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3rd October 1975
3rd October 1975
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Page 1, 3rd October 1975

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French put back the hours clock

FRANCE has " rescinded " EEC drivers' hours and manning regulations as laid down in articles 6, 7 and 11 of the EEC Regulation...

By-pass is urged

A CALL for a by-pass or alternative route as a matter of urgency to remove heavy and potentially dangerous tanker traffic from...

Stalemate: 54 in Birminghan rucks trapped lepot row

STALEMATE—that's the position at Birmingham Containerbase where 54 lorries are trapped by an industrial dispute. Containerbase...

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Anti-vandal radio static

ds1TI-VANDAL equipment fited to a city's buses has been nused for four months ecause no one can decide who hold operate it. And...

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Briton calls for standard ton-mile

by CM reporter, Madrid THE establishment of standard mileages as a basis for tonmileage calculations has been called for by...

loTA meet in Hull next week

THE ROLE of the haulier will be explained by John Silbermann, managing director of the Brent group of companies, and how...

Road/rail permits freed from quota

AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of Continental road/rail permits is now available for British international road hauliers : the road/rail...

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RHA rejects Wells report

THE national council of the Road Haulage Association has lecided not to go ahead with the proposals in the Wells report, which...

Coming apart

Far from being the awkward squad in the Common Market, Britain may yet turn out to be one of the few playing the game according...

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up time PROPOSALS for making the use of headlamps compulsory when driving at night have been made by Dr John Gilbert, Minister...

New Scots deal clears the way

SCOTTISH hauliers and union leaders last week signed a new deal which it is hoped will bring long-term peace in the industry....

Sorry, Leyland

A MISPRINT in a caption on page 46 of last week's CM gave a wrong impression of .a point Mr Ron Ellis was making in his CM...

'Heavier trucks are lighter on fuel'

INCREASES in permitted truck weights would bring big savings in fuel, while the raising of axle limits from 10 tons to 13...

Tank hire firm set

U p A NEW road-haulage company has been set up in West Yorkshire to specialise in the spot hire of tankers carrying bulk...

Short change weight probe

TWO INSPECTORS of the Cheshire county trading standards department have been specially assigned to investigate underweight...

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REGISTRATIONs of new goods vehicles show a marked drop in figures just released by the DoE. Registrations in August this year...

McGREGOR Cory Europe, the Ocean Group's TIR business, has formed a new French partnership.

In future, McGregor Cory will be operating in France in conjunction with Transcap, large transport and forwarding company whose...

FROM October 17, goods vehicles not exceeding 30cwt unladen weight

may park without lights in marked-out parking places on roads which are subject to a speed limit of 30mph or less. This new...

FOUR new rigids have been added to the spot hire

fleet of Harold Wood & Sons Ltd, of Heckmondwike, Yorks. The vehicles have 24.4-tonne (24ton) Volvo chassis with stainless...

'Walter Mitty' theft costs worker £400

WAREHOUSEMAN Thomas Reay stole one of his firm's lorries. And with it he made £500 which he returned to the firm. For a month...

Lorry route scheme

A LORRY ROUTEING scheme for an area north and west of the centre of Stockton-on-Tees has been produced by Cleveland County...

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A DATE for the meeting of EEC transport ministers which will decide the next issue of deferring the introduction of the...

UK clamps down on haulage permits

FINES of up to £200 can be incurred by hauliers for not carrying international road haulage permits on the United Kingdom leg...

Apprentices to face RTITB test

APPRENTICES in their final year of apprenticeship in the road transport industry are to attend Road Transport Industry Training...

Jobs comfort

HAULIERS waiting for something to turn up on the jobs front may find a crumb of comfort in an employment survey for the next...

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Bowing out after 150 years

THREE men who between them have spent almost 150 years in transport are retiring this month. After completing 50 years with R....

Signs of the time from Mercedes

A NEW suspension system which is now being offered as an option on the Mercedes 0.303 range (first British road test, see page...

Low fares rise ?

MEMBERS of the West Midlands PTE are due to consider next month what action to take on future fares policy. They have to take...

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Bus stops

CREWS in two Scottish cities are planning to get tough with bus vandals following attacks in recent weeks. The headmasters of...

Automatic control unit tested by busmen

AN automatic control device for semi-automatic bus transmissions is being offered by Sevcon Ltd for 000. The device — described...

LT plans decker

DEVELOPMENT engineers at London Transport are reexamining the concept of an under the staircase engined double-deck bus design...

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Pneumatic gully emptier

PNEUMATIC assistance to lift the gully down-pipe is a standard feature of the new Commander gully emptier from Whale Tankers....


