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M OTORISTS advocate the clearing of buses and commercial vehicles from city-centre roads; bus operators advocate the banning of...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A BALANCED transport system with . 1-1 proper priorities for investment, and a reasonable...
" L'OR the time being, what is being I done in the social field for transport workers depends very much on the requirements of...
T WO local members of Parliament— Mr. Jeremy Thorpe (Liberal, North Devon) and Mr. Percy Browne (Cons., Torrington) were the...
to the President, the Board of Trade its report on fffe supply of electrical equipment for motor vehicles.
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of British Railways, particularly as it will operate if the Beechin g Plan is finally adopted, the Institute of Traffic...
that U.K. demand for petroleum products in 1962 was 10.6 per cent hi g her than in 1961. Excluding bunkers for ships en g a g...
I N the year endin g March 31 last, C.I.E., the Eire State transport company, had an operatin g loss even g reater than the...
T HE police at Kin g 's Lynn, Norfolk. have introduced a new system under which lorries parked overnight in unofficial parkin g...
of dan g erous goods by rail have recently been revised. The En g lish translation of the new edition (price £1) can be...
IN connection with a country-wide I expansion scheme of Jet Petroleum Ltd., new stora g e cylinders for butane g as for...
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A RANGE Of semi-trailers is now in full production at Highway Trailers (Great Britain) Ltd. Straight-frame models consist of...
NAAJOR point of discussion at the first 1VL meeting of the T.R.T.A.'s newly formed highways and traffic committee was the...
vehicle types to have been produced by the American Four Wheel Drive concern is a 30-tongross eight-wheeler of decidedly...
Escorting Big Loads I -1 A SHORT debate is to he held in the Commons about police escorts for large loads on the road—and on...
THE regulations saying that pedestrian' controlled vehicles are not motor vehicles received a set-back in their progress...
A ROAD TEST of the Yorkshire Litterlifter, special articles on fire " appliances for off-the-road work, the bulk handling of...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT ON DON TRANSPORT chiefs are expected to approach leaders of its busmen shortly and propose...
C OVENTRY City Council's transport committee has confirmed that it proposes that buses are to be bought from outside the city....
(NE of London's 72-seater Route master buses left Chiswick last Saturday on the first stage of a 1,250mile Continental journey....
I announced that the Transport and General Workers' Union had withdrawn its proposal that bus crews should "work to rule ",...
DARK ROYAL VEHICLES LTD. is to I build 20 single-deck bus bodies on a new Leyland chassis of horizontal underfloor...
THE Council of the Institute of Trans' port announces that the B.E.T. Road Passenger Transport Award, hitherto available for...
Co. Ltd., United Automobile Services Ltd., and the Venture Transport Co., which operate in the north east, are to seek higher...
is to apply to the Northern Traffic Commissioners for increases in the lower ranges of fares. The company wishes to increase...
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nUNDEE transport committee has remitted to the manager, Mr. W. L. Russell, a proposal that the employees in the department be...
P ROTECTION ought to be extended to an existing operator of specialized vehicles, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D....
D IFFTCULTIES that might arise in consequence of the withdrawal from the traffic courts of the railways' legal representation...
buyers in the south of England was one of the factors which prompted an application by Mr. A. Brown, Tunstall, before the West...
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LL ARGEST application notified this week is in the North West area, where Walsh Transport (Bolton) Ltd. has requested a...
APPLICATIONS (May 29, 1963) Blue Band Motors, Carlisle, A var., add I veh. (341). Fruit, textiles, eggs, millboard, tinned...
APPLICATIONS (May 31, 1963) J. E. Brookes, Alsager, new 13 tic., 8 veh. (2940. Roadrnaking mats., excavation mats., building...
APPLICATIONS liMaY 30, 1963) E. IL Slott, Blimp, A var., add 3 art. (1510. Enamelware for Allied Ironfounders Ltd.. Elston,...
APPLICATIONS tMay 29, 19631 Philip Smith (Beeston) Ltd.,. Preston (Notts), A var.. add 6 veh. (25t 1(k). (Tf granted 6 veh....
APPLICATIONS (June 5, 1963) B. Hhiebliffe, Brighouse. new A fie., 2 veh. (71). Road and building plan land mats. West Riding...
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APPLICATIONS (May 29, 19631 B . J. DalUnwire, Newport (Mon), new A lie., 2 T. (850. Stones and quarry mats., for Monmouthshire...
T HE Mithpax Meat Haulage case, after intermittent hearings at Leeds throughout winter and spring, before Mr. J. H. E....
