pole...

Page 92

New light-alloy bodies for Morris vans

NEW range of all-light-alloy bodies for Morris chassis has been introduced by Stewart and Ardern Ltd. These comprise box and...

Know Your Air Brakes

Part 10 The Double Check Valve O N the modern, articulated outfit, where it is necessary to control braking by separate...


Have you an idea that is worth passing onto other readers? It must relate to maintenance practice. If a panel. on which...

Page 93

sy bottle handling

1E Anwar Bottle Skate, which is suitable for transporting ylinders with lengths of 36 in. or more, and weighing up to b.,...

r-line couplings

NEW range of air-line couplings has been announced by L Lockheed-Avery. The couplings have been designed to pro! maximum bore...

ghtweight trailer

'HE latest addition to the range of lightweight trailers manufactured by Tollbridge Trailers is a unit with a covered body...


A r open-gap press-frame has been introduced by Tangyes Ltd.. which is designed for use with a Tangye 5-ton Hydramite jack as a...

Wedge extractor tool

T HE Smallbone forked extractor wedge, which is equally suitable for removing battery terminals, steering ball joints and drop...

Page 94

Close finish in handicap

A the committee responsible for the Manchester round of the Lorry Driver of the Year contest disagrees with the national...


over the past five years, duly adjusted to compensate for length and weight of vehicle. Whilst the competitors were well...


Class A-up to 16 ft. and from 20 cwt.: 1. 0. Hearn (Express Dairy Ltd.), Commer. 139 penalty points: 2. R. Adams (Fred Dawes...


RUISLIP ROUND XCELLENT organization was again a feature of the Ruislip Round of the LDOY this year and in spite of inevitable...


Class A-up to 16 ft. and from 20 cwt.: 1. C. Hodge (Smiths Industries Ltd.), Austin. 120 penalty points: 2. H. Wall (Kodak...

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Bird's Eye ‘,.

v lew BY THE HAWK 7e-o'clock Feed? local shop deliveries by night are making slow—though promisig—progress, there is an...

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Area Transport Boards

Vot Necessary Fr HE call for area transport authorities to be responsible for all forms of public transport in large...

Page 108

An Australian weighs the prospects for British vehicles PACK MADDOX

W HAT are the future prospects for exports of British commercial vehicles to Australia? I would say very good, provided that...

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DEREK MOSES O NE of the most significant export orders for British buses received in recent years was the Canadian contract...

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ssential or export XPORTING commercial vehicles is a much more difficult business than exporting general commodities, as it is...

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TDEALLY, the engine and transmission of a vehicle should be selected to cater for the conditions of operation as specified by...

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By R. D. Cater, A M Inst B E O F all the UK-manufactured vehicles that are exported, perhaps the most rugged and suitable for...

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W ITH over 2,000 types of commercial vehicle chassis listed in this issue as products of the British commercial vehicle...

Transport Books

A student asks for advice as to suitable books on transport, and particularly road transport. He states that neither his local...

Page 138

Dividend Cut

THERE is unpleasant news for the shareholders of PROVINCIAL TRACTION. The directors propose a final dividend of 6% in respect...

I New Companies I

J. and R. Haulage Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: W. Stamp, 428 Camden Road, London N7. R. E. Wray and J. M. Wray. 50 River Avenue,...

The Common Room

INDUSTRIAL STUDIES THE CAR INDUSTRY T HE production of cars is a particularly complex industry as it involves assembling...