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T HE problems for road transport operators—attendant upon the ever-increasing competition for road space in our over-burdened...
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T HE managing director of the Dunlop Rubber CO.. Ltd., was born with transport in his blood. Sir Eric was his father, a...
All Right Jack? T RECOMMEND for the attention of the executive committee I of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition the...
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W HILE completion of the £130 m. merger announced last week between Ind Coope, Tetley Walker and Ansells "will have no...
T HE crest of the City of Bristol, which is painted on all vehicles owned by Bristol Omnibus Co., Ltd., may shortly disappear....
W HEN a witness supported an application for additional transport facilities he should be able to give details of specific...
A FILM of heavy abnormal load movements was shown to the Northern Licensing Authority, at Stockton-on-Tees last week, when...
I N the next 10 years transport would play an important part in improving and refining the organization of Wales, Mr. F. Blaise...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT E ARLY discussions on the Jack Report -1-:lare likely to take place between the Government...
A CASE described as being "of vital interest to all minibus drivers came before the Market Harborough magistrates last week,...
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MR. J. R. BAKER has been appointed district manager. Cardiff, for the India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. MR. JOIN PATERSON has...
T HE first vehicle of a total consignment of 24 complete single-deck buses being built for Karbala Transport Services, Iraq,...
U NDER an amendment to the Road Traffic Bill, which comes up for its second reading in the Lords this month, learner-drivers of...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent THE increase in the number of prosecutions in cases of lorry drivers working excessive...
" W E do not admit that if drivers occasionally exceed the speed limit it necessarily means that they are driving carelessly."...
A NEW depot and warehouse was officially opened in Norwich last week by East Anglian Carriers, Ltd. The opening ceremony was...
'THE difficulties of an applicant who had purchased two small vans with a special A licence from a dealer and then sought to...
QTRONG objection from independents and the B.T.C. to an application by R. G. Tait and Sons, Haydon Bridge, to switch nine...
LTD., one of the Tilling Group of bus companies, have made a take-over bid for the Llandudno mid Colwyn Bay Electric Railway...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT MEW talks to prevent the threatened strike of 100,000 provincial busmen employed by private...
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MORMAL hiring was indicative of need and hauliers should not be made to impose undue strain on their own vehicles before...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE Ministry of Transport are likely to tone down the promised regulations to govern more...
Bolton Gate Co., Ltd.. manufacturers of collapsible gates and doors, are converting three former cotton mills adjacent to their...
A LTHOUGH the case attracted 31 objectors from the surrounding area, Gerrard Transport (Liverpool), Ltd., were successful in...
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THE Central Transport Consultative Committee has not yet been asked by the Government to express its views on the White Paper...
B R1TA1N'S city traffic crisis will be probed by experts from six nations at an international symposium called "Urban Survival...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT I F the Government decides to introduce tolls on motorways—and its thoughts will be known...
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A NOTHER plea for urban motorways and improved trunk roads to serve Greater London was made by Mr. H. S. Andrews, county...
" PA A LBATROS" is the name of a new goods vehicle produced by the Spanish concern, Motores Sura S.A., of Barcelona, under a...
T ANKERS deliver all the milk to the new dairy of the Northern Dairies, Ltd., in Hull road, York, which was opened by the Lord...
-rim Minister of Transport has made I a grant of £154,350 to the London County Council towards the cost, estimated at £205,800,...
F IRESTONE TYRE AND RUBBER CO.'S two new factories in France will be operating this year. Output from the tyre plant at...
DRODUCTION has recently been started by The International Harvester Co. of Canada, Ltd., of two light commercial vehicles to...
N EW officers were elected, as follows, at a meeting of the Western area of the Road Haulage Association:— Area Livestock...
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RI EVISED requirements will apply to trolley vehicles submitted to the Ministry of Transport for approval after the issue of a...
A Bakewell, Derbyshire, Magistrates 1-1 . Court the Millington Haulage Co., Ltd., of Calver, Derbys, were fined a total of £129...
'THE Passenger Vehicle Operators I Association has moved its headquarters to 22 Upper Woburn Place, London, W.C.1 (phone:...
JET PETROLEUM, LTD., are considering sites on the North-East coast for the construction of an oil storage terminal to cost...
