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M ANY knowledgeable people in the road transport industry have little doubt that the Transport Bill will, if it be passed into...
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E LSEWHERE in this issue we give our readers details of a road test carried out With a vehicle powered by a petrol-injection...
A Note of Apprecia11UHEN a Bradford Corpora tion for a Bus Driver's " tion bus reached its ter Efforts minus during the period...
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That spring will lighten the suspense. That the wheels of God and industry grind slowly. That the extra hour of light has...
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-rHE problem of whether vehicles 1 which have been operated under Defence Permits should now be granted full-term licences was...
A N undertaking that the British Transport Commission would not undercut the independent haulier, so long as his rates were...
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A WARNING against complacency on the part of C-licensees was given by Major H. E Crawfurd, A.F.C., vicepresident of the...
WHEN Joseph Nixon and Richard W Davison, of Simonburn, both farmers, also trading as Nixon and Co., haulage contractors, were...
U ISEFUL to the maintenance man in ■ •••/ charge of vehicle electrical systems is a new book in the Modern Car Easy Guide...
H IGHWAY authorities are being asked by the Minister of Transport to 6o-operate with him in a drive to free toll roads and...
A LL industrial concerns operating a five-day week are urged by the transport committee of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce to...
'TWO recent publications of the 1 Timber Development Association, 75, Cannon Street, London, E.C.4, will be of interest to...
D UNDEE Transport Committee has approved a three-year plan for improving the city's transport services, the cost of which will...
were reported at the annual general meeting of the Institute of Traffic Administration, in Leicester, last Saturday (March 29)....
H AULlERS whose businesses are not likely to be acciaired under the. Transport Bill are being asked by Mr. E. A. Whitehead, of...
Edinburgh, at 7.45 p.m., to-night (April 4), will be Lord John Hope. The meeting will be under the auspices of the North...
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MR. S. D. ALESBURY has been appointed general manager of Auto Transmissions, Ltd. Upper York Street. Coventry. MR. H. WEEDY,...
T O make the company's trading name more appropriate to the varied business activities carried on, the title of the Gandy Belt...
B ECAUSE of the shortage of raw materials, the Nuffield Organisation has had to postpone the manufacture of the Nuffield...
A T an early date it is the intention of the Minister of Transport to revoke the Motor Vehicles (Authorisation of Special...
buses for Bit'. ‘.....tningham Corporation have been placed with Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd. (175 chassis). Leyland...
FINAL journeys on Salford's tram' way system were operated last Monday (March 31), and on Tuesday new bus services were...
new president of the National Road Transport Federation, Lord Wootton. P.C., C.H., said that those upon whom fell the...
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A REPRESENTATIVE of the Walpamur Manufacturing Co., at Darwen, supporting an application by F. Wearing and Co., of Blackburn,...
Road 'Transport Association that during this year a considerable increase in membership has been secured, . and this is...
of the Institut I of Road Transport Engineers, Mr. G. Mackenzie Junnei, M.I.A.E., gave a lantern lecture on -Swedish road...
A LTHOUGH there are no opportunities for sponsored, broadcasting by advertisers in this country, the appeal of recorded sound...
B RADFORD vehicles have been exported to over 70 countries, from China in the east to Vancouver in the west, and from Cape Town...
r ryNEMOUTH Cleansing Committee I has accepted additional tenders for the hire of vehicles in the year ending March 24, 1948,...
A NEW 45-page publication on the temperature sensitive bi-metals (Thermometals) produced by the H. A. Wilson Co. in U.S.A., has...
1VIORE than 1,000.000 new keys came LV/ into use on April 1, when the road-side telephone box services of the Royal Automobile...
/112. J R. CLYNES, firmer Labour IVI Cabinet Minister, an wering greetings on his 78th birthday, on March 27 made a plea for...
O VER 250 vehicles, stretching for half a mile, took part in an anti-nationalization demonstration organized by the Nottingham...
(IF all the many praiseworthy efforts ' 'kJ to overcome the difficulties caused by the recent snow, frost, fogs, ice, gales and...
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Danish Govern ment fixed maximum rates for road haulage, one level for Copenhagen and another, slightly lower, for the rest of...
A NEW tool designed for eitracting studs is being made by E. R. Varney, Ltd., 281, Western Bank, Sheffield, 10, and distributed...
remis sion of vehicle taxation to be granted to transport companies in cases where their lorries have been inoperative for...
A PROFUSELY illustrated volume, "Internal Combustion Engines," has been published by Odhams Press, Ltd., at 9s. 6d. Although...
Executives Speak tip \/OMEN transport executives came VV into their own when the Women's Traffic Club of Great Britain held a...
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viean INEFFICIENCY How the Adverse Effects of Low-temperature Running May be Overcome. The Appltcation of Steam Cooling to...
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• Makes a Promise By Our Legal Adviser T HE debate on the Commission's charging powers will interest those who escape the...
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I N 1937 a French-Canadian haulier, Mr. Camille Arehambault, became perturbed by the " wildcatting " practices of operators in...
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-'HE value 01 the articulated vehicle 1 for the distribution of packet foods is excellently demonstrated by the delivery...
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A New Pyrene Crash Tender, Based on the Bedford QL Four-wheel -drive Chassis, Delivers Foam from Two Lines at 2,500 g.p.m. for...
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a Petrol injection Untt. Overdrive Gear Ratio Employed on Latest 14-15-tonner Excellent Acceleration and High Average Speeds...
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ALTERNATIVE FUELS? By Capt. J. B. Walton, M.I.A.E., Chief Engineer, S.P.D., Ltd. D URING the past decade immense strides have...
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OUR BRAVE, NEW, PREFABRICATED' WORLD MAY I say how much I enjoyed Alex H. "v" Lashbrooke's " Not To-day," published in your...
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P ASSENGER fares must be increased in New South Wales if the tram, trolleybus and bus services are to become solvent...
T HIRTY-SIX questions bri transport figured in a quiz at the Yorkshire Transport Society's March meeting, at Bradford.. Mr....
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COACH HIRE Assistance for the Operator Whose Fleet is Divided Between All-the-year and Seasonal Work. Rates for Theatre Trips...
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Compact Reduction Gear for Battery-electrics A HIGH-REDUCTION gear, suitable for connecting an electric motor to a road wheel,...