WHAT is claimed to be a fully automatic method of checking trailer brakes and lights has been announced by CDI Ltd, The Forge,...

M-way long vans

TO TAKE maximum advantage of the motorway network Allied Industrial 'Services of Bradford has taken delivery of two new...

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No body refused

LOCAL authorities now have the option of replacing just the body on their refuse collection vehicles rather than the complete...

Atlas 3006 gets a lift

A SIMPLIFIED version of its well-known 3006 range has been introduced by Atlas Hydraulic Loaders Ltd, Blackwood, Lanarkshire,...

Easy loader

A NEW type of 'loading ramp, suitable for loading plant and machinery such as Drotts, JCB, Hymac, etc, has been developed by...

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Small torque

'A HEAT SHIELD between the brake drums and tyres of rearengined buses has been designed by British Leyland engineers. The...

Sherpa creams off the milk round

A RANGE of seven different body styles for the milk distribution trade is now being marketed for the Leyland Sherpa by R. W....

Mack lest centre

A £4.7m development and test centre has been opened by Mack Trucks at its Allentown, Phil a delphia, headquarters. Mack, which...

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Wells: is there an alternative?

by Brian Ca.tee IN the face of an " unequivocal" Opinion from a specialist counsel the Road Haulage Association's national...

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Human too

Suggestions that our civil servants are not really human are very common and nowhere is this more true than in the bus...

Over and out

Unless you had been living in a pot-hole in Lanoashiee during the past three months, you could not have helped to hear that...

Book work

Not many people moving home, surrounded by packing oases, Hessian bags, securing straps and removal estimators are able to...

Barren investment

MANAGERS and managed on the railways do not always see eye to eye these days. The lack of agreement is obvious in the ideas put...

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0.303 12m

coach (automatic and manual) by Martin Hayes Above : Performance figures were obtained on the Mercedes test track at...

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Champion at the Roadeo

Just before winning the CM LDoY finals at Bramcote, Colin Burrows of Esso attended the American equivalent—the National Truck...

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Coal-burning gas turbines

Fluidised-bed combustion could enable vehicle turbines to run efficiently on pulverised coal OF ALL the so-called alternative...

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Women (and wizardry) to the rescue?

In the week that the OPEC countries jacked up the price of oil again, the supply of fuel, labour and land for transport was...

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Worker participation in action

THE special risks of transport as a job, and the participation of employees in management, were examined in an Eastern European...

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At CM's Fleet Management Conference the question was raised of

the issuing of hgv licences to drivers under 21 years of age when the EEC driving licence regulations apply next year. If...

CI It is sometimes economical for a haulier to take

a goods vehicle off the road for a period of time during which the test certificate lapses. When the haulier again requires the...

Q Are British trade plates valid for use in other EEC

member countries? If so would an existing insurance policy giving cover for "Use only for Motor Trade purposes in accordance...

Q Do all European countries accept British driving licences or is

it necessary to obtain an international driving licence? Where does one obtain this if it's necessary? A A current British...

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90,000-mile service DAF FT 2200 DU tractive unit

THE most popular model from DAF's UN range is the FT2200 DU 4x2 tractive unit and recently CM staff visited the company's UK...

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Does ACAS have the answer to the dockland troubles?

by John Darker, AMBIM WHEN Mr A. G. Johnson — deputising for Mr Jim Mortimer — spoke about the Advisory Conciliation and...

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Optical digital tacho

A new optical tachometer providing a digital read-out has been introduced by Graham and White Instruments. The speed Of shafts...

Concrete road rafts

Concrete rafts designed to be laid over unprepared roads or tracks to provide easier going for trucks or plant are now marketed...

Weather seals

Industrial weather-seals designed to maintain the environmental condition of any premises whenever loading doors are opened for...

Pallet truck

Sold in the UK by Reddey Mechanieal Handling the Wagner EFU pallet truck 'is available with a choice of two drive motors. The...

New chain hoist

For light pick-up trucks a new battery-powered chain hoist has been introduced by the Elephant Chain Block Company. Lifting...

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False permits

Great publicity has recently been given to the amount of false permits used by British operators abroad and the action being...

Anti-lock: it was not such a shock

May I suggest two possible reasons for the large number of applications of the Sleidchek anti-lock system during its road...

Drivers take note

As you may be aware, there has been a ban on lorries exceeding 21 tons unladen passing through the Highgate Village area in...

Spring-brake dangers

Reference has been made recently in the technical press to replacement springbrake assemblies which are available to replace...