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Forgotten men WHERE WERE the trade union leaders during last week's ports dispute which brought hardship and discomfort to...
• COACHING is always in the news and is still a changing scene. For our Coaching Special next week Noel Millier has been to the...
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BRITISH operators now have a clearer picture of what is meant by door-to-door deliveries, following a European Court judgment....
THE BATTLE between Gloucestershire hauliers and the South Wales miners was due to take another twist this week. George and...
THE GREATER London Council's plans for a night and weekend lorry ban (see p6) would be disastrous and unworkable, Transport...
THE TANKMASTERS division of container and specialist hauliers P&O Roadways has acquired Unilever's containerised tank powder...
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ROAD TRANSPORT operators heaved a sigh of relief this week, as the national docks strike was called off and blockades of Dover...
WORK has started on a new four-mile stretch of road to bypass the Greater Manchester towns of Leigh and Atherton. The road,...
ENTRIES are now being accepted for the 1984 Commercial Motor advertisement awards. As well as the usual categories: best...
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ONE of Britain's most successful self-employed businessmen has come up with a startling piece of advice for those about to...
DAF SPECIAL products Division has won a contract to repair and overhaul the landing gear for over 500 United States Air Force...
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A FORETASTE of environmental operator licence hearings came last week when the West Midlands Licensing Authority considered an...
THE FAILURE of St Vincent Plant to consult a driver it proposed to make redundant because the company feared possible sabotage...
FORMAL notice of a London ban on lorries over 16.5 tonnes has been approved by the Greater London Council transport committee....
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c.£15,000 per annum Sainsbury is the UK's leading food retailer with more than 250 supermarkets and an outstanding record of...
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THE EXECUTIVE board of the National Freight Consortium is to be expanded with the appointment of five new members. The aim is...
IN ANTICIPATION of the restructuring of Eastern Counties Omnib u s Company into three separate companies, National Bus Company...
TA's SE chairman AFTER A GAP of many years, the South East is supplying a future chairman of the Transport Association. Victor...
MACBRAYNE HAULAGE has appointed John 'Dixie' MacDonald as vehicle controller at Stornoway. He takes over from Eoin MacLeod who...
FORMER HEAD of design with Netherlands Railways, Siep Wijsenbeek, has joined the management of Ogle Design, the...
THE ACTING Registrar and Clerk to the Transport Tribunal, Miss Mary Rice, retired in mid-July. She has been replaced by two...
MICHAEL LEWIS, a director of the Hawker Siddeley Group and chairman of several of its subsidiaries, died on July 13 after a...
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Haulier discharged on false document charges Taylor in court DURING 1980 Philip Leo Taylor, operating as Taylor's Transport...
PICKFORDS Removals, part of the National Freight Consortium, has acquired a 70 per cent share of a freight forwarding firm in...
DAF TRUCKS opened its Australian assembly operation earlier this month. Queensland Premier Sir John Bjelke-Peterson opened the...
GILTSPUR BULLENS, part of the Unigate group, has bought W. 0. Bradstreet and Sons, thereby consolidating and adding to...
PROPOSALS by the West German authorities to introduce a road tax payable by drivers from other countries using German motorways...
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LUCAS CAV electrical component development projects are now nearing completion and the result will be new products over the...
WABCO'S ANTI-LOCK braking system will be equipped with a "drive slip" control from early next year. Using information from the...
No rest SCANIA (GREAT BRITAIN) has signed an agreement with Tuff Kote Dinol for corrosion protection retreatment of Scania...
A NOVEL modular commercial vehicle design was discussed at last week's Institution of Mechanical Engineers conference on...
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Quick change body A RETRACTABLE floor section over the rear axle is one of the key features of a quick change demountable body...
The pressed steel couplings have an 8mm (0.31in) thick top rubbing plate and have a design rating of 18.00 tonnes (17.71 tons)....
LAG UK has supplied three Belgian-built lightweight tipping trailers worth over 00,000 to Pauls Malt of Ipswich for bulk matt...
LAND ROVER is cutting its British dealer network from 330 to 300. The BL subsidiary is also taking over its parts distribution...
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UK REFRIGERATION Engineers Hubbard has introduced a roofmounted air conditioning unit suitable for a wide range of commercial...
TIR OPERATOR Laser Transport has taken delivery of six 12m(39.37ft) triaxle semi-trailers equipped with Rubery OwenRockwell...
Hydraulic timber loader A NEW Hiab-Jonsered 1000 hydraulic timber loader equipped with optional load-sensing (LC) valve system...
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NBC market value STOCK EXCHANGE member Grieveson Grant and Company has published a report on the privatisation prospects of...
LONDON REGIONAL has been told to improve its bus services within the cash available to it. The instruction to LRT came last...
LT to LRT improving the match between supply and demand so as to increase average bus loadings, and also for carrying forward...
THAMESDOWN Transport, Swindon's municipal bus operator, has increased its passenger loadings since its services were revised...
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OF ALL the statements of road transport policy to have emerged from the present Government, none expresses so forcibly the...
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EVEN IF VAUXHALL MOTORS has "no plans to introduce a Nova van", one of its main dealers — Cowley and Wilson of Milton Keynes —...
NISSAN EBRO, importer of the Perkins-powered Motor lberica (Spanish) built Ebro commercial vehicle, has launched an unusual 'No...
MOUNTAIN RANGE ambulances of Crewe has won a contract to supply 81 Bedfordbased ambulances fitted with its SRT-1 bodywork to...
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ACL for vans INTERLUBE has introduced the MX Lubrication System, an automatic chassis lubrication (ACL) system for use on...
A REFINED VERSION of the original French-built Cournil 4x4 light vehicle (CM November 15, 1980) called the UMM has returned to...
FACTORY-FITTED rear-roller shutter doors are now being offered as an on-line option on Dodge 50-Series models. A choice of...
DOR MOBILE has produced a range of fold-down, bench-type passenger seats that can be installed behind the normal driver and...
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WE REFER to a report headed "Contract hire will replace leasing" (CMJuly 7). While we appreciate that the report was compiled...
WITH reference to your editorial 'Act on report' (CMJ uly 7), 1 would like to put forward my point of view. First of all the...
AS I AM retiring at the beginning of August, I shall not be attending this year's Conference but I wish to put on record the...
TWO QUITE separate items in (CM, July 7) prompt me to write. First of all we had Mr P Baker's interesting letter regarding the...
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Bringing culture to London Transport CONTROL of London Transport has passed from the Greater London Council to a bard, reports...
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WHEN FORD set out to develop its new 1600 diesel engine its main priorities were to match the best possible fuel economy with...
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IT WAS probably just coincidence that while a large party of British commercial vehicle journalists were in Sweden for the...
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Fume extraction equipment MTE Binzel (UK), of Wirksworth, Derbyshire, the sole UK distributor for Alexander Binzel welding...
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THE SUPPLY and distribution systems of Scandinavian cornpanies have a reputation for being closely co-ordinated with other...
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WHEN WE LOOK at the problem of improving traffic flows and the quality of life in London, we soon become aware of another...
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TRANSPORTATION is the nervous system of our civilisation. Without it, we are paralysed. So say the authors of the Wheels Within...
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for the next CPC Exam NOW is the time to begin your studies for the next Royal Society of Arts examinations for the...