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O PERATORS of trolleybuses are well aware ‘...../that the overhead gear is not all that might be desired. Although some...
The Vehicle Capacity THE Danish Road Labora of a Weil -designed tory has investigated the Road traffic capacity of a fully...
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That " groups " should be instructed in convoy work. 0 That lack of this experience caused many collisions and the temporary...
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CCORD1NG to Board of Trade rifigures, the value of commercial vehicles, chassis, cars and accessories imported during February...
A PROMINENT feature of the jubilee celebrations of the London County Council at the County Hall, Westminster, is a display of...
A N allegation that the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co., "as a matter of policy," objected to renewals for the purpose...
A CTION has been taken by the National Farmers' Union in respect of the organization of road transport for defence, to see that...
entry in a log 1 - 1.sheet was told at Leeds Assizes, last week, when two men were charged with conspiring to pervert the cause...
INCORPORATION with a Board of 'Trade licence under the title of the Institute of Automobile Assessors has been obtained by the...
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LUFF, BIackpoOl's transport manager, has been appointed anibulance transport officer for Blackpool, in connection with air-raid...
O Flarger capacity, and better appearance than its predecessor, a new 15-cwt. model has been introduced by Dodge Brothers...
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NITODIFICATION in the road-transal port defence scheme, in the Yorkshire Area, was mentioned by Major F. S. Easrivood,...
L AST Wednesday saw the conclusion of the case in which the Red House Garage, Ltd., Coventry, is ba.ttling for a low-loading...
L AST week, at Worthing Petty Sessions; Mr, Francis William Shaw. Teville Road, Worthing, was summoned for failing to cause...
F ROM America it is announced that for the first time in its history the Cleveland Tractor Co. is placing on the market a...
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T HE Borough of Kensington, instead of occupying valuable land with refuse dumps, converts the refuse into organic humus for...
A N order has just been completed by Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton, for Birmingham Corporation Water Department. It comprises 10...
T HE following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from March 31-April 7...
( IN April 12, at 4.45 p.m., at a meeting of the Diesel Engine Users' Association, there will be discussed a bulletin which has...
of the VV International Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., at Doncaster, has now commenced, and the steel structure of the...
Two well-qualified and experienced salesmen are required for the Central London and West London areas by a well-known...
A BUILT-IN umbrella stand is one of the accessories of a de luxe committee coach designed for Doncaster Corporation by Mr. T....
in hand shortly a scheme for the construction of a new road across the north side of the city. The proposed road is intended to...
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S PEAKING on the M.o.T. defence scheme, at Leeds, last week, Major F. S. Eastwood (chairman of the Yorkshire Traffic...
Morecambe Corporation is to purchase an electric tower wagon for the lighting. department. Keighley Town Council is in the...
Tit/TORE attention should be paid to J.VIrnaking the roads of this country more suitable for motor traffic, instead of...
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S OME 500 members and guests attended the 35th annual luncheon of the C.M.U.A. last Wednesday, with the president, Mr. C. le M....
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Experts Pool Knowledge at Swansea. Mechanical Engineers' Meeting on Coal Fuel for I.C. Engines N O insurmountable technical...
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Hauliers must Take Part of the Blame for the Uneconomic Rates at which Municipal Contracts are Placed in Many Cases, as it is...
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DS OF MUNICIPALITIES Meeting the Requirements of Municipal Undertakings Forms One of the Most Stable Sections of the Commercial...
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T HE call to national service brings into prominence the problem of increasing the number of ambulances. Local authorities,...
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IN the issue of The Commercial Motor, • 'dated February 24, 1939, a general survey was presented of the applications of light...
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ROYAL borough', and an ancient one, King' ston upon Thames justifiably enjoys a reputation for being healthy, pleasant and...
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in Big Merseyside Port A Population of 145,000 is Catered For by a Well-organized Fleet of 3o Vehicles and xi Trailers....
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The City of Stoke-onTrent, Consisting, as it Does, of Welded Townships, Presents a Case Where Modern Firefighting Equipment is...
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) ANDING YORKSHIRE CITY Tramway Replacements and Developing Services Have Caused a Rapid Growth of the Motorbus Fleet. Many of...
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To Fill Its Transport Needs the Mechanical Horse, OT Similar Unit, Has Distinct Merits for the Smaller Municipality A...
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nESP1TE the use of low-loading Ljbodies, incorporating enlarged entrances with doors sliding into the body sides to save space,...
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T HE dead hand of the nineteenth-century cotton-trade employers still falls heavily upon some, at least, of the transport...
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IN a paper recently delivered by Mr. Stuart Filcher, manager of Manchester Corporation Transport Department, to the Manchester...
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D URING recent years free libraries have become increasingly necessary services and the fact that the public is now accustomed...
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Lack of Justification for Rail Pleas D ID they think the railways were entitled to cry for help—help that would mean...
" IF the leader in The Commercial Motor, referring to the evidence of Mr. Jenkin Jones in the fish case at Newcastle, proves...
The Conference of Merseyside Road Transport Organizations, which is composed of delegates from the Liverpool Cart and Motor...
Mr. R. E. Britton has been re-elected chairman of the Hull • Sub-area of A.R.O., with Mr. E. F. Annison as vice-chairman. Selby...
Recently, at a meeting convened by the Uckfield Chamber of Commerce, Mr. P. S. Woodhouse, secretary of the South-Eastern Area...
A scheme for A.R.O. members to assist the railway companies in the 'distribution of steel air-raid shelters for householders is...
Mr. Frank F. Fowler has been reappointed chairman of the C.M.U.A. London and Home Counties Division for the ensuing year,...
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Sand and Allied Trades Association took place last week in London, when there was an attendance of about 250. Mr. Alan F. Shaw,...
HOME-SECRETARY CONSIDERING PRIVATE-HIRE QUESTION. COR the information of Colonel .I. Nathan, Captain Hudson said the...
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'r HE non-appearance of a bus, engaged to carry miners to the Margaret Pit, Co. Durham, which resulted in 19 miners losing a...
T HE Traffic Commissioners for the Southern Area of Scotland have decreed that the Western S.M.T. yearly bus seasons between...
TrHE revised estimates of Preston 11. Corporation Transport Department show that, after transferring £5,000 to rate relief,...
A Nimportant step in the development of London Transport's country bus and Green Line coach services has been taken in the...
rINE of the most difficult routes in V./England must surely be that operated by Caerphilly Urban District Council. Known as the...
r OR the municipal year, ended February last, Blackpool bus receipts, at £221,205, showed an increase of £22,324. Tram...
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' T HE fact that it is illegal for groups of people to hire a vehicle and to share the cost, excepting in certain specified...
I F the National Society of Nonsmokers had its way, every publicservice bus of the single-deck type • would be divided, by a...
Big Advantages Claimed for the Ilypressure Jenny Cleaning Unit P ARTICULARLY attractive 'to municipal-transport authorities is...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published D ESIGNED for attachment to any existing hand-propelied...