In. A REPORT on road and rail traffic bottlenecks in the Tees-side area has been submitted to the Tees-side and South-West...
S PECIAL test strips embodying a new road-making technique are being tried in the U.S.A. with the object of reducing surface...
T HE millionth Scottish-built Goodyear tyre was taken from its mould recently at the Glasgow plant of the company, which...
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T HE London firm of W. and R. Wallace Industries, Ltd., Pentonville Road, Islington. were fined £10 with 20 gns. costs at...
which would enable them to earn an estimated £24,000 a year, was made at Manchester by G. Reyner (Transport), Ltd., who asked...
T "plans by Albion Motors, Ltd., to build a factory in the Vale of Leven are in abeyance because they cannot come to terms With...
XPEN DITU RE incurred in road improvements in 1958 averaged £1.11 per sq. ft.: it was £1.68 in urban areas and £0.83 in rural...
THERE is still a scarcity of tippers in I Lanarkshire because of the volume of construction work now being done in central...
Start 11 t IOTTINGHAM'S rainbow parking scheme was put into operation on April I. Under the scheme, waiting is banned...
virJHAT the T.R.T.A. objects to is VY discrimination against commercial vehicles, said Mr. G. F. Page at the annual meeting of...
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by A SPEC", CORRESPONDENT A RE incentive payments a waste of time? It is not a question to which an easy answer can be put....
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An Analysis from the Trader's Point of View of the Effects of the Proposed Peak-hour Clearway in West London, and of Their...
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OR OMEN? Unincorporated Transport Associations Could Be Considered a Menace to Aand B-Licensees by G. Duncan Jewell A LL the...
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An Up-to-the-minute Warehouse Fully Equipped with the Most Advanced Mechanical Handling Aids, Pius a New Approach to the...
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A NEW version of their Lorry Loader crane has recently been introduced )5, R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd., a member if the Steel...
outer covers is claime,d when using ie Universal vulcanizers now available om Romac Industries, Ltd., The Hyde, endon, N.W.9....
Co. (London). .Ltd., Wiggie Works, Redhill, Surrey, now produce a pack containing a set of their anti-corrosion products. A tin...
Spire speed nuts is now available from Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., 7 Cleveland Row, London, S.W.I. All recent additions to...
motorways and by-pass roads are a feature of the new Dunlop touring atlas of the British isles, recently published, A complete...
THE latest catalogue from Kalai (Elec1 trical and Plastics), Ltd., Granbourne Road, Potters Bar, Middlesex, shows the current...
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U.K.-U.S.A. Link-up Augurs Increased Use of Containers for British Traffic GGr iONTAINERIZATION " is an American word with, at...
I Pearson, Ltd., Tower House, Southampton Street, London, W.C.2, a subsidiary of George Newnes, Ltd., will be of interest to...
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Political C0112111elltarY By JANUS L EG1SLATION often presents a harmless appearance at first. The new Road Traffic Bill...
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M Y lifelong ambition has been to have my own haulage or coach-hiring business. I have no intentions of amassing a fortune from...
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— is the View of the Manager of the Successful Road Transport Subsidiary of a Deep Sea Fishing Group Operating Out of Hull AR...
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Highest Monthly Total for Nine Months R EGISTRATIONS of new commercial vehicles in January, at 27,184, represented a good...
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Court Decision Emphasizes Responsibility of Trailer Users By A Legal Correspondent A RECENT decision of the Queen's r -...
rOMPRESSIvIORE %-• refuse collection bodies, based on Thames Trader 55 chassis, are being supplied to the Department of Public...
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Planning The Desire to Enter the Road Transport Industry Should Not for Profit Be Allowed to Minimize the True Overall Cost of...
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IN suspension systems employing air I cushions, it is important that they be relieved of all stresses other than direct...
O NE of the aims of a power-steering control mechanism shown in patent No. 860,427 is to give the driver " feel." Other...
'THE use of springs for closing valves I has its limits and for high-speed engines, proposals have often been made to open and...
T HREE patents, numbered 861,753, 861,754 and 861,755, deal with improvements in injection pumps. The chief feature is that the...
A SUSPENSION system disclosed in r - k patent No. 861,127 makes use of coil springs and compressed-air bellows. The aim is to...