APPLICATIONS (May 30. 1963) Herberts (Islington) Lid., N.I6. A var.. add 4 veh. (61 Sc), G.g., G.B. (If granted contract A lie,...
APPLICATIONS (May 28, 1963) D. E. Mullett, Stalbridge (Dorset), new A tic.. 5 veh. (14t /60. Provisions within 200 miles'....
Broughty Ferry, to take over the tours and excursion licences presently operated by William Ferrier, Broughty Ferry, was...
T WO applications to convert 15 contract A vehicles to A licence were successful at Chester last Friday. Williams Bros....
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(MI Group), has been appointed managing director as from June I. He succeeds R. A. Robert F. Sorrs, C.B., who, a year ago,...
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r-INE of the principal exhibits to be featured by Rubery, Owen and Co. Ltd., at the International Construction Equipment...
be offered in the range of small city and suburban haulage vehicles produced by the Reo Motor Truck Division of the White Motor...
and Premier Automobiles Ltd., Bombay, covers the manufacture under licence in India of the Meadows 4DC330 automobile diesel...
lated bus referred to on page 43 of our May 17 issue is to be produced by Berliet as a result of a licensing agreement between...
in the coach-building industry was announced last week. It will affect some 20,000 workers. Under the agreement, reached with...
A LBION MOTORS LTD. has won I -1 orders worth more than Elm, which should ensure work for its 3,000. employees for the...
Latest addition to the National Benzole Company's road tanker fleet is this 3,000-gal.-capacity model designed by the company's...
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T HE recommendation, reported in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor, of the Belfast Corporation Transport Department to...
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A HYDRAULIC pipe bender called the Rota press which has been introduced by Chamberlain Industries Ltd., Staffa Works, Argall...
rEATURES of Flink air-powered hand grinders which are now being imported from Sweden by Power Tools (Specialists) Ltd., Henley...
A HYDRAULIC version of the £ -- X Powapak body repair outfit is now available from J. W. Pickavant and Co. Ltd., Bow Street,...
A N electrolyte additive for all types of lead-acid battery, including traction batteries, which is claimed to eliminate...
THE second edition of the Goods 1. Vehicle Yearbook, which is now available from Modern Transport Publishing Co. Ltd., 3-16...
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I NFORMATION on the repair and overhaul of Morris petrol and diesel engines made between 1945 and the present time is given in...
A RECENT publication costing 3s. rA should prqve informative and a quick means of reference for transport operators. It is...
a net I—I increase of more than half a million motor vehicles. Placed bumper to bumper the line would stretch for a thousand...
A A MEANS of automatically adjusting an air-pressure brake so as to increase the line pressure with an increase of load is...
916,516 Clayton Dewandre Co. Ltd., Titanic Works, Lincoln. Fluid-pressure operated servomotor for brakes. The chief point is an...
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I WAS saddened to hear of a delegate to the recent Institute of Traffic Administration conference at Plymouth who got up and...
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Mixed Views on Vexed Question Not all customers will be asked to pay another 5 per cent nNCE bitten, twice shy, seems to be...
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New Companies: Vauxhall/Bedford sales and service facilities in Austria and Italy take a major step forward with the formation...
has ordered 18 more Reliance single-deck buses for service in Londonderry, following the successful operation of 12 similar...
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H IGH payload capacity, robust chassis construction, good handling, first-class cab—these are some of the striking impressions...
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I F you have the stamina of a horse, the patience of a saint, an aptitude for picking up foreign languages; if you are fond of...
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Younger Ones T HINGS have altered a lot in the road transport world compared with 30 or 35 years ago, when many of the fleet...
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The editor is always pleased to receive letters on all aspects of the road transport industry. Contributors must include their...
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nOUBLE distinction was achieved by G. McCloy (Quick Lee Cleaners Ltd.), Bedford, when he became overall winner of the Lorry...
and from 20.5 cwt.: I. G. McCloy (Qu:cle Lee Cleaners Ltd.). Bedford, 115 Penalty points; 2. J. Drumm (S.P.D. Ltd.). Commer....
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WRITES The haulier should as a matter of course follow his association's lead on rates' T HE effect of a public statement,...
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A RURAL district council states that it is very perturbed at the increasing number of accidents to its vehicles and asks for...
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Cameron Plant and Transport 1.00. Cap. f101). Dies.; D. Cameron, 45 Ottways Lane. Asbtead: 1. R. Cockburn, 9/ Ashley Road,...