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T HIS being the first issue of The Commercial Motor for 1940, it may be of interest briefly to summarize those matters which...
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That some complaints as to exceptionally low mileages on Pool petrol may be put down to fuel pilferage. That consumption may...
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THE suggestion that Holland (Lin colnshire) hauliers " want their heads knocking together because they have no interest in...
AEMBERS of the Liverpool Carters Mand Motormen's Union, on Sunday last, rejected by a small majority a proposal to tender...
permission to Young's Express Deliveries, Ltd., the haulagecontracting concern of Gordon Street, Paisley, to carry out a scheme...
particularly in Doncaster and district, will be considered at a meeting of operators on Sunday next, January 7, in the Danum...
I T is suggested by the Standing Joint Committee that any member of an association whose business is suffering because of the...
A LTHOUGH the figures relating to the registrations of new vehicles are not now officially issued by the Ministry of Transport,...
MITI-I its customary enterprise the W Cleethorpes Gas Co. is now demonstrating the first goods vehicle in the locality to be...
A S from Monday last (January 1), the headquarters of H. Viney and Co., Ltd., the well-known concern of haulage contractors and...
A NEW Part-year Licensing Order came into force on January 1. A licence may be taken out : (1) For any period commencing before...
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A S many as 40,000 German lorries will be running on gas in the first few days of January, declares the official German news...
E XPERIMENTS with a type of hollow . kerbstone, emitting a horizontal light on to the road surface, which should prove a real...
F INCHLEY A.R.P. Committee .1' recently considered a communication from the Home Office (Fire Brigades Division) stating that,...
W E learn that the Scottish Motor Traction Co., 'Ltd., has been appointed distributor for Scotland, Cumberland and Westmorland...
T HE net pro fi t of the United Service Transport Co., Ltd., in the year ended September 30 last, was 217,506, compared with...
THE motor mart of Messrs. Goddard and Smith, at. 70, Seymour Place, Bryanston Square, London, W.1, which was requisitioned as...
Fruehauf Trailer Co. will shortly place on the market a new line of stainless-steel commercial trailers. According to the...
various operators, previously unattached, have joined the joint organization, states the annual report of the C.M.U.A. and East...
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. D EFERENCE to the margin of profit on war work done by the company was made by Capt. Allan G. Kyle 'ben presiding at last...
I again brought along the old winter trouble of cracked water jackets. Operators who have experienced this nuisance will be...
is responsible for the 1 loperation or maintenance of a Dennis No. 2 trailer or portable pumping unit should be without a copy...
T HE Maharajah of Nabha, who recently left Sandhurst ,and who was to have returned to India to rule a population of 250,009...
W E are informed by Arthur Mulliner, Ltd., Bridge Street, Northampton,that the company has been appointed sole distributor for...
T HE distribution of Sunbeam electric vehicles in Lancashire and Cheshire has been placed in the hands of Tom Garner, Ltd.,...
interesting system of ventilation for the driver's cab has been incorporated in the coachwork designed and built by the South...
accommodation for vehicles in the service of the cleansing department at a cost of 27,360.
QEVERAL pages of a new Osram catalogue just issued by the General Electric Co., Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2,...
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' N congratulating The Commercial Motor on the article ' s Getting the Best Out of the Paraffin-engined Farm Tractor," which...
A NEW product of Messrs. Pickard and Wild, The Motor Mart, Dale Street, Brighouse, is a 5-cwt. generalpurpose trailer of the...
T O encourage the manufacture and sale of passenger vehicles and lorries running on charcoal gas, the Italian Government has...
IF your newsagent has not been in the Ihabit of regularly delivering or reserving The Commercial Motor for you, you should, to...
L ONDON TRANSPORT has just completed the busiest year in its history. The public knows something of the emergency works and the...
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ANY schemes for protecting IVIengines from harm in cold weather have been devised. They vary from the simple expedient of...
1 : :acticable overall length and a low loading level cornr achieve a high degree of manceuvrabilitv, the shortest bined with...
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Fleet of Scammell Three-wheelers with Detachable Refuse Bodies of 6-8 cubic yards Capacity and Powered by Perkins Engines, for...
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URSTS AND FRACTURES Mean Big Tyre - mileage Losses C ONCUSSION bursts and ftsctures are among the ..nalor causes of carcase...
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I N discussions on the relations between road and rail it is frequently assumed that, in pre-mechanical transport days,...
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D ERE Fellow Knights of the Road, At this time of year yoors trooly can't help remembering the memorial utterance made by Old...
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TRIALS with a producer-gas lorry I have been carried out in French West Africa with the object of determining (a) the...
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Trailers and Semi-trailers of Special Interest That Have Bean Recently Built By This Company For Purposes of a Commercial...
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In a Recent Interview the President of the Board of Trade, Mr. Oliver Stanley, Clarifies Certain Points Which Have Puzzled...
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WE have set aside one of our petrol pumps for the YY exclusive use of our own commercial vehicles running on general transport...
T HEprice to-day of a specially prepared anthracite for gas producers, put up in 56-lb. bags, iS 60s. per ton at the colliery....
letter from Dr. C. Hewitt Tv Anderson, published in our issue dated December 23, and referring to the provision of hot water...
.Y OUR article eulogizing the R.A.S.C., which I presume you published at the request of the War Offi&, coupled with Sir Malcolm...
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as to the cheapest rate at which 1 could run a workpeople's service. This would have to bear the whole cost of operation as no...
THE Admiral Graf Spec, which• has been so much in the news of late, is the most recent of the Itree German 10,000-ton "pocket...
your issue of December 9 appeared a small notice I to the effect that a certain gas-producer vehicle was to be put through a...
A LTHOUGH I have been a regular reader of your paper for many years, this is the first time I have had to ask your advice. It...
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GLASGOW BUS EMPLOYEES CENSURED D ISCIPLINARY action has been taken against more than 3,000 bus and tram drivers and conductors...
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Facing up to the Probl of Converting Miseellana Charges Into an Equival, Flat Rate Solving the Problems of the Carrier T HIS...
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DATENT No. 514,917 shows a braking system in which compressed air is the actuating force, although the transmission is by...